URE foro pequeñas
SAN MARINO - T70A -...
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SAN MARINO - T70A - Estará en el prox.contest 6 M.

Mensajes: 847
#5155  - 16 junio, 2009 00:18 


Info, para quien esté interesado en el país.................

San Marino club station T70A will be on 6m on 20 and 21 June primarily looking to give those who need it a new country on the band. Filippo IK4ZHH, Giorgio IZ4AKS, Max IZ4DPV, Michele IZ4GWE, Stefano IW2MJQ and Vittorio I4YSS will compose the team that operates from the clubstation; they will use 3 antennas beamed in different directions. QSL via A.R.R.S.M. RADIO CLUB - P.O.BOX 77 - 47890 SAN MARINO, REPUBLIC OFSAN MARINO.

( Recibido de Giorgio IZ4AKS )

73. Salva.

SALVADOR- EA3QS en 1966--Mataró // 50 AÑOS EN JUNIO 2016 !! C33CT 2003-C31CT en 2004--ORDINO (AND)

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