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Diploma Regia Marina

Mensajes: 953
#35881  - 5 enero, 2018 17:23 

Hola a todos y Feliz Año Nuevo,

He recibido un e-mail de Alberto Mattei IT9MRM-W9MRM, Coordinador Nacional de ARMI (Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani) de la cual soy miembro # MI1090, solicitando la divulgación entre los colegas españoles del "Diploma Regia Marina" de la Marina Militar Italiana, abierto a todos los radioaficionados y, que puede obtenerse hasta el 11 de noviembre de 2018.

Por si os apetece participar, anexo la información original con el enlace a la web:

Dear OM,

I wanted to inform you that from 1th January to 11 November you will hear many Italian stations that will have a suffix with two letters!
These two letters represent a warship of the Italian Royal Navy that in 1918 were engaged in the Adriatic Sea in the First World War.
These stations are operating for a diploma called "Award Regia Marina". The diploma is open to everyone and everyone can participate.
The rules can be found on our website under the heading “Award Regia Marina”, and clicking on the flags
will be automatically translated into your language.
If you can, please send this information to your Radio Club, or post it on your personal page or send it by email to all your contacts.
In thanking you, I hope to hear you on the radio.
Best wishes for a 2018 full of many DX contacts!

Alberto Mattei, IT9MRM - W9MRM
Coordinatore Nazionale ARMI

73, y buena radio,

Ernesto EA3ERD

73, Ernesto - EA3ERD
Ex: EA-3-1253-U (SWL 1966), EC3ABC (1999)
EA3ERD desde 2004
"Pisarás el umbral del bienestar, cuando empieces a sentirte satisfecho con apenas nada"

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