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5Z4EME Kenya.
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5Z4EME Kenya.

Mensajes: 819
#3442  - 22 febrero, 2009 13:32 

Hola chicos.

Me envian datos donde poder ver la informacion en concreto de esta expedicion.

Pongo e-mail recivido. en el teneis la frecuencia de llamada y las web de info

Hello Pedro

We are happy to pre-announce our upcoming 144 EME activity from 5Z4 Kenya, EME operation expected from April 1st until April 12th.

The callsign will be 5Z4EME, locator KI79mo.
Station will be 2 x 10 Xpol, gasfet preamp and some power.
Freq will be 144.124 and 5Z4EME always first.
For JA we will be on 144.084

Website: http://www.emelogger.com
mmm: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2234

Stay tuned,
Ronald PA3EWP, Eltje PA3CEE and Rene PE1L

Saludos Pedro Eb2FJN


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#61696  - 28 febrero, 2009 15:37 

Hola chicos.
Me llegan noticias de que van a probar el RIG de la expedicion, asi que el que quiera podra monitorizar.

Indicativo: PI4EME
Locator: JO33ab
RIG: 2x10XP + pream + PWR
QRG: 144.124 llamando en primer periodo

Hello Pedro

The 5Z4EME team will test there expedition setup 7 march The Callsign will be PI4EME, locator JO33ab. Station will be 2 x 10 Xpol, gasfet preamp and some power.
Freq will be 144.124 MHz and PI4EME always first. For JA we will be on
144.084 MHz.
PI4EME is a new init, please hold your QSL and send it together with 5Z4EME Give us a call!

73s Team 5Z4EME

Saludos Pedro Eb2FJN


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#62279  - 20 marzo, 2009 00:04 

Hola chicos.

Mas noticias.

Hello Pedro

March 30th the team will start travelling to Kenya.

If all will go well we can be QRV april 1st.
TX frequency is 144.124 MHz and 5Z4EME always tx 1st.
RX frequency is 144.124 MHz AND 144.084 during JA window (with a second receiver).
On 144.084 we will give priority to Japanese stations.
Usually we won't transmit 73 to reply RRR's, we will call another station or we call CQ.
We will give priority to callers who have a record of dxpeditions or another contribution to moonbounce or to this expedition.

Some tips to makes it more easy for us to work you:

Please call us when you CAN copy us.
DON'T stop calling us when we are in QSO with someone else (after a QSO we can only call another station if he was transmitting that sequence before).
From time to time we have to turn antenna's (by hand); than we have to stop 1 or 2 periods txing, please continue calling.
Condx will be vy good april 3-5, so don't wait till the end of the expedition to call us! After april 6th it's possible we are sometimes away for safari.

Hope to see you !

Team 5Z4EME, Eltje PA3CEE, Ronald PA3EWP, Ren PE1L

Saludos Pedro Eb2FJN


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#64261  - 31 marzo, 2009 22:47 

Hola chicos.

Pues ya estan alli.

Hello Pedro

The 5Z4EME arrived in KI79mo with all the gear.
After lot of police inspection, a 300 km ride in a to small car with 6 normal bags and 2 ski-bags for the antenne we arrived in good health.
We will start building the EME antennes 1 april at sunrise.
On this moment the heavy tropical rain storms stopped.
So hopefuly qrv a little after moonrise, we will announce it on n0uk logger and our own website www.emelogger.com we have there also a realtime log.

73's Ren PE1L, Eltje PA3CEE and Ronald PA3EWP

Saludos Pedro Eb2FJN


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Mensajes: 819
#65389  - 6 abril, 2009 21:42 

Hola chicos.

Hello Pedro

The expedition has been very successful so far. Up till now 217 QSO's had been made in only 5 days with our two yagis and we were able to work quite a lot of small stations.
Some highlights are: LA8YB on 144 CW, HB9Q and PI9CAM on 432 and small stations like OK1TEH (Yes we did QSY .0003 Hz down hi) and PA3ECU to name a few.
Today we plan to do a bit on 432 after 17 UTC 432.084 and we will be QRV on 144 moonrise (14-15.30 hr) and our moonset, last 30 degrees from 23 UTC and maybe in between.
Just trying to get some sleep too because we're going on safari this week and we want to be a bit awake in order to be able to run away from hungry lions.

73 Team 5Z4EME in KI79mo


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