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Nuevo ampli Yaesu VL-500X2 144, 432, 1296 y 2300

Mensajes: 7856
#4085  - 2 abril, 2009 10:40 


Al parecer, Yaesu va a prensentar en las proximas ferias de Dayton y Friedischafen el nuevo amplificador a transistores VL-500X2.

Lo particular de este modelo es que se acopla a la fuente de alimentacion de Quadra e incluso tambien encaja en el aspecto estetico.
La otra gran particularidad es que este amplificador lo que es realmente es una caja donde se pueden ir poniendo distintos modulso amplificadores de distintas bandas.

"La caja" viene con los modulos de 144 Mhz y 432 Mhz, y tiene espacio para dos modulos mas, a elegir entre; 222 Mhz, 902 Mhz, 1296 Mhz y 2300 Mhz.

Aun no tengo fotos pero seguro que pronto apareceran.
Lo que si tengo es alguna informacion en ingles y los precios aproximados de salida;

Expect to see the NEW YAESU VL-500X2/70 at DAYTON!
This addition to the HF/6 meter QUADRA VL-1000 amplifier will enable you to have 500 watts output on 2 meters and 70 cm, by simply connecting it to your existing QUADRA power supply.
The dual band amplifier has selectable drive requirements, of 10 or 50 watts,? dual antenna ports for each band, internal protection from excess voltage, SWR, overtemperature, overcurrent, and overdrive.
The basic unit is in a cabinet that matches the VL-1000, and contains space for 2 expansion modules.

Other modules available are:

222-225 mhz @ 500 watts
902-928 mhz @ 300 watts
1240-1296 mhz @ 100 watts
2300-2400 mhz @ 75 watts

These additional modules allow drive levels of 1 or 10 watts. The front panel has a peak-reading R.F. power display, overload reset and indicator, power/standby switch, receive pre-amp on/off, temperature warning indicator, and active band indicator.
Estimated pricing is as listed below. (All modules include low-noise pre-amp)

Dual band amplifiers, with cabinet VL-500X2/70 -includes cables to connect to your VL-1000 power supply $2195.00
48 volt 25 ampere power supply (for use wihout VL-1000 QUADRA)
VP-500X2/70- $995.00
VL-222/500 power module for 500 watts @ 222-225mhz-- $695.00
VL-900/300 power module for 300 watts @ 902-928mhz-- $695.00
VL-1296/100 power module for 100 watts @ 1240-1296 mhz-- $895. 00
VL-2304/75 power module for 75 watts @ 2300-2400 mhz-- $995. 00

It is anticipated that "Package Deals" will be offered at Dayton, for a limited time, allowing the purchase of the main 2 meter 70 cm unit with any 3 modules for the special price of $4,120.09

Si esto es cierto, seria curioso por que creo que actualmente Yaesu no tiene ninguna radio de base para esas bandas...

73, Maximo - EA1DDO

Máximo Martín - EA1DDO / HK1H / M0HAO

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