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Material educativo sobre Ingeniería de la Radio en inglés

Mensajes: 3658
#331996  - 25 febrero, 2019 18:10 

Hola a todos:

en  "The Scout Report" Vol. 25 Nº6 (Copyright © 2017 Internet Scout Research Group - http://scout.wisc.edu ) han citado una web educativa que puede ser de interés para explicar los conceptos de Ingeniería de Radiodifusión.  A continuación la cita:

TeachEngineering: Riding the Radio Waves

STEM educators looking for an engaging way to introduce students to radio's engineering aspects may be interested in Riding the Radio Waves, a lesson plan from the TeachEngineering collection. This standards-aligned lesson teaches students "how AM radios work through basic concepts about waves and magnetic fields" and includes several demonstrations "to help students better understand these concepts." In addition to the demonstrations, the lesson is also designed to be taught in conjunction with a hands-on activity where students build working AM radios from kits. This curriculum, which was created with students in grades 7-9 in mind, emphasizes the concepts of waves and magnetic fields as engineering fundamentals as well as the practical applications of those concepts. TeachEngineering is a digital library of standards-aligned K-12 STEM teaching resources whose development was funded by the National Science Foundation and is currently managed by the University of Colorado-Boulder and Oregon State University. Riding the Radio Waves and its accompanying activity was contributed by the MUSIC (Math Understanding through Science Integrated with Curriculum) Program in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. [JDC]


Espero que sea de interés.

jon, ea2sn


Jon, EA2SN / AE2SN
... el que lee mucho y anda mucho vee mucho y sabe mucho. (Don Quijote, libro segundo, capítulo XXV)
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