VA3IUL tiene en su sitio un montón de libros antiguos:
(Fuente: Southgate ARC News)
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jon, ea2sn
Jon, EA2SN / AE2SN
... el que lee mucho y anda mucho vee mucho y sabe mucho. (Don Quijote, libro segundo, capítulo XXV)
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Os dejo el listado:
1972_GE_SCR_Manual_5ed (SCR Manual 5th edition (1972) - General Electric).pdf
2015.16056.Principles-Of-Microwave-Circuits_text (Principles of Microwave Circuits (1948) - Montgomery, Dicke, Purcel).pdf
293-Lee-An-introduction-to-radio-wave-propagation (An Introduction to Radio Wave Propagation (1991) - J.G.Lee).pdf
299-Bishop-Practical electronic filters (Practical electronic filters (1991) - O.Bishop).pdf
312-An-Introduction-to-Microwaves (An Introduction to Microwaves (1991) - Wilson).pdf
5000_PA_20081 (5000 Integrated Circuits Power Audio Amplifiers - E.Turuta).pdf
73 Vertical, Beam and Triangle Antennas - 1 (73 Vertical, Beam and Triangle Antennas (1970) - E.Noll W3FQJ).pdf
73 Vertical, Beam and Triangle Antennas - 2 (73 Dipole and Long-Wire Antennas (1969) - E.Noll W3FQJ).pdf
A-C Circuit Analysis - Alexander Schure (A-C Circuit Analysis (1958) - A.Schure).pdf
abcofvacuumtubes00lewirich (The ABC of Vacuum Tubes in Radio Reception (1922) - Lewis).pdf
Advanced Antenna Theory 1952_text (Advanced Antenna Theory (1952) - Schelkunoff).pdf
Aerials (All About Aerials (1938) - Gernsback).pdf
afcs (Automatic Frequency Control Systems (1937) - J.F.Rider).pdf
AFM100-5 (Radio Receivers (1958) - Department of the Air Force).pdf
agtar (A Guide to Amateur Radio - 12th Edition (1966) - J.P.Hawker G3VA).pdf
Ainsley - Mast and aerial construction for amateurs (Mast and Aerial Construction for Amateurs (1922) - Ainsley).pdf
all-about-vertical-antennas-w6sai-and-w2lx (All About Vertical Antennas (1986) - W.Orr, S.Cowan).pdf
Amateur-Wireless-Crystal-Receiving-Sets-1923 (Crystal Receiving Sets (1923) - Amateur Wireless).pdf
Amos - Principles of Transistor Circuits (Principles of Transistor Circuits 9th edition - Amos).pdf
Amplitude Modulation - Alexander Schure (Amplitude Modulation (1956) - A.Schure).pdf
Anderson - Nikola Tesla. On his work with alternating currents (Nikola Tesla - On his Work with Alternating Currents (1992) - Andreson).pdf
Anschutz (Das Funkbastlers Ratgeber (1926) - Anschutz & Co.).pdf
ant1936 (The Radio Antenna Handbook (1936) - Engineering Staff of 'Radio').pdf
Antenna Engineering Handbook (Antenna Engineering Handbook - 3rd edition - Johnson).pdf
Antennas - Alexander Schure (Antennas (1957) - A.Schure).pdf
antennastheorypr00sche (Antennas - Theory and Practice (1952) - Schelkunoff, Friis).pdf
Armstrong - FM (Frequency Modulation-Noise Reduction (1936) - Armstrong).pdf
army_theory (Basic Theory and Application of Electron Tubes (1952) - US Army).pdf
audels (Audels Radiomans Guide (1945) - E.P.Anderson).pdf
Bangay - Elementary principles of wireless telegraphy 1 (The Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy (1923) - Bangay).pdf
Bangay - Elementary principles of wireless telegraphy 2 (The Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy (1914) - Bangay).pdf
Bangay - The oscillation valve (The Oscillation Valve (1920) - Bangay).pdf
BarkanZhdanov-RadioReceivers_text (Radio Receivers (1970) - Barkan, Zhadanov).pdf
Basic Electronics, Volumes 1-5, (1955)_text (Basic Electronics - Vol.1-5 (1955) - V.Valkenburgh).pdf
beam-antenna-handbook (Beam Antenna Handbook (1990) - W.Orr, S. Cowan).pdf
Beitman_1926-38 (Radio Diagrams (1938) - Beitman).pdf
Beitman_1966 (Radio Diagrams (1966) - Beitman).pdf
Beitman_1967-1969 (Radio Diagrams (1969) - Beitman).pdf
Belling - Interference suppression (Interference Suppression (1930) - Belling).pdf
Birth-of-Broadcasting-Briggs-Vol-1-1961 (The Birth of Broadcasting (1961) - Briggs).pdf
Blaine - Aetheric or wireless telegraphy (Aetheric or Wireless Telegraphy (1917) - Blaine).pdf
Bode-NetworkAnalysisFeedbackAmplifierDesign_text (Network Analysis & Feedback Amplifier Design (1945) - H.Bode).pdf
Briggs - Aerial handbook (Aerial Handbook (1964) - Briggs, Roberts).pdf
bstj10-4-656_text (Developments in Short-Wave Directive Antennas (1931) - E.Bruce).pdf
bstj29-3-295_text (Principles and Applications of Waveguide Transmission (1950) - Southworth).pdf
Bucher - Vacuum Tubes in Wireless Communication (Vacuum Tubes in Wireless Communication (1918) - Bucher).pdf
Buchwald - The creation of scientific effects (The Creation of Scientific Effects (1989) - Buchwald).pdf
Budden - The propagation of radio waves (The Propagation of Radio Waves (1985) - Budden).pdf
Buga - Radio Receiver Theory (Radio Receiver Theory (1986) - Buga, Chistyakov).pdf
Bussey - Wireless (Wireless; the crucial decade 1924-34 - Bussey).pdf
Carr - Old time radios! Restoration and repair (Old Time Radios! Restoration and Repair - J.Carr).pdf
Chaffee - Theory_of_Thermionic_Vacuum_Tubes (Theory of Thermionic Vacuum Tubes (1933) - L.Chaffee).pdf
ChanceHughesMacnicholSayreWilliams-Waveforms_text (Waveforms (1948) - Chance, Hughes, MacNichol, Sayre, Williams).pdf
ChanceHulsizerMacnicholWilliams-ElectronicTimeMeasurements_text (Electronic Time Measurements (1948) - Chance, Hulsizer, MacNichol, Williams).pdf
Cocking - Wireless servicing manual (Wireless Servicing Manual (1948) - Cocking).pdf
Collin R.E. Field Theory of Guided Waves (MGH, 1960)(L)(308s) (Field Theory of Guided Waves (1960) - Collin).pdf
Constable, A. - Early Wireless-OCR (Early Wireless (1980) - Constable).pdf
Cooper - The Truth About Tesla (The Truth About Tesla - Cooper).pdf
Crowhurst - Basic audio 1 (Basic audio Vol.1 (1959) - Crowhurst).pdf
Crowhurst - Basic audio 2 (Basic audio Vol.2 (1959) - Crowhurst).pdf
Crowhurst - Basic audio 3 (Basic audio Vol.3 (1959) - Crowhurst).pdf
Crystal Oscillators - Alexander Schure (Crystal Oscillators (1955) - A.Schure).pdf
Crystal Rectifiers (Crystal Rectifiers (1948) - Torrey, Whitmer).pdf
Crystal-Receiving-Sets-Jones (Crystal Receiving Sets (1956) - Jones).pdf
Czech - Oscilloscope measuring technique (Oscilloscope Measuring Technique (1965) - Czech).pdf
D-C Circuit Analysis - Alexander Schure (D-C Circuit Analysis (1958) - A.Schure).pdf
Dale - The Sinclair story (The Sinclair Story (1985) - Dale).pdf
Dalton - Everyone an amateur (Everyone an Amateur (1975) - Dalton).pdf
Dalton - How radio began (How Radio Began (1975) - Dalton).pdf
Dalton - The world starts to listen (The World Starts to Listen (1975) - Dalton).pdf
Darr - Eliminating man-made -interference (Eliminating Man-Made Interference (1960) - Darr).pdf
DencoTechnicalBulletinDTB4 (Transistor and Miniature Dual Purpose Coils (1959) - Denco).pdf
Direction Finding Handbook for Wireless Operators - W. E. Crook (1942) (Direction Finding Handbook for Wireless Operators (1942) - W. E. Crook).pdf
Dunlap - Radios 110 men of science (Radio's 100 Men of Science (1944) - Dunlap).pdf
Duston - Radio construction for the amateur (Radio Construction for the Amateur (1925) - Duston).pdf
Early Radio Wave Detectors - Vivian J. Philips (1980) (Early Radio Wave Detectors (1980) - V.Philips).pdf
eddy_aero (Aeronautical Radio (1939) - M.Eddy).pdf
efce (Electronics for Communications Engineers (1952) - J.Markus, V.Zeluff).pdf
efe (Electronics for Engineers - 1st ed. (1945) - J.Markus, V.Zeluff).pdf
electromagnetict031016mbp (Electromagnetic Theory (1941) - J.A.Stratton).pdf
Electron-Tube_Circuits_Samuel_Seely_1950_text (Electron-Tube Circuits (1950) - Seely).pdf
Electronic Instruments (Electronic Instruments (1948) - Greenwood, Holdam, MacRae).pdf
electronic_amplifiers (Electronic Amplifier Circuits - Theory and Design (1961) - Pettit, Myers).pdf
Elements of radio servicing (Elements of Radio Servicing (1947) - Marcus, Levy).pdf
Erickson - Armstrongs fight for FM broadcast (Armstrongs Fight for FM Broadcast (1973) - Erickson).pdf
Everitt-CommunicationEngineering (Communication Engineering (1937) - Everitt).pdf
F Handbook for Wireless Operators (1942) - W.E.Crook).pdf
F-M Limiters And Detectors - Alexander Schure (F-M Limiters and Detectors (1955) - A.Schure).pdf
Father-of-Radio-Autobiography-of-Lee-de-Forest-1950 (Father of Radio - Autobiography of Lee de Forest (1950)).pdf
Filters And Attenuators - Alexander Schure (Filters and Attenuators (1960) - A.Schure).pdf
Fink - Principles-of-Television-Engineering (Principles of Television Engineering (1947) - Fink).pdf
Fitch - The superheterodyne book (The Superheterodyne Book (1934) - Fitch).pdf
Fleming - Electrons, Electric waves and wireless telephony X-XX (Electrons, Electric Waves and Wireless Telephony (1922) - Fleming).pdf
Fleming - Hertzian wave wireless telegraphy (Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy (1903) - Fleming).pdf
Fleming - The thermionic valve and its developments in radiotelegraphy and telephony - 1919 (The Thermionic Valve and its Developments in Radiotelegraphy and Telephony (1919) - Fleming).pdf
Fleming radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony (Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony (1916) - Fleming).pdf
FM-An-Introduction-To-Frequency-Modulation-Rider-1940 (An Introduction to Frequency-Modulation (1940) - Rider).pdf
Frequency Modulation - Alexander Schure (Frequency Modulation (1955) - A.Schure).pdf
Frost - Early FM Radio (Early FM Radio (1940) - Frost).pdf
Frye - Radio-Receiver-Servicing-2nd-1959 (Radio Receiver Servicing 2nd (1959) - Frye).pdf
FTR_ref_data (Reference Data For Radio Engineers (1946) - Federal Telephone and Radio).pdf
Fundamentals of Single Side Band-one-file (Fundamentals of Single Side Band (1959) - Collins Radio Company).pdf
Gas Tubes - Alexander Schure (Gas Tubes (1958) - A.Schure).pdf
General Electric - Power transistors (Power Transistors (1985) - General Electric).pdf
Geppert - Basic electron tubes (Basic Electron Tubes (1951) - Geppert).pdf
Gernsback-76-Servicing Transistor Radios - Leonard DAiro (Servicing Transistor Radios (1959) - L.D'Airo).pdf
Gernsback-78-Rapid-Radio-Repair-Heath (Rapid Radio Repair (1959) - Heath).pdf
gesh (Sideband Handbook (1961) - General Electric).pdf
GewartowskiWatson1965PrinciplesOfElectronTubes (Principles of Electron Tubes (1965) - Gewartowski, Watson).pdf
Golden-Age-of-Wireless-Biggs-1965 (Golden Age of Wireless (1965) - Briggs).pdf
Gooding - Faraday rediscovered (Faraday Rediscovered (1985) - Gooding, James).pdf
Gosling - Radio antennas and propagation (Radio Antennas and Propagation - Gosling).pdf
Gottlieb - Practical transformer handbook (Practical Transformer Handbook - Gottlieb).pdf
Greenwood - A pictorial album of wireless and radio (A Pictorial Album of Wireless and Radio 1905-1928 (1965) - Greenwood).pdf
Gronner-TransistorCircuitAnalysis (Transistor Circuit Analysis (1970) - Gronner).pdf
Gunston-MicrowaveTransmissionLineImpedanceData_text (Microwave Transmission Line Impedance Data (1972) - Gunston).pdf
Haas - Oscilloscope techniques (Oscilloscope Techniques (1968) - Haas).pdf
Happell_engineering (Engineering Electronics (1953) - G.Happell, W.Hesselberth).pdf
Harris - Crystal Receivers for Broadcast Reception (Crystal Receivers for Broadcast Reception (1922) - Harris).pdf
Hawes - Radio art (Radio Art - Hawes).pdf
Henney-RadioEngineeringHandbook3rdEd_text (Radio Engineering Handbook (1941) 3rd Edition - K.Henney).pdf
Heyboer - Transmitting valves (Transmitting Valves (1951) - Heyboer).pdf
Hill - Radio! Radio! 3rd (Radio! Radio! - Hill).pdf
Hill - The cats whisker (The Cat's Whisker (1978) - Hill).pdf
History-of-Broadcasting-UK-IV-Sound-&-Vision-Biggs (Sound and Vision (1979) - Briggs).pdf
historytheorypra00presrich (History, Theory, and Practice of the Electric Telegraph (1860) - G.Prescott).pdf
hoag (Basic Radio - The Essentials of Electron Tubes and Their Circuits (1942) - J.B.Hoag).pdf
hoag (Basic Radio The Essentials of Electron Tubes and their Circuits (1942) - B.Hoag).pdf
Horn - Oscillators simplified (Oscillators Simplified (1987) - Horn).pdf
How to be a Radio Amateur - 26th Edition - ARRL (1970) (How to be a Radio Amateur (1970) - 26th Edition - ARRL).pdf
Hund1942FrequencyModulation_text (Frequency Modulation (1942) - A.Hund).pdf
Hyde-RadioAstronomy (Radio Astronomy (1962) - Hyde).pdf
intro_orr_radio (Radio Handbook - 15th edition (1959) - W.Orr - W6SAI).pdf
itt_ref_4 (Reference Data For Radio Engineers (1956) - International Telephone and Telegraph Corp.).pdf
Jonesant (Jones Antenna Handbook (1937) - F.C.Jones).pdf
kimberly_ee (Electrical Communication (1950) - A.Albert).pdf
Kinman - Sweep generator circuits (Sweep Generator Circuits (1969) - Kinman).pdf
Kinzie - Crystal radio, fundamentals and design (Crystal Radio, Fundamentals and Design - Kinzie).pdf
Kiver - Understanding transistors (Understanding Transistors (1960) - Kiver).pdf
Klystrons and Microwave Triodes (Klystrons and Microwave Triodes (1948) - Hamilton, Knipp, Kuper).pdf
KrausCarver-Electromagnetics_text (Electromagnetics (1973) 2nd Edition - J.Kraus, K.Carver).pdf
L-C Oscillators - Alexander Schure (L-C Oscillators (1957) - A.Schure).pdf
landee_1957_electronic-designers-handbook_(1e) (Electronic Designers Handbook (1957) - Landee, Davis, Albrecht).pdf
Lane - Servicing transistor radios (Servicing Transistor Radios (1961) - Lane).pdf
lauer_radio_eng (Radio Engineering Principles (1928) - H.Lauer, H.Brown).pdf
LawsonUhlenbeck-ThresholdSignals_text (Threshold Signals (1948) - Lawson, Uhlenbeck).pdf
Legget - Wireless telegraphy (Wireless Telegraphy (1921) - Legget).pdf
Lemons - Transistor radio servicing course (Transistor Radio Servicing Course (1972) - Lemons).pdf
Lemons - Transistor Radio Servicing Made Easy (Transistor Radio Servicing Made Easy (1962) - Lemons).pdf
Lessing - Man of High-Fidelity (Man of High-Fidelity - Edwin Armstrong (1956) - Lessing).pdf
Leutz - Modern radio reception (Modern Radio Reception - (1928) - Leutz).pdf
Levine - Electronics pioneer Lee de Forest (Electronics Pioneer Lee de Forest (1964) - Levine).pdf
Lewer - The_Cathode-Ray_Tube_Handbook (The Cathode-Ray Tube Handbook (1945) - Lewer).pdf
Lewis - Electronic systems for radio, television and electronic mechanics (Electronic Systems for Radio, Television and Electronic Mechanics (1973) - Lewis).pdf
Limiters And Clippers - Alexander Schure (Limiters and Clippers (1955) - A.Schure).pdf
Loud-Speaker-Crystal-Sets-Jones (Loud-Speaker Crystal Sets (1925) - Jones).pdf
LovellClegg-RadioAstronomy (Radio Astronomy (1952) - Lovell, Clegg).pdf
Low-Frequency Amplifier Systems - Alexander Schure (Low-Frequency Amplifier Systems (1959) - A.Schure).pdf
Mahon - The man who changed everything (The Man who Changed Everything; The Life of J.C.Maxwell - Mahon).pdf
Marconi-Father-of-Radio-Gunston-1965 (Marconi Father of Radio (1965) - Gunston).pdf
Marconi-the-Man-and-his-Wireless-Dunlap-1937 (Marconi The Man and his Wireless (1937) - Dunlap).pdf
Markus - Modern electronic circuits reference manual (Modern Electronic Circuits Reference Manual (1980) - Markus).pdf
Marston - 110 Operational amplifier projects (110 Operational Amplifier Projects (1975) - Marston).pdf
Marston - 110 Semiconductor projects for the home constructor (110 Semiconductor Projects for the Home Constructor (1978) - Marston).pdf
Massie - Wireless telegraphy and telephony popularly explained (Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Popularly Explained (1908) - Massie).pdf
Matsch_capacitors (Capacitors, Magnetic Circuits and Transformers (1964) - Matsch).pdf
McMahon, Morgan E. - Vintage radio-OCR (Vintage Radio (1973) - McMahon, Morgan).pdf
Meissner_Radio_Coils_And_Circuit_Application (Radio Coils and Circuit Application (1938) - Meissner).pdf
MicroAlloyTransistors-BernardsRadioManuals (Tested Superhet Circuits for Shortwave (1963) - Bernards Ltd).pdf
Microwave Antenna Theory and Design (Microwave Antenna Theory and Design (1948) - Silver).pdf
Microwave Duplexers (Microwave Duplexers (1948) - Smullin, Montgomery).pdf
Microwave magnetrons (Microwave Magnetrons (1948) - Collins).pdf
Microwave Mixers (Microwave Mixers (1948) - Pound).pdf
Middleton_troubleshooting (Troubleshooting with Oscilloscope (1962) - Middleton).pdf
Miller - Radio circuits (Radio Circuits (1944) - Miller).pdf
millman_1958_vacuum-tube-and-semiconductor-electronics (Vacuum-tube and Semiconductor Electronics (1958) - Jacob Millman).pdf
Modern-Wireless - Sets for every pocket-OCR (Sets for Every Pocket (1928) - Modern-Wireless).pdf
Montgomery-TechniqueOfMicrowaveMeasurementsVolume2_text (Technique of Microwave Measurements (1947) - Montgomery).pdf
Moore - How to Make a Wireless Set (How to Make a Wireless Set (1911) - Moore).pdf
More-Simple-Radio-Circuits-Collins (More Simple Radio Circuits (1965) - Collins).pdf
Morgan - Wireless telegraphy and telephony simply explained (Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Simply Explained (1911) - Morgan).pdf
Mullard - Reference Manual of Transistor Circuits 1960 (Reference Manual of Transistor Circuits (1960) - Mullard).pdf
Mullard - Transistor radios (Transistor Radios (1962) - Mullard).pdf
Mullin - Understanding capacitors and their uses (Understanding Capacitors and Their Uses (1961) - Mullin).pdf
Multivibrators - Alexander Schure (Multivibrators (1956) - A.Schure).pdf
Munson - Tesla inventor of the modern (Tesla Inventor of the Modern - Munson).pdf
Nahin - The science of radio (The Science of Radio - Nahin).pdf
Newnes-Short-Wave-Manual-Camm (Short-Wave Manual (1946) - Camm).pdf
Notes on Amateur Radio Transmitter Design (Notes on Amateur Radio Transmitter Design (1938) - J.Millen).pdf
one-valve-receivers (One Valve Receivers (1961) - May).pdf
Orr - Cowan - The Truth About CB Antennas 1971 (The Truth About CB Antennas (1971) - W.Orr, S.Cowan).pdf
orr_radio (The Radio Handbook - (1959) - Editors and Engineering 15th edition).pdf
Pannett - High Fidelity pocketbook (High Fidelity Pocketbook (1962) - Pannett).pdf
pare (Principles of Aeronautical Radio Engineering (1942) - P.C.Sandretto).pdf
Peters - Theory of thermionic vacuum tube circuits (Theory of Thermionic Vacuum Tube Circuits (1927) - Peters).pdf
Picquenard - Radio wave propagation (Radio Wave Propagation (1974) - Picquenard).pdf
Pike - Transistor fundamentals (Transistor Fundamentals (1968) - Pike).pdf
Popular Science - Everybody's radio manual (Everybody's Radio Manual (1943) - Popular Science).pdf
Practical-Radio-Repairing-Hints-Rider-1931 (Practical Radio Repairing Hints (1931) - Rider).pdf
Practical-Wireless-Circuits-Camm (Practical Wireless Circuits (1943) - Camm).pdf
PracticalRadioCommunication (Practical Radio Communication (1943) - Nilson, Hornung).pdf
practical_antenna_handbook__2012 (Practical Antenna Handbook (1989) - J.Carr, W.Hippisley).pdf
Propagation of Short Radio Waves (Propagation of Short Radio Waves (1948) - Kerr).pdf
Pulse Generators (Pulse Generators (1948) - Glasoe, Lebacqz).pdf
R-C, R-L Time Constant - Alexander Schure (R-C, R-L Time Constant (1956) - A.Schure).pdf
R-F Amplifiers - Alexander Schure (R-F Amplifiers (1959) - A.Schure).pdf
R-F Transmission Lines - Alexander Schure (R-F Transmission Lines (1956) - A.Schure).pdf
Radar Aids to Navigation (Radar Aids to Navigation (1948) - Hall).pdf
Radar Beacons (Radar Beacons (1948) - Roberts).pdf
Radar Scanners and Radomes (Radar Scanners and Radomes (1948) - Cady, Karelitz, Turner).pdf
Radar System Engineering (Radar System Engineering (1948) - Ridenour).pdf
Radio Antenna Engineering - Edmund A. Laport (1952) (Radio Antenna Engineering (1952) - E.Laport).pdf
Radio Experimental Circuits Manual - Radiotrician 1948 (Radio Experimental Circuits Manual (1948) - Radiotrician).pdf
Radio for Beginners (Radio for Beginners (1943) - A.Marcus, R.Horton).pdf
Radio's conquest of space - Donald McNicol (1946) (Radio's Conquest of Space (1946) - D.McNicol).pdf
Radio, Miracle of the 20th Century - Frederick Drinker & James Lewis (1922) (Radio, Miracle of the 20th Century (1922) - F.Drinker, J.Lewis).pdf
Radio-Handbook-17-1967 (Radio Handbook - 17th edition (1967) - W.Orr - W6SAI).pdf
radio-repair-qa (Radio Repair (1979) - Lawry-Johns).pdf
radiotelephonyfo00ballrich_bw (Radio Telephony for Amateurs (1922) - Ballantine).pdf
Radio_for_the_Millions (Radio for the Millions (1945) - Staff of Popular Sience).pdf
radio_hb_7 (The Radio Handbook (1940) - Editors of 'Radio' 7th edition).pdf
radtrns (Radio Transmitters (1961) - L.Gray, R.Graham).pdf
Ragan-MicrowaveTransmissionCircuits_text (Microwave Transmission Circuits (1948) - Ragan).pdf
RB5 (The Radio Handbook (1938) - Editors of 'Radio' 5th edition).pdf
RCA_Transistor_Manual_1966 (Transistor Manual (1966) - RCA).pdf
RDH3 (Radiotron Designer's Handbook (1941) 3rd Edition - F. Langford-Smith).pdf
RDH4 (Radiotron Designer's Handbook (1953) 4th Edition - F.Langford-Smith).pdf
re (Radio Electronics ( 1956) - S.Seely).pdf
Redpath - Wireless telegraphy and telephony - OCR (Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony (1924) - Redpath).pdf
Reflex_Radio_Receivers_1924 (Reflex Radio Receivers (1924) - P.E.Edelman).pdf
reich_1961_functional-circuits-and-oscillators (Functional Circuits and Oscillators (1961) - Herbert J. Reich).pdf
reich_principles (Principles of Electron Tubes (1941) - H.Reich).pdf
Resonant Circuits - Alexander Schure (Resonant Circuits (1957) - A.Schure).pdf
Ricevitori_com (Communications Receivers 3rd Ed. - Rohde, Whitaker).pdf
Rider & Uslan 1950 FM Transmission & Reception (FM Transmission and Reception (1950) - J.Rider & S.Uslan).pdf
Rider - Radio troubleshooting guidebook (Radio Troubleshooting Guidebook (1954) - Rider).pdf
rider_inside (Inside the Vacuum Tube (1945) - Rider).pdf
Ritchie - Transistor circuit techniques_ discrete and integrated (Transistor Circuit Techniques - Discrete and Integrated - Ritchie).pdf
Robertson - Microphones (Microphones (1963) - Robertson).pdf
Robin & Lipman Practical Amplifier Diagrams 1947 (Practical Amplifier Diagrams (1947) - Robin, Lipman).pdf
rtat (Radio Telegraphy and Telephony (1931) - R.L.Duncan).pdf
Rutland - Behind the front panel-OCR (Design and Development of Radios in 1920's - Rutland).pdf
Semiconductors and Transistors - Alexander Schure (Semiconductors and Transistors (1961) - A.Schure).pdf
servicingsuperhe00ride (Servicing Superheterodynes (1934) - J.Rider).pdf
Sewall - Wireless telegraphy (Wireless Telegraphy (1904) - Sewall).pdf
Shea-TransmissionNetworksAndWaveFilters_text (Transmission Networks and Wave Filters (1929) - Shea).pdf
Shiers - The development of wireless to 1920 (The Development of Wireless to 1920 (1977) - Shiers).pdf
Simple-Radio-Circuits-Collins (Simple Radio Circuits (1964) - Collins).pdf
Simple-Valve-Receiving-Sets-Jones (Simple Valve Receiving Sets (1923) - Jones).pdf
Sinclair-TransistorSuperhetReceivers_text (Transistor Superhet Receivers (1960) - Sir Clive Sinclair).pdf
Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur - 1st Edition - ARRL (1954) (Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur (1954) - 1st Edition - ARRL).pdf
Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur - 5th Edition - ARRL (1970) (Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur (1970) - 5th Edition - ARRL).pdf
Skolnik-IntroductionToRadarSystems_text (Introduction to Radar Systems (1962) - Skolnik).pdf
Skolnik90 (Radar Handbook (1970) - Skolnik).pdf
Smith-RadioAstronomy (Radio Astronomy (1966) - G.Smith).pdf
Solid.State.Radio.Engineering(Krauss.1980) (Solid State Radio Engineering (1980) - H.L.Krauss, C.W.Bostian, F.H.Raab).pdf
Sowerby - Foundations of wireless (Foundations of Wireless (1946) - Sowerby).pdf
Starr-RadioAndRadarTechnique_text (Radio and Radar Technique (1953) - Starr).pdf
stewart_1956_circuit-theory-and-design (Circuit Theory and Design (1956) - John L. Stewart).pdf
Stokes - 70 Years of radio tubes and valves (70 Years of Radio Tubes and Valves (1982) - Stokes).pdf
Stokes - More golden age of radio (More Golden Age of Radio - Stokes).pdf
Sturley 1943 Radio Reciever Design 1 (Radio Receiver Design - Part 1 - (1945) - K.R.Sturley).pdf
Sturley 1943 Radio Reciever Design 2 (Radio Receiver Design - Part 2 - (1945) - K.R.Sturley).pdf
Superheterodyne Converters And I-F Amplifiers - Alexander Schure (Superheterodyne Converters and I-F Amplifiers (1963) - A.Schure).pdf
TAB-Giant-Handbook-of-Electronic-Circuits (Giant Handbook of Electronic Circuits (1980) - Collins).pdf
Tepper - Basic radio repair 1-2 (Basic Radio Repair ( 1963) - Tepper).pdf
The Gunnplexer Cookbook (The Gunnplexer Cookbook (1981) - R.Richardson W4UCH).pdf
The Radio Antenna Handbook - J. Hawkins & W. W. Smith (1936) (The Radio Antenna Handbook (1936) - J.Hawkins, W.Smith).pdf
The Radio Handbook - 5th Edition - W. W. Smith (1938) (The Radio Handbook (1938) - 5th Edition - W.Smith).pdf
The Radio Handbook 7th edition - Smith Dawley 1940 (The Radio Handbook (1940) - Smith, Dawley).pdf
The-Electronic-Experimenter's-Manual-Findlay (The Electronic Experimenter's Manual (1959) - Findlay).pdf
The-Transistor-Radio-Handbook-Donald-Stoner (The Transistor Radio Handbook (1963) - Stoner).pdf
three-valve-receivers (Three Valve Receivers (1965) - May).pdf
Tomer 1960 Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes (Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes (1960) - R.Tomer).pdf
Transformers - Alexander Schure (Transformers (1963) - A.Schure).pdf
TubesAndTransistors (Tubes and Transistors (1965) - Comparative Study).pdf
Tyne - Saga of the vacuum tube (Saga of the Vacuum Tube (1977) - Tyne).pdf
Using-Electronics-Zarchy-1958 (Using Electronics (1958) - Zarchy).pdf
VanDeHulst-RadioAstronomy (Radio Astronomy (1957) - Van de Hulst).pdf
VanValkenburgh-BasicElectronicsPart6_text (Basic Electronics - Vol.6 (1959) - V.Valkenburgh).pdf
VanVoorhis-MicrowaveReceivers_text (Microwave Receivers (1948) - Van Voorhis).pdf
Walston_Transistor_Circuit_Design_1963 (Transistor Circuit Design (1963) - Walston, Miller).pdf
Washburne - Modern radio hook-ups (Modern Radio Hook-Ups (1932) - Washburne).pdf
Wave Propagation - Alexander Schure (Wave Propagation (1957) - A.Schure).pdf
Waveguide Handbook (Waveguide Handbook (1948) - Marcuvitz).pdf
Wels-Transistor-Circuit-Guidebook (Transistor Circuit Guidebook (1968) - Wels).pdf
White Electromagnetic Inc 1963 A Handbook of Electrical Filters_text (A Handbook of Electrical Filters (1963) - WEI).pdf
Wireless Telegraphic Communication (Wireless Telegraphic Communication; Nobel Lecture (1909) - Guglielmo Marconi).pdf
Wireless-Component-Parts-Jones (Wireless Component Parts (1924) - Jones).pdf
wirelessexperime00buchrich (The Wireless Experimenters Manual (1920) - E.Bucher).pdf
wireless_telegraphy_and_telephony-1906 (Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony (1906) - Mazzotto).pdf
Witts - Thermionic valves (Thermionic Valves in Modern Radio Receivers (1945) - Witts).pdf
Witts-TheSuperheterodyneReceiver (The Superheterodyne Receiver (1936) - A.Witts).pdf
York - Amplifiers (Amplifiers (1964) - York).pdf
Young-AdvancesInMicrowavesVol11966_text (Advances in Microwaves (1966) - Young - Volume 1).pdf
Young-AdvancesInMicrowavesVol21967_text (Volume 2).pdf
Zepler 1943 The Technique of Radio Design (The Technique of Radio Design (1944) - E.E.Zepler).pdf
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