Buenas, alguien sabe donde conseguir el manual de la antena SOMMER XP80, estaria interesado en conseguirlo, la XP80 tiene exactamente un boom de 8 metros y 12 elementos
bueno te informo que yo tengo una antena y la tengo en venta
esta sin estrenar.
pasame tu correo electronico o me pones uno ami
don Domitilo el correo que pasastes no funciona te paso el mio
Al parecer Elf Sommer murió y nadie se hizo cargo del negocio.
Habría que buscar más profundo en internet y sobre todo, enviar correos a todo aquel que diga que tiene una (E-Ham, etc).
Escribió:Series XP80 - 8 m / 26-ft Boom10-12-15-17-20-30-40 m
Basic Kit (XP804): 4-band 10-12-15-20 m
Add-on Kit (XP808): 6-17-30 and 40 m
Escribió:Active Elements20 m
5x driven full size (1/2 wavelength) elements
LOG-1 + LOG-2 + LOG-3 + LOG-4 + LOG-5
15/17 m
5x extended 1/2 wavelength plus elements about 5/8 wavelength long
LOG-1 + LOG-2 + LOG-3 + LOG-4 + LOG-5 + EL-1B on 15 m + EL-1C on 17 m + EL-5A
10/12 m
10 x 1/2 wavelength collinear elements 2 x 5 side by side
LOG-1 + LOG-2 + LOG-3 + LOG-4 + LOG-5 + EL-1A + EL-2A + EL-3A + EL-4A + EL-1B as 3/8 radiator
30/40 m
All driven elements
LOG-1 + LOG-2 + LOG-3 + LOG-4 + LOG-5 + EL-1B + EL-1C + EL-5A as "C"NOTE: Well-built multiband beams with driven elements have a 1-2 dB higher gain than conventional systems with the same boom length and bandwidth (better element illumination).
Escribió:With a boom size of 8 m / 26 ft, the XP80 is a real surprise, even for experienced DXers! Not only in the transmitting mode, but also when receiving rare DX signals near the band ends. In critical pile-up situations, the XP80 yields an outstanding and unexpected signal reading and shows well its enormous directivity and the capability to fade-out heavy QRM interfering from the side and back.The model XP804 antenna is shown in Figure A. In this configuration the 20m band is using five actively driven full-size elements and turns out a solid 10 dB/D forward gain.
For the 15 m (and 17 m) band, five directly fed 5/8-wave elements, in conjunction with elements 1B and 5A, provide a typical 10.5 dB/D forward gain. Operation on 17 meters requires an optional 8.2 m (26 ft) element at boom location Z which does not influence the 10-20 m settings, but has the same properties on 15 m.
All elements are working on 10 and 12 meters and contribute to a 10-11 dB/D gain.
A coaxial T-match system on Log. 5 enables operation on the 30 m band without any mechanical extensions. The typical gain with this configuration is about 0 dB/D.
The 40m band is activated by use of an individual power coil at Y, yielding a 0 to 3 dB/D gain on this band.
73, Máximo - EA1DDO
Máximo Martín - EA1DDO / HK1H / M0HAO
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