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P43JB John SK
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P43JB John SK

Mensajes: 223
#18499  - 19 enero, 2012 20:18 

Desgraciadamente os comunico una mala noticia; P43JB, el amigo John, ha fallecido. Hace poco tiempo que había mantenido una charla con él en 12 mts, siempre llegaba muy fuerte, y a buen seguro que muchos de vosotros tenéis un montón de qsos con él, una auténtica pena. Descanse en paz.

It is our sad duty to report the passing of Johan (Joop) Box, P43JB (CWops 180) at approximately 17:00 GMT today, Thursday, January 19, 2012.

He had a severely infected kidney. When the doctors tried to remove it, they found the area surrounding it full of infection, so they could not remove the kidney.

His wife, Yvonne, and daughter, Barbara, Sue, myself and Lisandro, P43L, were with him when he passed away.

He was a hell of a guy and will be sorely missed.

Services are pending.

Please include this announcement in all of the appropriate reflectors.

73 Carl AI6V/P49V (via KR3E)

EA1DR Oscar Luis 73's

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