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Nuevas balizas desde D4C

Mensajes: 2734
#30230  - 5 abril, 2015 07:37 

Andrea, HB9DUR, del Monteverde Contest Team me comento que estan operativas las siguientes balizas:

News from the Monteverde Contest Team

On March 2015 the following beacons have been put into operation from the D4C contest location at 750m ASL

Callsign D4C/B

Locator: HK76MV
- 50.034 Mhz, 30W

- 144.436 MHz

1×5 el to EU, 70W out
1×5 el to Caribbean, 20W out

- 432.396 MHz (due to technical problem the frequency is below the allocated windows)
1×9 el to EU, 20W out

Muy interesante propuesta. Se agradece.

Saludos cordiales. Máximo. EA7FGJ. IM67XI.

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