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Mensajes: 632
#322761  - 23 mayo, 2018 06:23 

Estos días, me he encontrado con un polímetro que parece interesante de el 121gw de los chicos de eevblog

Esta es su descripción:

Designed for electronics use, with unique features such as:

Bluetooth connectivity (multi-device capability)
Open Source Cross Platform application software (Android + Windows, and more soon)
15V Diode Test Voltage (useful for Zeners + LED strings etc)
VA Power measurement
Low Burden™ voltage
Unique burden voltage display
Micro SD Card data logging + firmware updating

Other major features include:

Dual 50,000 count display with bargraph
0.05% + 5 Basic DCV Accuracy
Auto-Hold measurement
600V CAT-III with independent UL 61010 certification by ETL
Safe operation through HRC fuse + TVS + PTC + MOV + Diode Bridge protection

Hardware Features:

AD8436 >100KHz True RMS
4 x AA battery powered with 500+ hr battery life
Compact design – 84 × 165 × 59 mm (W × L × H)
Hackable ST ARM Cortex M3 processor (S-LINK/V2 programmer interface inside)
Hycon HY3131 chipset
MAX4238 Low Offset Amplifier for current ranges
SD Card firmware update
Full Open Schematic available
8ppm ADR3412 voltage reference

The meter is manufactured by UEI Test Instruments, a reputable US based designer and manufacturer of high quality test gear. The design work was primarily done by UEI, but with a great deal of design input and direction from Dave. The meter is manufactured in South Korea.

Saludos. Jacinto

Sólo puedo ofrecer mi opinión y mis reflexiones. Otras opiniones y reflexiones son tan o más válidas que las mías. Lo importante es que cada uno acabe desarrollando sus propias conclusiones.

FT-23, FT-60, FT-991, IC-V200T, DR-605 y Dynascan P-72.

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