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SOTA Microwave Award

Mensajes: 1053
#28296  - 3 julio, 2014 06:50 

Siempre al amparo de San Judas Tadeo (patrón de las causas perdidas)

Y para los que buscan el "mas difícil todavía" ..... ¡¡ sin corresponsales !! ;)

Los montañeros del SOTA están montando un diploma para actividades SOTA en microondas desde 1296Mhz a 24GHz. Ya sabeis que para que una actividad SOTA sea válida hay que hacer al menos el ultimo tramo del ascenso a "pinrel" o en bici, además de otros detalles que se pueden consultar en http://www.sota.org.uk/

Felicidades a los premiados

The long planned SOTA Microwave Award, in conjunction with the UK Microwave Group, is now active (effective 1 July 2014). The database will require modification to score for these awards so currently it is not possible to enter details of any activations or chases but, hopefully, this will be up and running shortly.

This award will be based on DISTANCE not the summit point score so is a deviation from the current SOTA practice and it will be necessary to record the locator of the station that is not on a SOTA summit (the SOTA summit locators are known so are not a required data entry). Although the award is a joint venture with the UK Microwave Group it is not limited to UK stations and is equally applicable worldwide. This is also not a replacement for any of the UK Microwave Group awards but is intended to get people out and about operating portable on the higher bands and recognises shorter qualifying distances than is current practice for the UK Microwave Group.

Briefly, the rules are as follows (any lack of clarity is my fault and I would appreciate any observations where the rules need to be tidied up):

SOTA/UKuG Joint Microwave Award

1) The award will be based on contacts on any amateur microwave band between 23cm and 24GHz

2) The Award will be based on distance. It will start at a basic level of 50Km. Endorsements will be available in 50Km steps.

3) Endorsements may be claimed for activity on each band.

4) An Activator may claim this award based on ACTIVATING the hill. Normal QUALIFYING criteria will apply for claiming this hill for other SOTA awards.

5) For the purposes of this award the Activator may activate the hill as frequently as wished over a year but may only claim it once per calendar day.

6) Chaser rules will apply as normal for the usual SOTA awards but Chasers may also claim for the microwave distance award. One station MUST be on a SOTA summit.

7) There will be a special category of the Summit to Summit Award, where both ends are on qualifying SOTA summits, but will be based on the distance between them, not just the fact they were on SOTA summits (such contacts can also be included in the regular S2S award).

8) The award will be jointly awarded by SOTA and UK Microwave Group. It will be administered by SOTA with oversight from UkuG.

The definitions of Qualifying and Activating are as per the General Rules.

Hopefully we will see folks out and about, but please bear with me before claiming awards as these still need to be designed and jointly approved by the MT and the UK Microwave Group committee.

Barry GM4TOE
SOTA Awards Manager

73 de Luis

Postales no, gracias

Inició el tema
Mensajes: 1332
#255687  - 3 julio, 2014 08:25 

Muy interesante !
Debemos ser masocas :woohoo: :whistle:

73 es Dx


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