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Comentario de F6EXV respecto a algunas QSL´s

Mensajes: 721
#4676  - 12 mayo, 2009 21:51 


In the last batch received from the bureau, I have found 2 cards that confirm QSO with F6EXV from 2 different calls… on the same card. One is from China (BT1OB and BT1ON both on 1 card), the other one is even from 2 different DXCC… I single paper card confirming contacts with me from OH0V and OH4A. In the recent past, I have received one single card from 4 different Za calls…

Some cards are meant for multiple calls, but there is no indication which call was worked….

Some of the cards I have received for my operation (along with JR2KDN) as TO5FJ are amazing : QSOs all over the place, almost unreadable…. If your card is designed for single QSO, send several cards !

I wished people would give a little more care and seriousness when they fill in cards.

If this trend goes on, the next step will be confirming QSOs to several different stations on the same card. I think I might try that if I go again on expedition : confirm contacts with W1AA, W1AB, W1AC, W1AD and W1AE (as an example) on one single card. They can just forward the card to each other…

Less and less people send out paper cards, which is a pity as not everyone has internet access, or not everyone keeps computer logs. But if and when you do, please fill them in with a minimum of care and respect for the station you worked.

By the way, many people make sure they have an address on qrz.com. It would be nice of them, if and when it applies, to indicate that they do not wish to receive cards, if they confirm via bureau or not. I have no problem with someone not interested in cards, but let them at least say so…


Paul F6EXV


Eduardo EA3NY

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