Hola a todos.
Duda despejada. Esto es lo que ha dicho NC1L acerca de la operación hoy mismo:
24 September, 2012
Congratulations to the team which helped to reintroduce Amateur Radio to Kosovo, and welcome back to the airwaves to the returning Hams.
As of this time Z6ØK, and/or any other Z6 station, will not count for any entity for DXCC awards purposes as they do not qualify under the DXCC rules. Any future change in Kosovo’s DXCC status will be announced by ARRL.
73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Saludos y buenos DX.
Luis, Onteniente (Valencia) IM98qt
. -.-. ..... .-
Todo está perdido cuando los malos sirven de ejemplo y los buenos, de mofa
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