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Reflections III - reedición-

Mensajes: 388
#9448  - 16 abril, 2010 22:43 

He recibido de la ista de noticias de World Radio el aviso de que CQ está a punto de reeditar el Reflections III, de Walter Maxwell, W2DU. Es una joya sobre las líneas de transmisión y la relación entre estas y nuestros equipos y antenas.
Copio aquí la noticia:

FOR RELEASE: Immediate (April 16, 2010)

CQ Introduces "Reflections III" by Walt Maxwell, W2DU

(Hicksville, NY – April 16, 2010) – CQ Communications, Inc. today announced the upcoming publication of Reflections III: Transmission Lines and Antennas, an expanded, revised and updated edition of this authoritative work by M. Walter Maxwell, W2DU.

"This is not a 'how to' book," explains the author, saying that rather, "its theme is 'how it works.' It is about the care and feeding of antennas, with special emphasis on dispelling some of the prevalent myths and misconceptions surrounding the mismatched antenna and its feed line in routine operations… It explains in great detail how the antenna tuner at the input terminals of the feed line provides a conjugate match at the antenna terminals and an impedance match for the output of the antenna, and tunes a non-resonant antenna to resonance."

The book is built around a series of seven articles entitled "Another Look at Reflections" that were published in QST magazine in the 1970s. The information from those articles and the theory behind it has been expanded, revised and updated into what is now a 424-page reference book, with many updates and additions beyond the first two editions, Reflections and Reflections II, published in 1990 and 2001, respectively.

Highlights of the third edition include further discussions of the conjugate match, the origin of the W2DU ferrite-bead balun, a simple introduction to the Smith Chart, and some personal history of the author's work in designing antennas for very early earth-orbiting satellites. A new chapter also "exposes and corrects some new myths and misconceptions that have crept into recent literature," according to the author.

Reflections III will be available as of May 10, 2010. Suggested retail price is $39.99. Pre-publication orders are being accepted via the CQ webstore at . The book's ISBN # is 0943016436


73 de Enric, EA3VN

Inició el tema
Mensajes: 7784
#104948  - 17 abril, 2010 19:41 


Un más que interesante libro que todo radioaficionado que se precie debería tener en su biblioteca.

Gracias por la información.

73, Máximo - EA1DDO

Máximo Martín - EA1DDO / HK1H / M0HAO


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