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Controlar simultáneamente 2 conjuntos az/el

Mensajes: 640
#13627  - 8 febrero, 2011 23:01 

Pues eso, me gustaría saber si alguien ha controlado con un solo programa dos conjuntos azimut/elevación de forma simultánea. Por ejemplo en un conjunto podría tener una parábola para 1.2/2.4 y en otro conjunto 144/432.

Don dos programas funcionando de forma simultánea cada uno controlaría un conjunto.

Aquí lo dejo por si alguien tiene alguna idea.

Juan Antonio

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Mensajes: 640
#136906  - 10 febrero, 2011 22:56 

Esta es la respuesta que me ha dado Erich DK1TB para poder controlar dos rotores de forma simultánea con el SATPC32.

Como véis se trata de configurar uno de forma normal y el segundo a través de DDE-CLIENT.

Hello Juan,
with older SatPC32 versions (up to 12.7) you could run 2 instances of
SatPC32 simultaneously because SatPC32 stored the program data in the program folder.So, each instance could use its own data. Beginning with 12.8 the program stores the program data in a special system folder for program data. I made this change due to Windows Vista and Windows 7 which cause problems when your store the data in the program folder.

You can try the following:
Control one rotor system via SatPC32 directly and the other via WispDDE. Set the DDE link in WispDDE to SatPC32 (for information see SatPC32 manual sect.
C3). So, WispDDE will receive the azimut and elevation positions calculated by SatPC32. Configure SatPC32 for one of your rotor systems and WispDDE for the other. So, you can run both systems simultaneously, I think.

55 + 73s, Erich, DK1TB

Original Message

From: "EA4CYQ"
To: "Erich Eichmann"
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 9:39 PM
Subject: Satpc32 and two rotors simultaneous

Hello Erich,

I am an user of your software SATPC32 and you have always helped quickly and very nice.
I am planning in may new home to have 2 towers, one of them with V/UHF yaguis and the other with an 1.2/2.4GHz parabolic dish.
I think satpc32 can not control both rotors simultaneously.
I think I must run two programs simultaneously.
Is it posible?, Do you have a better idea?
Thanks in advance.
Yours faithfully

Juan Antonio

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