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El asunto de Sudan ...
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El asunto de Sudan del Sur... New Dxcc ??

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#15471  - 2 junio, 2011 16:30 

Acabo de leer este artículo de Martti Laine, OH2BH enviado a y me pregunto a sabienda del interés y trabajo de un grupo de colegas EA para sacar al aire esta nueva entidad, si este comunicado es realidad de la situación u oportunismo para ser nuevamente el primero en poner en el aire una nueva entidad... que cada cual saque sus conclusiones.-

"With great anticipation, DXers the world over are looking forward to the 9th of July this year as the predicted day of South Sudan’s declaration of independence. Indeed, that declaration is set to happen, but it will not yet guarantee the birth of a new DXCC entity, at least at that time.

The DXCC rules are written in such a way that only a new country’s membership in the United Nations and/or its ITU country prefix will result in the anticipated DXCC counter. The U.S. State Department Geographer’s list of Dependencies and Areas of Special Sovereignty obviously does not apply in this case.

The opinion from the ARRL is that no exceptions will be made in this case. They state that the event date – i.e. declaration of independence – will not cause potential QSOs to be counted retroactively. Rather, Newington categorically assumes that U.N. membership, which will most likely come first, followed by the release of an ITU prefix by the U.N. telecommunications agency, will lead to country status.

The prospect of a new country has taken an unexpected turn just recently. The country’s borderline has never been settled between North and South Sudan in the area (Abyei) where most of the oil reserves are located. It was agreed under the 2005 Peace Agreement that the border issue will be resolved by the people in that province. A referendum to settle the matter has not happened. Instead, the North (ST2) has entered the disputed province with force. Additionally, the North has stated that they will not support an independent State in the south unless the contested region is theirs. The matter now remains totally in limbo. LINK.

While the amateur radio project announced earlier this year by 5Z4DZ, ST2AR, W3UR and OH2BH is well underway, it is not yet reasonable to swing your antennas toward South Sudan, as we speak. The project has two well-known DXers now permanently based in South Sudan: SM7PKK and YI1DZ/ST2DZ. The knowledge and the professional presence are in place to proceed with an immediate activation as soon as the above country status matters are resolved.

More news to follow."

Toni / EC7zK
Carmona (Sevilla)

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Mensajes: 33
#151070  - 6 junio, 2011 19:10 

June 06th 2011

The Intrepid-DX Group and the DX Friends/Tifariti Gang continues to move forward with our plans to activate the new country of Southern Sudan with a large multi-national DXpedition.
We have held several successful meetings with representatives of the Government of Southern Sudan. We have been issued an amateur radio license for the purpose of this DXpedition. The Government of South Sudan is very supportive of our plans to visit Juba and to help them celebrate the birth of their new country.
The Government of South Sudan will declare their independence from Sudan on July 9th, 2011. They have applied to the UN for admission as a member state. The UN General Assembly and Security Council will vote on the matter in the weeks following the declaration of independence.
While there have been attacks and fighting in the disputed border region of Abyei, these issues are not expected to derail the emergence of this new country.
We plan to be in the new capital of Juba and to be ready to start our DXpedition upon admission by the UN. We will have 18 operators operating 24/7 on seven active stations.
At this time, we are seeking Foundation, Club and Individual Sponsors to help us defray the costs of carrying out this DXpedition.

Thank you,
The Intrepid-DX Group and The DX Friends.

Mensajes: 1365
#151455  - 7 junio, 2011 06:50 

Ok Toni, entiendo que lo tenéis todo preparado y que esperaréis la inclusión de Sudan del Sur en Naciones Unidas, osea unas semanas más tarde a la declaración de independencia...

Luego viendo el comunicado de OH2BH entiendo que pronto habrá radioaficionados a porrillo por Sudan del Sur, porque según él, llevan trabajando bastante tiempo para ponerlo en el aire y esperaran lo mismo que vosotros, a que el país entre en Naciones Unidas...

Corrigeme si estoy equivocado,


Toni / EC7zK
Carmona (Sevilla)

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Mensajes: 33
#151478  - 7 junio, 2011 15:15 

Nuestro plan sigue adelante tal cual habia sido
trazado , con la unica diferencia de que las fechas
hay que decidirlas una vez que tengamos la seguridad
de que el pais va a ser un nuevo miembro de
Naciones Unidas.


Toni EA5RM

Mensajes: 1365
#151516  - 7 junio, 2011 17:00 

Tnx Toni, veo que eres buen torero...jajja

Pues nada, os deseo mucha suerte y como no daros las gracias por tanto esfuerzo. Espero daros el 59.


Toni / EC7zK
Carmona (Sevilla)

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