Como muchos ya sabréis, estos días (del 12 al 19 de agosto) se está celebrando en Sudáfrica la reunión de la IARU Región 1.
Al respecto de esta reunión, se pudo leer en el acta de la reunión de junta directiva del 9 de Marzo lo siguiente:
Escribió:Se estudia la propuesta de EA1ASC de que se lleve a la consideración de la Conferencia de la IARU Región 1 una modificación de los concursos de la IARU Región 1 de V-U-Microondas, acordando que la URE haga suya la propuesta y la presente a la próxima Conferencia, que tendrá lugar en Sudáfrica los días 12 al 19 de agosto de este año.Se acepta así mismo la petición de EA5DY de que la URE siga manteniendo ante los organismos de la IARU la postura de cambio de las bases del Campeonato de HF de la IARU, ya manifestada anteriormente.
Por último, en relación con dicha Conferencia, se acuerda que acudan dos vocales en representación de la URE.
Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de temas a tratar allí, y su importancia:
Escribió:SC11_C5_ 01 Secretary List of Papers
SC11_C5_ 02 Chairman Agenda
SC11_C5_ 03 Chairman Minutes of C3 meeting (to be produced in Conference)
SC11_C5_ 04 Chairman Chairman’s Report
SC11_C5_ 05 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B08 Tone Reports
SC11_C5_ 06 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B12 Beacon Message
SC11_C5_ 07 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B04 50 MHz Meteor Scatter Usage
SC11_C5_ 08 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B21 Unmanned stations in the 70 cm band
SC11_C5_ 09 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B16 Organising IARU Region 1 Contest
SC11_C5_ 10 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B13 VHF Contest Rules 5.3.6
SC11_C5_ 11 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B18 Introducing a Rover class
SC11_C5_ 12 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B24 10 minute rule
SC11_C5_ 13 Chairman Ratification of paper VIE10_C3_B01 Threatening Developments at 2 300 – 2 400 MHz
SC11_C5_ 14 OeVSV 6m Band Plan after moving beacons in 2012
SC11_C5_ 15 OeVSV MGM Calling Frequency IONO/F2 DX
SC11_C5_ 16 OeVSV D-Star in Italy using SAT-Band
SC11_C5_ 17 OeVSV Amateur Spectrum Matters on 23 cm Band
SC11_C5_ 18 UBA 144 MHz band plan: allowance for cross band activity
SC11_C5_ 19 UBA A quality label for VHF contest programs
SC11_C5_ 20 UBA Clearing up some interpretation differences due to translation of the ATV contest rules in other languages
SC11_C5_ 21 UBA Correction of the 23 cm band plan with respect to repeater frequencies
SC11_C5_ 22 UBA High-speed data feeds in the top segment of the 23 cm band
SC11_C5_ 23 UBA Introducing a Rover class in the UHF/SHF and microwave contests
SC11_C5_ 24 UBA Report about correction of the IARU 50 MHz Contest
SC11_C5_ 25 CRC IARU R1 Contest rules modification
SC11_C5_ 26 CRC 144 MHz All mode segment during the major VHF contests
SC11_C5_ 27 REF Amateur Radio Band Frequencies Management
SC11_C5_ 28 VERON Penalties in IARU VHF-UHF Contest Logs
SC11_C5_ 29 VERON Fallback Band plan for 1 296 MHz Band
SC11_C5_ 30 EDR Introduction of a 1 minute mixed beacon mode (CW & MGM
SC11_C5_ 31 EDR Pharus Ignis 4 - PI4
SC11_C5_ 32 EDR Establishment of a genuine IARU Region 1, 70 MHz band plan
SC11_C5_ 33 EDR Relocation of the 50 MHz cross band frequency
SC11_C5_ 34 URE Invalidation of unique QSOs for contests
SC11_C5_ 35 NRRL QSO Definition
SC11_C5_ 36 DARC Additional 2 m Digital Voice Channels
SC11_C5_ 37 DARC Modifications in segment 430,000 – 431,
SC11_C5_ 38 DARC Addition of the CTCSS frequency 67 Hz in table FM.2.1
SC11_C5_ 39 DARC Use of CTCSS Sub Audio Tones for Analogue Repeater Control
SC11_C5_ 40 DARC Modification of 6 m Band Plan
SC11_C5_ 41 RSGB 134 GHz Operation and Band Plan
SC11_C5_ 42 RSGB 1 298 – 1 300 MHz Band Plan
SC11_C5_ 43 RSGB Beacon Guidance
SC11_C5_ 44 RSGB VHF Handbook Satellite Chapter
SC11_C5_ 45 RSGB Microwave Band Plan Updates
SC11_C5_ 46 RSGB Microwave Contest Multipliers
SC11_C5_ 47 USKA Stop changes to the Beacon Band on 50 MHz and discuss a New Band Plan
SC11_C5_ 48 USKA Coordination of Ground Stations for Educational Space Satellite Projects of Universities
SC11_C5_ 49 Chairman Contest Evaluation Tool
SC11_C5_ 50 EmcomWG Emergency Communications Frequency Usage at
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