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#275408  - 27 abril, 2015 18:57 

Gracias Carlos.

Tenía constacia de que la UME tenía preparado su unidad, pero estaban esperando la autorización...

Saludos 73..

EA9E - EA9CD (hasta Enero 2020)

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#275407  - 27 abril, 2015 19:19 

Si consideras que esta información es importante la podrias pasar al controlador de turno en 14 205 ya que no tengo acceso ahora mismo a la radio.

Gracias y 73

Javier López, EA6ALW
Mahón, Menorca

Mensajes: 760
#275409  - 27 abril, 2015 19:32 

no compañero en principio ese tipo de información lo estamos comunicando por via facebook en el grupo de trabajo que se ha creado, para no saturar con información el net control, interesa como te dije recibir información desde dentro, para eso se mantiene la vigilancia... Seguimos trabajando.


EA9E - EA9CD (hasta Enero 2020)

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#275251  - 27 abril, 2015 21:18 

Greg, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator

The rescue and recovery work is continuing after the devastating 7.8 on the Richter scale earthquake that claimed at least 2,700 lives, with many missing, and widespread damage in Nepal.

The Nepal Amateur Radio Society is providing emergency communications with their members reported to be active on HF emergency nets as well as on VHF/UHF to handle local traffic. Nepal's first Amateur Radio repeater, set up in 2012 by the National Society for Earthquake Technology, had a dozen hams who previously engaged in simulated emergency tests.
The 9N1KS repeater 434.500 MHz in and 145.000 MHz out, is on the outskirts of Kathmandu with coverage into the Kathmandu Valley.

Satish Krishna Kharel 9N1AA reports that with help from VU2 in India and others work is continuing. Hams in India have been among the most active responders as parts of Eastern India also suffered earthquake damage.

Satish 9N1AA is using solar power in coordination with the Nepal police in Kathmandu sharing the emergency communications work with Suresh Upreti 9N1HA operating an emergency net on 20 metres on 14.205 and/or 14.215 MHz, has amateurs from around the world involved in message passing including requests for the status of friends and relatives in the disaster areas. Satish 9N1AA said information has already been provided on the status of about 80 loved ones of foreign radio amateurs and others. The 20m operational frequencies of 14.205 and 14.215 MHz have been chosen by the Nepalese stations as it appears they are clearer than higher in the band. Steps are being taken to improve the communications outside the area with Amir 4X6TT offered the facilities of Icelandic station TX4X to operate remotely as this is a low noise location with good antennas and propagation into the affected area.

Sanjeeb Panday, 9N1SP, has been operating on 21.360 MHz with Tim McFadden, KB2RLB/T6TM, a Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) member in Afghanistan. This operation followed procedures exercised with the American Military Auxiliary Radio Service ( MARS ) in 2013 and 2014 in which the emergency scenario was an earthquake in Nepal. Following news of the disaster MARS operators commenced scanning International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Global Emergency Centre of Activity frequencies for stations in Nepal. These frequencies were established as the places to pass emergency traffic in this kind of situation.

Please keep all these frequencies ± 5 kHz clear of *all* transmissions unless you are directly involved in contacts with Nepal.

With more than 17 Red Cross camps set up for affected persons and now that registration of survivors and casualties has commenced use should be made of the Red Cross or Google person finder services at;



There is no cross-border movement so far of radio equipment and radio amateurs with Satish 9N1AA specifically saying that DX hams operating in the area are only possible if they came across as part of a relief team under a government to government arrangement. It is known that amateurs are embedded in some relief teams already heading to the area and steps are being taken to ensure that their frequency usage is co-ordinated with the local response.

Additional radio equipment has been requested on the 20m nets and offers of equipment have been received from many countries to assist.
Mobile network and some telephones lines were restored in the late evening along with power in some places and the International Telecommunication Union said on Monday it has sent
emergency communications equipment to Nepal to help in the aftermath of the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake. This includes 35 satellite mobile phones and 10 satellite Broadband Global Area Network terminals along with solar panels and laptops to help coordinate the relief effort.

Sources: ARRL, IARU Region 3, ITU, TF4M

EA9E - EA9CD (hasta Enero 2020)

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#275421  - 28 abril, 2015 01:03 

Algunos ejemplos de la actividad de hoy:

Amir, 4X6TT, pidiendo que se deje la frecuencia de 14205MHz libre

4X6TT reporta en frecuencia que A65DR ha sido encontrado sano y salvo.

Amir, 4X6TT, buscando voluntarios para cubrir los turnos de escucha

4X6TT, advertencia sobre QRM deliberado en la frecuencia de emergencias

«Todo está perdido cuando los malos sirven de ejemplo y los buenos de mofa»
-Demócrito (460 AC)-
Miguel Ángel "MrDJ"

---> http://www.hamqth.com/ec1dj
---> http://www.facebook.com/ec1dj
---> http://www.ec1dj.wordpress.com
---> https://www.youtube.com/user/30MRDJ

Mensajes: 760
#275252  - 28 abril, 2015 09:27 

On behalf of Amir Coordinator for 9N1 Emergency
Urgently Required Equipment

10 x HF Verticals or Buddipoles or Mag mount 7MHz HF Antennas
200 Mtrs of 50 Ohm Coax
50- PL259 Coax Connectors

If your are talking to the News Media please let them know that:

Many Amateurs world wide have been involved from day one of the earthquake in Nepal and that the main line of Communications currently is by HF radio on the Following Frequencies. 14.205 Emergency Traffic 14.215 Check ins and information. It would be appreciated if all Amateur Radio operators could keep well clear of these frequencies.

Anyone who can help Monitor these Frequencies please call in on 14.215 or email amir@4x6tt.com

EA9E - EA9CD (hasta Enero 2020)

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#275444  - 28 abril, 2015 10:27 

Un audio que no funcionaba...

Hay que ser mala persona y tener un problema serio para causar deliberadamente QRM en una frecuencia destinada a ayudar en un desastre...

«Todo está perdido cuando los malos sirven de ejemplo y los buenos de mofa»
-Demócrito (460 AC)-
Miguel Ángel "MrDJ"

---> http://www.hamqth.com/ec1dj
---> http://www.facebook.com/ec1dj
---> http://www.ec1dj.wordpress.com
---> https://www.youtube.com/user/30MRDJ

Mensajes: 760
#275253  - 30 abril, 2015 12:36 


Durante el "ARI CONTEST" este fin de semana, la frecuencia de emergencia para el desastre de Nepal, se mueve a las 14:00 UTC de hoy, hasta un nuevo boletín.
Todo el tráfico de emergencia pasará a 14,300MHz.

Los problemas iniciales en Nepal para usar la frecuencia de 14,300MHz han sido resueltos. Se sigue requiriendo estaciones de control para mantener el QRM al mínimo.

EA9E - EA9CD (hasta Enero 2020)

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#275254  - 2 mayo, 2015 10:41 

La prensa se hace eco de la actividad de los radioaficionados en el desastre de Nepal, aquí algunos ejemplos:

EA9E - EA9CD (hasta Enero 2020)

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#275255  - 12 mayo, 2015 07:19 

ultima hora, acaban de darlo en television, nuevo terremoto en Nepal, magnitud 7,4 grados

Saludos, EA7JHC Jose luis

Mensajes: 760
#275256  - 12 mayo, 2015 07:49 

Cierto a las 07:05UTC en Nepal ha vuelto a sufrir un nuevo terremoto de magnitud 7,4.

La respuesta del servicio MARS americano con 9N1SP ya está en marcha y esta recibiendo el apoyo necesario. Tambien hay que recordar que ya hay desplegado un gran operativo de medios materiales y humanos a raíz del anterior seismo. De todos modos estaremos atento a los acontecimientos y a los posibles solicitudes que lleguen.

Os iremos informando... 73

EA9E - EA9CD (hasta Enero 2020)

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