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MACROS mixw - SEEKL...
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Mensajes: 116
#5051  - 7 junio, 2009 13:50 


Tengo una duda con las macros SEEKLEFT Y SEEKRIGHT de Mixw. ¿estas macros sólo funcinan con el modo BPSK31? ¿funciona con los otros modos?

Lo pregunto puesto que no me funciona en BPSK63.

Un saludo, RICHARD

Richard Pérez - EA8W

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Mensajes: 116
#71713  - 9 junio, 2009 19:18 


Hay alguien que use Mixw y que le funcione SEEK en cualquier modo. Estoy leyendo la ayuda y no veo nada al respecto.

Un saludo, Richard

Stations may also be tuned in by assigning the and macros to individual function keys, preferably single-finger keys. Pressing the key assigned to will cause the cursor to jump to the next signal to the right of the current cursor position. Pressing the key assigned to will cause the cursor to jump to the next signal to the left of the current cursor position. Seek will send the cursor to any signal strong enough for Seek to detect,. If the cursor seems not to move, there may not be a detectable signal in the direction of Seek. If Seek passes the station you want to tune, or tunes to one side of the station and not in the middle, just press the Seek button to pass the station and approach it from the other side. The default keys for Seek are F11 and F12, labeled <>.

When Options | Arrows for Seek is checked, the left and right arrow keys can be used for the Seek function, releasing F11 and F12 for other one-finger macro key configurations. However, if the left and right arrow keys are used for Seek, they are not available for editing the TX and RX windows.

When Options | Continuous Seek is checked, Seek will search continuously for a signal and stop when it finds one. To manually stop Continuous Seek, just press any Seek key.

Richard Pérez - EA8W

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