URE foro pequeñas
Yaesu FT-920
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Yaesu FT-920

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#2324  - 26 noviembre, 2008 19:49 

Hola a ver si alguno me puede ayudar con este tema , tengo una Yaesu ft920 y la grabadora digital que lleva me dice en el manual que graba 16" , la mia graba 8" .He consultado con 2 colegas que tienen este equipo y les pasa lo mismo y claro con 8" me falta tiempo para hacer la llamada CQ .
¿ alguien me puede ayudar ?

73 cordiales 5ZZ:cheer:

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#53788  - 27 noviembre, 2008 09:39 

Hola buenas...

Que yo sepa solo te queda hacerla más corta.

Esto lo recogí hace tiempo al ver ese "error" del manual.

Digital Voice Recorder


The instruction manual is wrong:
The recording time for channel 1 & 2 is 8 seconds, NOT 16 seconds.
The recording time for channel 3 & 4 is 4 seconds, NOT 8 seconds.

Recording Level:
The recording level can be adjusted by the microphone gain control, start with the gain set at the 12:00 o’clock position.
Speak at a normal level about 6 inches from the microphone, you will need to run test to get the level and the modulation right for transmitting.

To Start Recording:
Press ( REC ) then key # 1, REC will appear flashing in the right side of the display. Now you have eight seconds to record your message.

To Play Back:
Turn up the AF gain.
Press and hold the PLAY until MONI appears flashing in the display, then press #1 key and the message will be play back. BE CAREFULL, If you press #1 key after the MONI stops flashing you will be on the 160 meter band.

To Put The Message On The Air:
Press and quickly release the PLAY button, when PLAY is flashing in the display press #1 key this will automatically put the transmitter on the air and play the message.

This same procedure is used for all voice recording channels.

To Record Off The Air:
In this mode when the recorder is started, it will record over and over every 16 seconds, and play back only the last 16 seconds of recording.

To start recording press the REC button and then press the ( ZERO ) button when the REC is flashing in the display. The hyphen in the CH window will flash, indicating the reorder is running.
To stop recording press the REC button.

To Play Back, Off The Air Recording:
Press the PLAY button, and when PLAY is flashing in the display, press the ( ZERO ) button.
The last 16 seconds of the recording will play back, you can do this over and over.
The FT 920 Digital Voice Recorder can record 32 seconds of ( CW ), and you will not find this in the instruction manual, the FT 920 can’t do this. Hi Hi Hi

The FT 920 must be in the ( CW ) mode to make this work.

When recording ( CW ) using the Digital Voice Recorder, it will only record for ( 8 ) seconds not ( 16 ) seconds. This is normal for channel #1 & #2 and only ( 4 ) seconds for channels #3 & 4. ( The Manual is wrong. )

This is how you get ( 32 ) seconds of ( CW ) recording time in channel # 1 of the Digital Recorder, and you may need to try this several times.

All of the memory of all four channels must be cleared, go through the following sequence.
Press ( REC )( #1 ) Press ( REC )( #2 ) Press ( REC )( # 3 ) Press ( REC )( #4 )

Then do this again backwards.
Press ( REC )( #4 ) Press( REC )( #3 ) Press ( REC )( # 2 ) Press ( REC )( # 1 )

Test: Press ( PLAY ) then Channel #1 and wait 35 seconds to make sure the channel is clear, if not repeat the above.

To Record ( CW ) -- Press ( REC ) ( #1 ) and start sending CW immediately or the recorder will turn off. You will also need to send at 12 WPM or faster to keep the recorder from turning off. The recorder will turn off if there is to much space between the characters, and if you record for more than 32 seconds it will erase. ( It’s a 32 second recording loop. ) There is no indicator to show the recorder is working, you need to time it.

To PLAY Back: Press ( Play ) and MONI will appears flashing in the right side of the display, then Press ( # 1 ). The level of the audio is now controlled by the side tone knob.

To put the recording on the air: Select ( CW ) mode, the frequency etc.
Then Press ( PLAY ) and QUICKLY PRESS ( #1 ) and it will go on the air.

Be careful or you can find you are on the wrong BAND.
After pushing play, if the #1 is not pushed quickly you will be on the 160 band.


Saludos Jesús EA5HA Murcia. jmjsjimenez@gmail.com

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#53822  - 5 diciembre, 2008 22:17 

Hola Jesus gracias por contestar no entiendo como pueden cometer esos errores en Yaesu.

Recibe un cordial saludo.

73 5ZZ

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