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Licencia de Radioaficionados CEPT

Mensajes: 1334
#33478  - 20 septiembre, 2016 21:19 


Leo en la sección de noticias de URE el tema de licencia CEPT

La IARU Región 1 inició cambios en la licencia CEPT y en la licencia CEPT de principiante.

El poder operar por radio para los radioaficionados desde el extranjero libremente, por estancias cortas y sin procesos burocráticos se ha ampliado a más países fuera de Europa: los países fuera de la CEPT ahora pueden unirse al marco de la licencia CEPT y la licencia CEPT tipo principiante (novice) ahora tiene un proceso más simplificado gracias a una iniciativa de IARU Región 1 que ha cambiado las recomendaciones pertinentes.

Al mismo tiempo, el temario para la obtención del certificado de examen armonizado (HAREC) se ha modificado para incluir preguntas sobre el Código de Conducta del radioaficionado y las prácticas operativas. Los cambios fueron aprobados por el Grupo de Trabajo de Administración de Frecuencias (WGFM) de la CEPT y ya está ya en vigor.

- Más detalles (en lengua inglesa) en:
· http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php/regulatory-affairs

-Información relacionada en:
· Recomendación CEPT T/R 61-01
· Solicitud del Certificado HAREC
· Licensing and basic info for visitor hams


73 Carlos EA1DVY

Carlos EC1T
Soria in81

Inició el tema
Mensajes: 1334
#300912  - 20 septiembre, 2016 21:46 


Os paso la nueva lista de países de Radioaficionados CEPT
· La nueva versión de T / R 61-01 se puede encontrar aquí
· T / R 61-02 está disponible aquí . El contenido actualizado se puede encontrar en el Anexo 6 del documento T / R 61-02

·1 The existing (old) licence classes “A” and “B” have become the new licence class “CEPT”. For the licence holders with Morse
proficiency (old licence class A), which is from now on (as of 03 December 2010) an additional option, the information regarding
Morse proficiency is added as remark.

·2 The existing (old) licence classes “1” and “2” have become the new licence class “1”. For the licence holders with Morse code
proficiency (old licence class 1), which is from 15 September 2003 no longer a requirement of T/R 61-01, information regarding
Morse code proficiency is added as remark (for countries still retaining Morse). 3 Morse code proficiency is required for use of HF bands. To obtain the Class A licence, a radio amateur is required to have Morse code

·4 National radio amateur regulation is under review. Morse proficiency is not required.

·5 For the time being the national licence and CEPT licence are separate. The national licence includes more data.

·6 This call sign prefix has to be supplemented with the digit designating the region where the amateur station is operating.

·7 The national A and B licences correspond to CEPT licence and allow the access to HF bands. Foreign CEPT licence holders can
operate in Estonia for up to three months with rights granted by Estonian national B class without any additional verification. For A
licence the confirmation of Morse code proficiency (min 5 words per minute) is required.

·8 In France from 23 April 2012 there is only one licence class “HAREC”. Old licence class 1 and 2 holder keep the benefit of their class
and their personal call sign.

·9 EJ is a special prefix for offshore islands and may also be assigned, at ComReg’s discretion, to Special National Events.

·10 Equivalence between CEPT licence and both existing (old) national licence classes (become the new licence class “A” by secondary
legislation as of September 2005) consistent with removal of Morse code proficiency requirement from T/R 61-01.

·11 Foreign CEPT licence holders can operate in Latvia for up to three months.

·12 Equivalence between CEPT licence and highest national licence level as of September 2003, i.e. before Morse code proficiency
requirement was removed from T/R 61-01.

·13 Morse code proficiency is required for use of HF bands.

·14 New licences will be granted as Full licence in line with CEPT (with or without the remark morse code included).

·15 The existing (old) licences: 1, 2 and 3 have become the new “A” licence. For the licence holders with Morse code proficiency (old 1
and 2), which is from 15 September 2003 no longer a requirement of T/R 61-01 information regarding Morse code proficiency is
added as remarks (for countries still retaining Morse).

·16 After 1 October 2004 amateur radio is exempted from licencing. Exemption is only applicable for anyone who has a valid amateur
radio certificate. As a result of this no separate licence document will be issued to new amateurs after 1 October 2004. The call sign
will after 1 October 2004 be included in the certificate.

·17 Amateur radio is licence exempted according to secondary legislation which entered into force 1 October 2004. Exemption is
applicable for anyone with an amateur radio certificate. No separate document will be issued to new amateurs.

Edition of 20 September 2016


Carlos EC1T
Soria in81

Inició el tema

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