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SDR/Panadapter para Drake TR-7

Mensajes: 7866
#34322  - 27 febrero, 2017 10:23 


Buena noticia para los amantes del Drake TR-7.
El panadapter también le ha llegado al TR-7.

Frank - WB2UJS ha creado un panadapter específico para el Drake TR-7.
Ya está a la venta en E-Bay, (la demanda lo ha cogido por sorpresa y se ha agotado ya. Hay que esperar a nuevas unidades).



NR-PAN7 Description

The NR-PAN7 is a Panadapter designed specifically to operate in conjunction with the Noble Radio
NRV7 DDS VFO to create a spectral display and rig control environment for the Drake TR7 using Ham
Radio Deluxe and HDSDR programs running on a Windows based PC. The combination of the NRPAN7,
NRV7 and the aforementioned software will allow “point and click” frequency control of the TR7
using a mouse on the HDSDR spectral display. The frequency may also be controlled by the HRD rig
control interface as well as the main tuning knob of the NRV7. This combination creates a powerful
control and logging environment for the TR7.
While designed to be used with the NRV7, the NR-PAN7 can also be used as a stand alone adapter to
create a spectral frequency display for the TR7 but will not show the correct operating frequency on the
spectral display or allow control of the frequency by the HDSDR program.
The novel approach to the way the NR-PAN7 has been designed allows for a very easy solution to
adding a Panadapter to the TR7. The conventional approach is to add a tap off of the 48.05 MHz IF
signal path in the TR7's Up Converter board. This is a complicated procedure and requires major
disassembly of the radio. Installation of the NR-PAN7 does not require any boards to be removed from
the radio. The entire modification to the TR7 is done on the bottom of the Parent Board and only
requires removal of the bottom cover. The simple installation is achieved by duplicating the Up
Converter board function in the NR-PAN7. It creates its own 48.05 MHz IF signal that tracks the
signals in the TR7's IF because it uses the local oscillator from the TR7 to generate its own IF signal.
The signal from the antenna is bandpass filtered to remove signals below 1.7 MHz and above 35 MHz
and then converted to 48.05 MHz and then bandpass filtered again before going to its own IF amplifier
stage where it is amplified and applied to an SDR receiver that connects to the PC environment with a
USB connection.
HDSDR is used for the spectral display because it is a freeware program with many features and also
connects to Ham Radio Deluxe via a DDE link so that no virtual com ports are required to use a rig
control / logging program as well as a spectral display program to control the same radio. This makes
for a very easy software installation and control / logging environment for the vintage Drake TR7.
The installation of the PAN7 requires a small amplifier/buffer board to be mounted on the bottom of the
Parent Board where it picks up the operating voltage and Local Osc signal from the Parent Board with
3 connections. A supplied coax cable (to carry the LO signal to the NR-PAN7) is routed through the
slots in the bottom cover and attached to the Amp / Buffer board to complete the modification. The
Antenna signal is picked up from the EXT ANT jack on the rear panel of the TR7. There is also a 12
pin connector at the end of a cable from the PAN7 which plugs into the Accessory Jack on the back of
the TR7. These connections are all that is required for the Panadapter to operate with the TR7. The
SDR is connected to the PC via the USB connector on the NR-PAN7. The Accessory Jack connection
provides power for the NR-PAN7 as well as the required signals to mute the Panadapter during
transmit thus preventing severe overload of the spectral display. A small amount of signal will feed
through to the spectral display during transmit and can be used for spotting during CW operation as
well as checking the bandwidth of the transmitted signal on SSB.

The photos show the mounting of the amp/buffer board on the bottom of the TR7. HDSDR and HRD are available on line as free downloads. The NR-PAN7 comes with 2 coax cables (For antenna and local osc connections), the USB cable for connection to a PC or laptop and an instruction / installation manual.

This listing is for the NR-PAN7 only and does NOT include the TR7, the NRV7 VFO or the laptop and display in the photos. They are shown for illustrative purposes only.

I will ship International. Please contact me for shipping rates before buying.

I will be happy to answer any questions.

Thanks for looking

Frank WB2UJS

73, Máximo - EA1DDO

Máximo Martín - EA1DDO / HK1H / M0HAO

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Mensajes: 7866
#307888  - 11 marzo, 2017 15:19 

Ya hay nuevas unidades a la venta;


73, Máximo

Máximo Martín - EA1DDO / HK1H / M0HAO

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