Hola estoy preguntandome si estos acopladores funcionaran con alguna de las salidas de TUNER que tiene la yaesu ft-840 , como sabreis tiene dos tipo de conexiones pero bueno la cuestion es si el interface acepta uno de estos dos acopladores para que con el TUNER del pànel delantero de la ft-840 haga que funcione el FC-30 o el LDG al igual que si pusieras su acoplador original un FC-10.
¿alguien lo a tenido o tiene puesto o sabe si funcionara?
Un saludo y gracias si alguien me saca de la duda.
no name 🤣
Sólo sirven
FC-10 Automatic antenna tuner.
FC-800 External remote automatic antenna tuner.
Both the FC-10 and FC-800 provide all-band transmitting capability with an end-fed random wire or long whip antenna (the FC-1 0 antenna tuner should be used with antennas requiring coaxial feed line, such as beams). Both tuners make use of the control circuitry built into the Yaesu FT-840 (FT840, FT 840) , which allows the operator to control and monitor automatic operation of the FC-10 or FC-800 mounted near the antenna feed point.
The FC-10 provides a compact, easy-to-install unit that is styled to match the appearance of the Yaesu FT-840 (FT840, FT 840). For more demanding applications, the FC-800 uses specially selected thermally stable components and is housed in a waterproof casing to reliably withstand severe climatic extremes.
Both the FC-10 and FC-800 match a wide variety of antennas to within a 1.5:1 SWR on any amateur band frequency in typically less than 30 seconds. Transmitter power required for matching can be as little as 10 watts, and matching settings are automatically stored in memory for instant recall when the same frequency range is reselected later.
EA4CY - (ex: EA1ANM) - Feliciano
EXPANDED TX/ RF 1.8 - 30 Mhz
1- Remove power and antenna from the radio.
2- Remove the top and bottom covers.
3- Locate the Unit TEMPORARILY Jumper TP-2003 to ground.
4- Press and hold [SSB] and [AM] and turn radio ON (Display will show 02-OFF).
5- Rotate main control knob to show 02-ON
6- Press [AM]. The display should show (7.000.00 LSB).
7- Turn the radio OFF.
8- Press and hold [MEM], [DOWN], [UP] and turn ON.
9- Turn the radio OFF agaim.
10- Remove the jumper to ground on TP-2003.
11- Reassemble the radio.
EA4CY - (ex: EA1ANM) - Feliciano
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