00 Alc reference voltage 14.1M 14.1M USB 131 01 146M BPF center voltage Main 146M 145.99M USB 160 02 Variable capacitor voltage 142M 142.00M USB 130 03 Variable capacitor voltage 144 144.00M USB 141 04 Variable capacitor voltage 148M 148.10M USB 172 05 Variable capacitor voltage 152M 151.90M USB 227 06 435M BPF center voltage main 440M 440.00M USB 145 07 variable capacitor voltage 450M 449.80M USB 176 08 variable capacitor voltage 430M 430.00M USB 119 09 variable capacitor voltage 420M 420.00M USB 071 10 146M BPF center voltage Sub 146M 146.00M FM 90 11 variable capacitor voltage 118M 118.00M FM 004 12 variable capacitor voltage 132M 132.00M FM 037 13 variable capacitor voltage 160M 160.00M FM 146 14 variable capacitor voltage 174M 173.90M FM 254 15 440M BPF center voltage TX 435M 435.10M USB 131 16 Variable capacitor voltage 420M 420.10M USB 036 17 Variable capacitor voltage 440M 439.99M USB 151 18 Variable capacitor voltage 450M 449.90M USB 253 19 Variabke capacitor voltage HF-TX 14M 14.1M USB 120 20 10.695M IF filter window 10.695M 1.83M USB 140 21 455K filter window 455K 1.83M USB 090 -->22 SSB IF Gain SSB START 14.2M USB 137 ---> 90 CAMBIO 23 SSB s1 SSB S1 14.2M USB 70 24 SSB S9 SSB S9 14.2M USB 255 25 SSB S-full scale SSB S FULL 14.2M USB 450 26 FM s1 FM S1 29.2M FM 041 27 FM s full scale FM FULL 29.2M FM 70 ---------- Adjust For S Meter Receiving On Full Signal On 10 & 11 Mtr Bands For FM Receiving -- -->28 SSB if gain SSB START 50.2M USB 197 --> 100 CAMBIO To Adjust Use the Rf-gain button and when oke press the + Button Then Write eeprom. 29 SSB s1 SSB S1 50.2M USB 80 30 SSB S9 SSB S9 50.2M USB 257 31 SSB S full scale SSB S FULL 50.2M USB 466 32 FM s1 FM S1 50.2M FM 047 33 FM S full scale FM FULL 50.2M FM ---------Adjust For S Meter Receiving On Full Signal On 6 Mtr Bands For FM Receiving -- 077 --> 34 SSB IF gain SSB START 144.2M USB 107 --> 78 CAMBIO To Adjust Use the Rf-gain button and when oke press the + Button Then Write eeprom. 35 SSB S1 SSB S1 144.2M USB 67 36 SSB s9 SSB S9 144.2M USB 237 37 SSB s full scale SSB S FULL144.2M USB 407 38 FM s1 FM S1 145.8M FM 040 39 FM full scale FM FULL 145.8M FM 069 ----------- Adjust For S Meter Receiving On Full Signal On 2 Mtr Bands For FM Receiving -- 40 FM s1 sub FM S1 145.8M FM 054 41 FM full scale sub FM FULL 145.8M FM 082 -----Adjust For S Meter Receiving On Full Signal On 2 Mtr Bands For FM Receiving -- 42 am s1 AM S1 120.2M AM 043 !! For the SUB Band !! 43 am s full scale AM FULL 120.2M AM 063 --->44 SSB if gain SSB START 438.2M USB 064 45 SSB s1 SSB S1 438.2M USB 68 46 ssb s9 SSB S9 438.2M USB 237 47 ssb s full scale SSB S FULL438.2M USB 408 48 FM s1 FM S1 438.2M FM 036 49 FM s full scale FM FULL 438.2M FM 065 ------------ Adjust For S Meter Receiving On Full Signal On 70 Cm Mtr Bands For FM Receiving -- 50 FM s1 sub FM S1 438.2M FM 043 To Adjust Use the Rf-gain button and when oke press the + Button Then Write eeprom. 51 FM s full scale sub FM FULL 438.2M FM 071 ---> 52 SSB if gain SSB START 1270.2M USB 050 53 SSB s1 SSB S1 1270.2M USB 191 54 SSB s9 SSB S9 1270.2M USB 246 55 SSB s-full scale SSB S FULL1270.2M USB 285 56 FM s1 FM S1 1270.2M FM 056 57 fm s full scale FM FULL 1270.2M FM 081 58 Alt voltage CENTER 1270.2M FM 00 59 Alt voltage CENTER 148.8M FM 00 60 SQ threshold voltage FM 50.2M FM 72 61 SQ threshold voltage FM 145.8M FM 080 62 SQ tight voltage 144M FM 145.8M FM 029 63 SQ threshold voltage 144m FM 145.8M FM 071 64 SQ tight voltage 144m FM 145.8M FM 007 65 SQ threshold voltage 430m FM 438.2M FM 086 66 SQ threshold voltage 430m FM 438.2M FM 081 67 SQ threshold voltage 1200mhz FM 1270.2M FM 255 ---> 081 CAMBIO 68 Power poc Power meter 100W/20W 14.1M USB 162 ------------------- { This is the power Regular For All The Bands at Once } 69 Power poc power meter 50W/10W 14.1M USB 112 On Full power [ My Ts 2000 Wil Power up Max on 250 Watt !!! 70 Power poc power meter 25W/5W 14.1M USB 081 I have the radio now on 150 Watts And its Working Great !! 71 Power poc power meter 10W/2W 14.1M USB 054 72 Power poc power meter 5W/1W 14.1M USB 041 73 TX gain for band 1.8M 1.83M USB 120 ------ 74 TX gain for band 3.5M 3.51 USB 189 ------------ 75 TX gain for band 7M 7.01M USB 170 ---------- 76 TX gain for band 10M 10.1M USB 201 -------- 77 TX gain for band 14M 14.1M USB 182 --------- 78 TX gain for band 18M 18.1M USB 185 ----------- { These Are Adjust Regulars for when one of these bands after put power up 79 TX gain for band 21M 21.1M USB 151 --------------- not should have the correct power as other bands ! 80 TX gain for band 24M 24.9M USB 192 -------------- 81 TX gain for band 28M 28.1M USB 162 --------------- 82 TX gain for band 52M 50.1M USB 172 ----------------- 83 HF tx gain for power 50W/10W 14.1M USB 054 84 Hf tx gain for power 25W/5W 14.1M USB 071 85 Hf tx gain for power 10W/2W 14.1M USB 105 86 Hf tx gain for power 5W/1W 14.1M USB 138 87 ALC meter start START 14.1M USB 085 ------------------------------ 88 ALC meter zone max ZONE MAX 14.1M USB 106---------------- 89 FM modulation deviaton WIDE DEV 29.1M FM 044 90 FM modulation deviaton NARROW DEV29.1M FM 048 91 Power poc power meter 100W/20W 145.9M USB 163 ------------------- This is for the power up your power on 2.mtr Band on full power 92 Power poc power meter 50W/10W 145.9M USB 108 93 Power poc power meter 25W/5W 145.9M USB 072 94 Power poc power meter 10W/2W 145.9M USB 044 95 Power poc power meter 5W/1W 145.9M USB 032 96 TX gain for band 146M 145.9M USB 204 97 144m Tx gain for power 50W/10W 145.9M USB 055 98 144m Tx gain for power 25W/5W 145.9M USB 075 99 144m Tx gain for power 10W/2W 145.9M USB 113 100 144m Tx gain for power 5W/1W 145.9M USB 152 101 Power poc power meter 50W/20W 438.1M USB 159 ------------------ This is for the power up your power on 70.Cm Band on full power 102 Power poc power meter 25W/10W 438.1M USB 115 103 Power poc power meter 12,5W/5W 438.1M USB 081 104 Power poc power meter 5W/1W 438.1M USB 054 105 tx gain for band 440M 438.1M USB 087 106 440M tx gain for power 25W/10W 438.1M USB 058 107 440M tx gain for power 12.5W/5W 438.1M USB 083 108 440M tx gain for power 5W/1W 438.1M USB 124 109 Power poc power meter 10W 1270.1M USB 135 -----This is for the power up your power on 23 Cm Band When you have instald the modul ! 110 Power poc power meter 5W 1270.1M USB 096 111 Power poc power meter 2.5W 1270.1M usb 068 112 Power poc power meter 1W 1270.1M USB 049 113 Tx gain for 1,2 g band 1.2G 1240.1M USB 063 114 Tx gain for band 1.2G 1270.1M USB 050 115 Tx gain for 1,2 g band 1.2G 1299.9M USB 063 116 1,2g tx gain for power 2.5W 1270.1M USB 178 117 1,2g tx gain for power 1W 1270.1M USB 202 118 swp protection HF 14.1M CW 056 --------------- 119 swr meter vswr: 3.0 14M 14.1M FM 222 --------------- 120 swr meter vswr: 3.0 52M 50.1M CW 162 --------------- 121 swr protection 146M 145.9M CW 217 ---------------- These Settings are oke Do not Chance!! 122 swr protection 440M 438.1M CW 125 ---------------- 123 swr protection 1270.1 1270.1M CW 050 --------------- 124 EEPROM write ---------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT FORGET TO WRITE IF YOU CHANCE SOMETHING------- 125 CHECKSUM 126 Display check/activate ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT USE THE MAX POWER FOR ALL THE BANDS IT WILL DAMAGE YOUR RADIO !!!!!!! First Write the adjust Software !!!!!! Then When Ready The Orginal Software Back to the Radio These are Some expirience From Myself And it is realy Good working !!!! Every Time When you change somthing in the menu Do`nt forget to write down the orginal settings of your radio !!!! It Is realy important because when something is not working the way you like the change it again in orginal setting. Good Luck whit a littlebit Explenation For your Menu Settings ! 73`s MF06.