---------------------------------------------- | THIS SUMMARY IS ONLY FOR YOUR INFORMATION! | | UltimateEPC V0.8.3.2 (05 Feb 2009 09:31) | ---------------------------------------------- AFSPA: 9 pts with AF stations ASSPA: 7 pts with AS stations AUPA: 2/3 areas and 12 pts needed min 50 BEPA: 4 calls from 4/11 areas and 32/100 pts BEPA-BEEPC: 3/10 EPC members from 3 areas and 27/100 pts BEPA-FLANDERS: 2 calls from 2/5 areas and 12/50 pts BEPA-WALLONIA: 2 calls from 2/5 areas and 20/50 pts BQPA-BPSK31: 1022/1000 points BQPA-BPSK63: 0/1000 points BQPA-BPSK125: 0/1000 points BQPA-QPSK31: 0/1000 points BQPA-QPSK63: 0/1000 points BQPA-QPSK125: 0/1000 points CESA-I: 0/2 bands CESA-II: 0/4 bands CESA-III: 0/6 bands CPPA: 4/10 pfx CZPA: 7/5 areas and 231 pts needed min 250 pts CZPA-Bohemia: 5/9 bohemian areas and 225/500 points CZPA-Moravia: 2/5 moravian-silesian areas and 100/500 points CQPSK: 11 CQ zones ECSA : 2/100 pts EPC30: 0 pts needed min 100 EPC members EPCCRO-Bronze: 50/50 pts EPCCRO-EAST: 1/3 areas EPCCRO-NORTH: 3/3 areas EPCCRO-SOUTH: 0/4 areas EPCDL: 17/20 areas and 442 pts needed min 1000 EPCDL-EAST: 4/7 areas and 72/350 pts EPCDL-NORTH: 10/10 areas and 420/350 pts EPCDL-SOUTH: 3/10 areas and 54/350 pts EPCMA-DX: 165/100 WW-EPC-Members EPCMA-AF: 1/5 AF-EPC-Members EPCMA-AS: 2/15 AS-EPC-Members EPCMA-EU: 157/50 EU-EPC-Members EPCMA-NA: 5/20 NA-EPC-Members EPCMA-OC: 0/5 OC-EPC-Members EPCMA-SA: 0/10 SA-EPC-Members ESPANA: 10/12 areas ESPANA-España: 9/9 pfx EUAPA: 129 EU-Areas EUROPA: 20/25 EU member states with 122 qsos EUSPA: 283 EU Stations FRPA: 3 areas GRPA: 4/10 areas and 80 pts needed min 1000 pts IOPA: 2 IOTAs ITUPSK: 15 ITU zones MASTER: 0 Awards (0%) MGSPA: 93 Gridsquares MWCA-First: 180/150 pts NASPA: 21 pts with NA stations NLPA-NLPA: 7/100 stns from 2/12 NL areas NLPA-NLEPC: 20/1000 pts NLPA-NLEPA: 0/50 pts with 0/5 areas NLPA-NLSPA: 0/150 pts with 0/4 areas NLPA-NLWPA: 20/150 pts with 2/3 areas OCSPA: 0 pts with OC stations PHASE: 48 DXCCs PHPA: 213 Prefixes POGA-GRAT: 1/4 subareas POGA-GRCG: 0/5 areas POGA-GRCM: 2/7 areas POGA-GRCR: 0/4 areas POGA-GREM: 1/5 areas POGA-GREP: 0/4 areas POGA-GRIO: 0/4 areas POGA-GRMA: 0/1 area POGA-GRNA: 0/3 areas POGA-GRPN: 0/5 areas POGA-GRSA: 0/2 areas POGA-GRTS: 0/4 areas POGA-GRWG: 0/3 areas POGA-GRWM: 0/4 areas PSKFA-PSK63F: 0/1000 points PSKFA-PSK125F: 0/1000 points PSKFA-PSK220F: 0/1000 points PTPA-AZPA: 0/3 Island Groups from Azores PTPA-CPLPA: 1/3 CPLP PTPA-PECSA: at least one CT EPC clubstation is still missing PTPA-PIPA: 0/5 IOTAs PTPA-PPXPA: 3pfx wrkd, min. of 10 pfx needed PTPA-PTPA: 2 areas SASPA: 0 pts with SA stations UKPA: 11/100 areas from the United Kingdom UKPA-BDPA: 1/3 areas from the British Crowndependencies UKPA-ENPA: 7/30 areas from England UKPA-NIPA: 2/10 areas from Northern Ireland UKPA-SCPA: 1/10 areas from Scotland UKPA-WLPA: 0/10 areas from Wales WACPA-Basic: 4/6 continents worked WACPA-5-Band: 10/30 continents worked WACPA-WARC: 0/18 continents worked WACPA-160M: 0/6 continents worked WACPA-80M: 2/6 continents worked WACPA-40M: 4/6 continents worked WACPA-30M: 0/6 continents worked WACPA-20M: 4/6 continents worked WACPA-17M: 0/6 continents worked WACPA-15M: 0/6 continents worked WACPA-12M: 0/6 continents worked WACPA-10M: 0/6 continents worked WACPA-6M: 0/6 continents worked