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Mensajes: 279
#10610  - 7 julio, 2010 15:59 

Buenas tardes:

Alguien conoce el Balun ICE-180.- Gracias anticipadas.-. Saludos.- EA4EMC.- Miguel Angel.

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Mensajes: 7866
#113281  - 7 julio, 2010 16:21 


Aunque cuesta un poco encontrarlo...aquí lo tienes;



One of our best selling products and popular worldwide Model 180 Series are broadband impedance matching units intended for use with HF lowband, low-noise receiving antennas. Ideal for long and medium wave listening applications in ground-based services or at sea when connected to terminated or unterminated beverages, long or random wires, broadband loops, EWEs, etc.

Coaxial cable attaches to input SO-239 connector (standard for this product), output impedance taps available for 300, 450, 600 and 800 ohms on side terminals. Case of unit works at ground potential.

Units are offered in two frequency ranges and in both high isolation (no DC continuity between input and outputs) or DC passive (DC continuity between SO-239 center pin and all outputs for directional switching operations). DC passive units usable with voltage duplexing through coaxial line up to 50VAC/DC. RF power rating about 25W-all models.

Isolation units are Models 180A (1.5 - 30MHz) and 182A (extended frequency coverage 100kHz - 30MHz). DC passive selections are Models 181A (1.5 - 30MHz) and Model 183A (extended frequency coverage 100kHz - 30 MHz). Isolation units are capacitor blocked at 2KV for lightning protection with on-board backup gas breakdown tube. DC passive units employ MOV dual-polarity overvoltage protection.

185A is a non-inductive resistive load for beverage terminations, taps of 300, 450, 600 and 800 ohms. Power handling capacity low continuous, 100W peak. Includes gas protective tube for lightning protection - works well in high-intensity RF fields.
All units built in I.C.E. standard heavy chassis measuring (HWD) 11/2" X 2" X 3", indoor/outdoor use, stainless steel hardware, flat surface mounting or use with bolt-on mounting frames featured on page 18. Each unit packed with 4-page owner's manual.

Resumiendo, es un balun para antenas tipo "Beverage".

73, Máximo - EA1DDO

Máximo Martín - EA1DDO / HK1H / M0HAO

Mensajes: 279
#113282  - 7 julio, 2010 16:53 

Buenas tardes Máximo:

Muchísimas gracias por tu increible efectividad.- Como no tengo ni idea de inglés, me armo un lio impresionante, creo que al americano lo entendí mal, pues yo lo quiero para una antena, muy corta de 2,50 metros para enrollar hilo largo y procurar sacarla la mayor efectividad.- Repito.- Muy agradecido.- Saludos cordiales.- EA4EMC.- Miguel Angel.

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