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Rebote en Venus !!!...
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Rebote en Venus !!!!!!!

Mensajes: 7868
#4018  - 28 marzo, 2009 16:42 


Al parecer, se ha conseguido por primera vez transmitir y recibir rebotando en Venus !!!

Lo han hecho unos colegas alemanes desde el radio observatorio de Bochum.


Mas informacion en;

> Hi James, Rik, Alberto and the group,
> Yes an impressive distance.. even though the ERP was a bit above the usual value for amateur radio on 13 cm. AMSAT-DL has applied for, and been granted, a special permission for this experiment which expires at the end of this year.
> The *principle* was simple:
> - send a 5 minute carrier on 2.45x GHz, then
> - receive for 5 minutes, remove impulse noise (WLAN), run the signal through an FFT with ~11 Hz equivalent receiver bandwidth
> - add all received power spectra to calculate an average (*)
> - repeat the above until the sigma (standard deviation) in the frequency bins gets low enough to see the weak reflection in one of those bins.
> - while transmitting, keep the frequency constant to one or two Hz (not as easy as it sounds)
> - while receiving, permanently compensate the Doppler shift (which a marvellous piece of software by G3RUH did)
> - during the experiment, keep the dish pointed to Venus with an accuracy better than 0.1° (which another piece of software by G3RUH did)
> - hope that the 5-kW magnetron, and the cooling system (including a vaccum cleaner and a water cooler from a VW Polo) holds..
> (*) A single FFT is not sufficient to lift the signal out of the noise. It was between 8 and 11 dB below the noise in a 10 Hz bandwidth; the ratio of to was between 0.3 and 0.4 dB; the latter measured today when it wasn't raining. This was sufficient to "see" the signal after 2 minutes, so we didn't have to average over consecutive 5-minute-receive intervals.
> Each dot of the "HI"-message lasted 5 minutes, because that's the approximate travelling time... in other words, "QRSS300" dictated by Venus ;-)
> Details, including the "Magnetron taming" circuit by DJ4ZC will appear in English language on hopefully soon. This vital part of the system includes 3 PLL circuits, a servo motor controller for the coarse frequency control (slow mechanical tuning, 6 MHz, on the output waveguide), and a fast controlling loop with about 1.5 MHz (iirc) loop bandwidth which involves 2 * 4CX1000 for the 'faster' frequency control, which also provides the SSB modulation. In fact, the energy not "used" for the SSB signal at a given instance is 'moved away' (spread out) by 15 kHz to both sides of the center frequency. Maybe some of these principles can be used in class-D amplifiers for other frequencies, which finally takes us back to LF / MF-related topics <img src="smileys/teeth.gif" width="" height="" alt="" title="" class="bbcode_smiley" /> .
> Cheers,
> Wolf DL4YHF

73, Maximo - EA1DDO

Máximo Martín - EA1DDO / HK1H / M0HAO

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Mensajes: 4239
#65122  - 28 marzo, 2009 17:57 

Hola Maximo,

Yo me pregunto como lo saven si el echo proviene de Venus,esto es muy lejos,podria ser un rebote sobre otro planeta,dificil de apuntar y el angulo de la antena ofrece la posibilidad de un rebote sobre algun planeta vesina.
De todas maneras un buen exito.


Mensajes: 819
#65123  - 28 marzo, 2009 19:02 

Hola chicos.

Yo vi ayer la noticia, y lo que no dicen es que al señor mayor del video al pulsar ptt la primera vez se le derritieron las gafas... vamos que todavia las esta buscando....jajajaj

Por dios !5Kw en 13cm!...:blink: :blink:

Saludos Pedro Eb2FJN


Mensajes: 282
#65131  - 29 marzo, 2009 19:45 

B) Saber si la señal proviene de Venus o no , es bastante sencillo, conocida la distancia de la Tierra a Venus, se sabe lo que tardará en tiempo en llegar la señal emitida hacia Venus mas el rebote a la Tierra. Si ello se cumple ¡¡ Ya esta! es en Venus el rebote:woohoo: Salvo que la señal se pierda en alguno de las once dimensiones o en algun Universo Paralelo de Michio Kaku:silly:



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