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#9695  - 2 mayo, 2010 09:22 

Hola a todos,
Os quiero comentar que hay un nuevo modo de transmision en digitales y aparentemente mas efectivo. Sirve tanto de baliza como para mantener QSO`s.
Este nuevo modo rompe los esquemas tradicionales de comunicaciones digitales, tipo BPSK31, Olivia, JT etc... asi como el de balizamiento como es el WSPR (Whisper).
Todo ello porque utiliza todo el espectro disponible de una modulacion.

Y lo mas importante es que este metodo que se esta extendiendo por el mundo es MADE IN SPAIN; todo un Software de “pata negra”.

Lo podeis encontrar aquí en la pagina Web http://rosmodem.wordpress.com/ y por supuesto con el manual en ESPAÑOL.

Os animo a conocerlo y empezemos a difundirlo. Yo lo he probado un poco y va muy bien.

NOTA: es valido tambien para EME


Juan Carlos

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Mensajes: 137
#106867  - 2 mayo, 2010 18:27 


Me lo acabo de bajar. Parece interesante, habrá que profundizar en el programa. :)

Solo una cosa, al ir al enlace de descarga del programa , no hay ninguna introducción/explicación en español sobre este programa. Lo único el manual para descargarlo en español.
Pienso que sería una buena idea poner una reseña del programa, ya que hay gente que es reticente a descargarse nada por motivos de seguridad.

Saludos y gracias por el enlace


Màrius ( ex- EA3BFK-EB3CCJ )

Mensajes: 2800
#106901  - 2 mayo, 2010 19:29 


EA2HA Humberto

Mensajes: 802
#106916  - 4 mayo, 2010 00:14 

Nueva version de ROS... la 3.5.3 desde ayer dia 3.
Incorpora CAT y un scaner de frecuencias muy util.

Mensajes: 3075
#107094  - 10 mayo, 2010 21:30 

Contactos esta tarde con Italia y Serbia usando una vertical y 5 watts en 20 metros... ;)

«Todo está perdido cuando los malos sirven de ejemplo y los buenos de mofa»
-Demócrito (460 AC)-
Miguel Ángel "MrDJ"

---> http://www.hamqth.com/ec1dj
---> http://www.facebook.com/ec1dj
---> http://www.ec1dj.wordpress.com
---> https://www.youtube.com/user/30MRDJ

Mensajes: 103
#107877  - 15 mayo, 2010 01:57 

Hora 01:00 UTC.
Lugar cuartel general de la ARRL.
Frecuencia 7.050.
Operador K5 ... & W 4...

John ,Mike ¡¡¡¡ Escuchad esto!!!!

RX8: CO2DC de VE9DX OK fine jesus… let me drop my power… qrx will go to 1 watt…
now running 1 watt only Jesus… still copy me? CO2DC de VE9DX Email:
TX8: VE9DX de CO2DC ok wiht one watt S/N: -5 dB, Marge: +21 dB go more down because u have enought merge go ahead down BK
RX8: CO2DC de VE9DX CO2DC de VE9DX ok will go down to half watt…now 1/2 watt…. will drop it down to 1/4 watt qrx going to 1/4 watt…
now 1/4 watt now 1/4 watt copy ? CO2DC de VE9DX 1/4 watt

TX8: VE9DX de CO2DC no problem with 1/2 1/4 w go down S/N: -10 dB, Marge: +16 dB bk
OK back up in power now… That waas measured on a Bird watt meter… so one really does not need power on this mode. Nice to know I can be heard with 1/4 watt,,,Thanks for the test… again very 73 and gn for now… CU soon
CO2DC de VE9DX tnx fer QSO, 73. CO2DC de VE9DX sk
TX8: VE9DX de CO2DC if u are able to go furthe down do it because if u calculate i will continue receiving u 10db under 1/4w simple calculation i dont knw if ur Bird is able to read miliwatts but i am sure u will come here in this moment without qrm with 0.02w bk
RX8: CO2DC de VE9DX CO2DC de VE9DX OK here goes will go down in power some more…now 100 mw 100 mw 100mw do u still copy?
Email: CO2DC de VE9DX k
TX8: VE9DX de CO2DC ok the 100mw go ahead down….bk
RX8: CO2DC de VE9DX wow … this is awesome… here goes…now 50 mw 50 mw 50 mw 50 mw… this is about as low as I can go Jesus BTU CO2DC de VE9DX
TX8: VE9DX de CO2DC ok 50mw and no mistake in any letter i will send you a copy of the log by mail but please contiue down no qrm now bk
RX8: CO2DC de VE9DX CO2DC de VE9DX OK qsl… will try 25 mw…It is harèdtmeasure output now but I see 25 mw 25 mw 25 mw Hw? de VE9DX

TX8: VE9DX de CO2DC S/N: -17 dB, Marge: +9 dB ok first ligth mistake bt only one and if u have toruble with that Bird reading look for some other one hi hi… because it is too much for ROS
RX8: dat•Mr]lòeÄshekx¤ru el
RX8: CO2DC de VE9DX OK now back up to 15 watts… sri I had an error… Hit the wrong key… well glad to know how well this program will work. I am learning fast that it works very well indeed. Have a sked coming up in 5 minutes on 2 mtrs with a stn in Ohio so I really must run… Tahnks for the great qso. I will look forward to ur email Jesus,,,
Again 73 and GN CO2DC de VE9DX sk sk qsy

TX8: VE9DX de CO2DC ok 73 i wll send u a copy of this log by mail tomorrow i u will see ur signal with 25 mw and i will send it to Mr. Ros 73 and prepare anothier >Bird that flies lower hi 73 mt friend VE9DX de CO2DC sk

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#106868  - 16 mayo, 2010 10:00 

Nieto Ros crea un modo para 500 y 136 Khz....
A peticion de F4DTL y G0NDB J.Alberto crea ROS MF ,este nuevo modo va integrado en la misma
"inrface " usuario de ROS.
El ancho de banda 100 hz,velocidades 1 y 7 baud .S/N -27,6 dB y 128 caracteres / minuto para ROS MF 7 baud,-37,5 dB y 21 caracteres /minuto para ROS MF 1 baud.

A continuacio el ROS-log de este QSO.

Re: Essais ROS G0NBD
par F4DTL le Ven 14 Mai 2010 23:51

QSO en ROS7 MF ce vendredi soir entre G0NBD et M0BMU

RX7: G0NBD de M0BMU M0BMU M0BMU hw? kkk

RX7: G0NBD de M0BMU ge Graham tnx for call - you are currently at SNR of about -16dB here with usual QSB. Ur sig is weakly audible most of the time, fading out during the QSB, but solid copy so far. Quite a lot of QRN on the band tonight. Running about 100W or thereabouts... the antenna is not quite properly tuned here I see... so BTU Graham G0NBD de M0BMU kkk

RX7: g0nbd de m0bmu S/N: -12 dB, Marge: +15 dB - Oh, OK so that's how it works then, hi! Almost 100% that time apart from a couple of words in the middleù=IPN 1ÓVusth ema

RX7: g0nbd de m0bmu S/N: -12 dB, Marge: +15 dB - Oh, OK so that's how it works then, hi! Almost 100% that time apart from a couple of words in the middle of your over where your sig faded out totally on the spectrogram for a few seconds. It is quite noisy here on the band tonight, with some rusty-bolt intermods from the local MW broadcast stations here, a bit of QRN, and while you were beaconing earlier, G3XIZ came up calling one of the PA stns in CW just down the band. Chris is vy strong here, and the key clicks are quite loud, even though the signal is quite well shaped. So it looks like the FEC is doing its job OK. Well, the speed looks fine to me... until I learn to type faster, there isn't much point in a higher speed mode for me, hi! I think this mode is quite viable for routine QSOs on MF, something which has not been available up until now... any better that time Graham? de M0BMU kkk

RX7: M0j/tdfeXntToLe,di unes .. all 10ce

RX7: G0NBD de M0BMUS/N: -13 dB, Marge: +13 dB OKb solid agn Graham. I don't think the TX actually stopped any time, but some other program might hve disrupted the TX audio. I shut down the e-mail software just in case... Would be interesting to see if can copy ur beacon here during the day... there is a tiny bit of signal, you can get WSPR decodes over quite long distances in daylight... Yes, the starting sync preamble and the loss of lock are a weakness in marginal conditions - I suppose it would be sensible to keep the overs short ... on that note BTU Graham, hi ... G0NBD de M0BMU kkk

RX7: G0NBD de M0BMU OK agn Graham, a couple of gaps but only a few words each time so not really a problem. Yes, I could leave the RX running during the day and set the e-mail option - that would be an interesting experiment to try... Certainly if the audio stream gets interrupted by other software, it will throw a spanner in the works for the decoder - all timings will be upset. Unfortunately, 160m is a problem here due to dreadful noises coming from the broadcast stns - would have tFq for a low-noise window here, but probably isn't one in the preffered data band-plan segment of 160m... BTU Graham de M0BMU kkk

RX7: M0BMU de G0NBD S/N: -4 dB, Marge: +22 dB .......... Fine Jim ... 22 db over the limit hihi ....ok well I can see what happens over the weekend , let me know when the rx is running ... fine on 160 .. well these days the dutch web-sdr is very handy for Ae tests .. even has a db read out ... The only problem I have on 160 is the rx overloading from the MW signals , I made the high pass filter from the arrl book and that stops all the mw .. ok with the commercial rx's but the ft897 is a problem as cannot access the rx path ..Jose has asked about a mode for 137 khx .. so this going to be fun as he hSj´jintr etz§jesT

RX7: G0NBD de M0BMU fb Graham solid that over S/N: -14 dB, Marge: +13 dB Well yes - I could run this mode on 136 wothout any problem... either using the same EER rig in use now, or via the Decca PA for abt 1kW output. I guess QSB is usually less of a problem on 136 because it happens much slower, so either you are OK, or you lose everything and have to have a cup of tea while you wait for propagation to come back hi hi... If he wants to try it it can be done, anyway. The noise tends to be mostly QRN here, plus the LORAN clattering, but I guess that would not be a big problem in this mode judging by experience on this band. I have high-pass for 160m - I made it with quite big Ls and Cs so that it can withstand 100W, which solves the T/R problem... but here there is a le zedeqRR wlhn!®ks8cejt M:i e rePmaR(tinGefm t dq¦f£ognOr hO³ating in s ¥e&p ndqÏj ÏceEtfiune tlcmg t WmÓ8 ²tmkeeóÁ¨½ ",r it Ántj x I wue k aoe s tvxÅo an have ohme orter sooe ds9odÃiwiryCl it aooFK %$ h g thocgtJrh i o '5eosSeonx eodik

RX7: M0BMU de G0NBD S/N: -4 dB, Marge: +22 dB , Thats intresting re 137 , im not sure if there is any particular feature or function that would be upoou ¹t'ong qsb,utage may be a problem , Just had tt-R5mnd lo t text , but this time I lost after the 100 w filter and too much qrm .. the prog lost lock, but then kept printing with false decodes ..so thats a problem .but maily due to qsb that time ..possibly selective fade as much of the pattern is missing from the spec-lab plot ..... but i should think there is very little that could be done to over come that .....unless some form of sync pulse is introduced in the data stream ..may be fly wheel sync ..with a limited lock range once the main system had locked .....

btu de g0nbd k

RX7: G0NBD de M0BMU fb Graham I'll repeat the missing bit - I have high-pass for 160m - I made it with quite big Ls and Cs so that it can withstand 100W, which solves the T/R problem... but here there is a lot of QRM due to MF sigs re-radiated from mains wiring after intermodulating in rectifiers and so on, so an RX filter is limited help.

I also loose copy when the signal drops right out like that - looks like the TX has gone QRT but it is just very deep QSB! Well, I think it is nearly supper time for me, so will go QRT soon ... any further thoughts Graham? de M0BMU kkk

RX7: G0NBD de M0BMU - no sync due to QSB that time Graham - can you repeat pse? de M0BMU kkk

RX7: G0NBD de M0BMU FB 100% that time Graham. Ok abt shortage of users - seems to be usual story hi... Yes will see if I cant give it a try on 137k over the weekend If I get a few hours spare ... So mni tnx for another data QSO Graham, Nice to work you agn, and will be in touch regarding further tests in this mode. 73 for now, good night Graham de M0BMU sk e e

RX7: M0BMU de G0NBD ok 100% 73 and tnx good night

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#106869  - 18 mayo, 2010 09:10 

estoy probando la version 3.6.0 por ahora solo en recepcion y va bien sabeis porque la opcion scan esta desabilitada...

Mensajes: 90
#106870  - 18 mayo, 2010 10:23 

Se activa cuando utilizas el CAT con la emisora.


José Payá

Mensajes: 1027
#106871  - 18 mayo, 2010 17:09 

Lo probé hace unos dias y me va gustando, varios QSO con EU usando 5w y antena vertical :laugh: No me acabé de leer el manual pero echo en falta la exportación del LOG en ADIF... como paso luego estos QSO´s a mi libro de guardia habitual??

Visita mi Radio-Web: https://EA7P.ure.es

Mensajes: 90
#106872  - 20 mayo, 2010 16:45 

No conocía el modo ROS y descargué la última versión en la web, lo configure con el PTT activado por el puerto serie y funciona, pero sin embargo creo que el programa no recibe audio, o al menos pienso que debería poderse ver un espectograma aunque sea con ruido, ¿no? He comprobado con otros programas y el audio de la emisora entra bien. Habrá que configurar algo o es que simplemente solo se ve lo que se recibe cuando se recibe a alguien emitiendo en ROS?



Mensajes: 396
#108675  - 20 mayo, 2010 19:09 

Supongo que ya has configurado la tarjeta de sonido. Compruebalo en el menú Configure/SoundCard.

Cuando arranca el ROS por primera vez por defecto esta desactivado el WaterFall, segundo interruptor comenzando por la derecha, para evitar sobrecargar la CPU en PCs lentos. Ponlo en on. Igual es esto lo que te pasa.

A ver si nos vemos pronto en pantalla.

Ramon, EA3JI

Mensajes: 90
#106873  - 21 mayo, 2010 22:26 

Hola Ramón,

Gracias por tu respuesta, estabas en lo cierto, era que no tenía activado el "waterfall", no me había dado cuenta. De momento no he tenido oportunidad de probar el programa en QSO, a ver hago alguna prueba. Por cierto, ROS son las siglas de algo?



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#108812  - 22 mayo, 2010 00:22 

Supongo que tendrá que ver con el segundo apellido del autor.

Aparte del Waterfall el ROS trae un vúmetro con el que puedes monitorizar el nivel de sonido que te llega.

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#106874  - 28 mayo, 2010 03:36 

Ya esta disponible la nueva version ROS 3.7.5.
Incorpora varias mejoras ademas de configuracion para español.

Descargar en :


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