Hola a todos
Aunque yo tengo mi propia opinión al respecto, tengo un vecino que hace poco que tiene las letras y me preguntó sobre que equipo adquirir mejor en el mercado de la segunda mano, si un yaesu ft-990 o un icom ic-7400.
A él le gustaría meterse en el mundo del DX ya que es lo que viene haciendo de la CB. Yo por mi parte optaría por el icom por tema de tener los 6 mts además de vhf pero, y aún sabiendo la fiabilidad de yaesu, me gustaría vuestras opiniones para hacérselas llegar a él
73 de EA8DD, Dani
Pues depende de los gustos de cada uno, pero personalmente me inclinaría por el FT-990.
Es el "hermano menor" del FT-1000, trabaja a 220V pero no tiene DSP, por lo que el audio es analógico, todo lo contrario del IC-7400 que ya es de la era del DSP, y creo que funciona a 12v.
Lo dicho, depende de gustos pero yo prefiero el Yaesu.
Es curiosa esta afirmación del E-Ham.net;
Escribió:I have bought IC-7700 a month ago, sold it and bought FT-990 back again on my desk last week.I've made A/B comparison with IC-7700 and FT-990 for a week. When the signal was below S2, I couldn't read out what he said in some cases with IC-7700. I've had the same phenomenon on my TS-870 before. Besides 7700's RX audio was terribly UNclear, quite different from 990's. One of the ICOM's flagship model costs me more than $6,500USD , but it didn't work well at all. I still don't know how to describe how I feel about this tragedy. I was mad at myself for being so neatly taken in by ICOM. But now I'm extremely satisfied with FT-990. If you can't believe this report, please do A/B comparison at the same time. The result will tell you the truth.
Escribió:What I feel about FT-990 is exactly the same as ZL1k mentioned. So far I've had many HF rigs such as TS930-950/850/830,IC781/765,FT-1000mkV/102/107 and others. Recently I bought a TS-590 and had played with it for a month. The audio in and out are very nice.Digital IF filter is quite helpful. The receiver has so low noise floor that I can read out very week signals in even noisy situation. Very easy to operate. Simply, it's 5-pointed best transceiver in the price range. But I've sold it and bought a used FT-990 again. Because, from TS-590, I couldn't feel joy of possession nor joy of operate(control). I was not satisfied with TS-590. This may be like-dislike question. Though FT-990(same as FT-1011 in JA) is getting old and its performance is not as nice as recent high-end models(IC7800,FTDX9000,etc), but I prefer FT-990's clear and NATURAL sound than 590's and I'm sure that it's still worth owing it. If you have never had FT-990, you must try it and you can clearly understand what a nice transceiver it is!
Así que si le gustan radios con buenos filtros y DSP, el Icom le gustará.
Si prefiere un equipo analógico de gran audio tanto en Rx como Tx, robusto que trabaja con 220CA, el Yaesu será su radio.
73, Máximo - EA1DDO
Máximo Martín - EA1DDO / HK1H / M0HAO
:cheer: Me apunto por el FT990, de largo! (probados los dos)
Joan Solà Vilaseca.
Sant Feliu de Guixols
Costa Brava, Girona.
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