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Wayne Green W2NSD - SK

Mensajes: 2734
#25589  - 22 septiembre, 2013 06:37 

Nos llega una triste noticia. :(

"Wayne Green W2NSD - SK

Wayne Sanger Green II W2NSD/1, founder of 73, Byte and a host of other magazines passed away on September 13, 2013 aged 91

He was formerly editor of CQ magazine before he went on to found 73, 80 Micro, Byte, CD Review, Cold Fusion, Kilobaud Microcomputing, RUN, InCider, and Pico, as well as publishing books and running a software company.

Wayne was always into the latest ground breaking Amateur Radio technology and his magazine reflected that with articles on RTTY, ATV,SSTV, FM Repeaters and Amateur radio satellites.

A popular part of 73 Magazine was Wayne Green W2NSD's 'Never Say Die' column. In it he gave his views on just about everything. Among Wayne's favorite topics over the years were:

- The failure of the ARRL to prepare for the 1971 World Adminstrative Radio Conference which resulted the loss of hundred of MHz of amateur satellite frequencies

- The disaster of incentive licensing

- The FCC restrictions on repeaters

- The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Wayne seemed to have views on everything, so it's a certainly that almost everyone will have disagreed with him on some point or other, but there are few other Amateurs who have achieved so much in their lifetimes.

The final posting on his blog reads:

Wayne Green passed away this morning [Sept 13] in a peaceful, painless transition from this life on Earth. An eternal optimist, and one who loved to share his neverending zest for life, he was a friend to many and will be missed greatly. Wayne was not afraid of dying and was very much ready to embark on his next great adventure to the afterlife.

Read the Wayne Green W2NSD blog and messages of condolence at


Wayne Green W2NSD - 'Technical Visionary'


43 years of 73 Magazine on web

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After completing 43 years of publication, 73 Amateur Radio Today magazine is calling it quits. Plans to publish a joint October/November issue fell through this week, and the September 2003 issue was the magazine's last. According to self-proclaimed "El Supremo and Founder" Wayne S. Green II, W2NSD, it was a simple matter of economics.

"After failing a last minute effort to collect on some larger accounts receivable we decided yesterday to throw in the towel--that the September issue will have to be the last," Green told ARRL October 9. "SK after 43 years of publishing."

The first issue of 73 was published in October 1960 from what Green - a former editor of CQ - once described as "a small, dingy apartment" in Brooklyn, New York. Since the summer of 1962, 73 has been based in Peterborough, New Hampshire - Green's home state. The magazine was a pioneer promoter of SSB, FM, solid-state, easy construction projects and the marriage of personal computing and Amateur Radio. His interest in microcomputing led Green in 1975 to found Byte, a magazine devoted to the then-nascent and largely do-it-yourself computer hobby.

At the peak of its popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, individual issues of 73 totalled more than 300 pages of ads, articles and commentary. Heading each issue was Green's inimitable "Never Say Die" - some would say never-ending - editorial, in which he rarely missed an opportunity to tweak the ARRL and his magazine competitors for their perceived shortcomings.

QST Editor Steve Ford, WB8IMY, says 73 published his first article in the 1970s. "I was saddened to hear that 73 has ceased publishing," Ford said. "Wayne's excitement about the growing amateur FM repeater phenomenon at the time was infectious."

Green's 73 editorials and regular round of personal appearances originally concentrated on Amateur Radio and his ideas to improve, advance and grow it. In recent years, however, they've veered into conspiracy theories, cures for cancer, AIDS and other ailments and Green's proliferation of book titles on those topics.

Green says he'll continue his essays on his Web site ( for those subscribers who mainly bought the magazine for them." He told ARRL that no definite arrangements have been made yet about how to handle outstanding 73 subscriptions.

CQ Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA, said he takes no joy from the passing of 73. "The loss of any publication serving Amateur Radio leaves all of us a bit poorer," he said. "Thank you, Wayne, for 43 entertaining, informative, sometimes infuriating, and always interesting years of 73. We'll genuinely miss it."

Roger Cooke G3LDI


Saludos cordiales. Máximo. EA7FGJ. IM67XI.

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Mensajes: 3659
#233565  - 22 septiembre, 2013 11:15 

Hola a todos:
una de las revistas que compraba en el kiosko cuando estuve como W1/EA2SN era 73 Magazine. Después, a mi vuelta, estuve suscrito varios años.
Wayne era todo un personaje, visionario y adelantado a su tiempo.
Después de haber sido parte del staff de la ARRL se volvió su crítico más acérrimo, fundando la revista 73 Magazine, en la que escribía cada mes unos editoriales muy característicos.
Además fundó Byte, lo que dice mucho positivo de él.
La revista 73 está disponible en su totalidad en
En los últimos años desbarraba bastante (José Mota diría que "se aberronchaba por el rocaje vivo"), y publicó artículos muy curiosos aunque no relacionados con la radio directamente.
Los 500 y pico números de 73 son una fuente estupenda de información y hay que estar agradecidos a Wayne por el legado de este patrimonio.
jon, ea2sn

Jon, EA2SN / AE2SN
... el que lee mucho y anda mucho vee mucho y sabe mucho. (Don Quijote, libro segundo, capítulo XXV)
Examinador Voluntario para la FCC (EE. UU.) con ARRL-VEC /.../ 4,69BDXCC como EE2A con una vertical y 5-100 W

Mensajes: 857
#233566  - 22 septiembre, 2013 13:24 

Yo también estuve suscrito a 73 Magazine en mi juventud. Alucinaba con sus artículos sobre la fusión fría y sobre un circuito que generaba alta tensión (y que llegué a montar!) que aseguraba múltiples cualidades, entre ellas que curaba el SIDA a base de recalentar la sangre. (Gracias a Dios no lo he necesitado!)

Curioso personaje; en fin, como habitualmente se dice, que en gloria esté.

Luis, EA3WX
DME 25023
CW, the way to happiness
QRP, ¿what else do you need?



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