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Scandinavian Activity Contest. Web caida.

Mensajes: 562
#33476  - 21 septiembre, 2016 10:50 

Buenas tardes.
Esta mañana he intentado subir el log del concurso SAC CW 2016 y estaba caida.
Este es el correo que me ha mandado SM5AJV referente a la página http://www.sactest.net.

Dear all,

The Scandinavian Activity Contest website http://www.sactest.net is still down due to a highly unlikely but now fatal RAID hard disk crash. Our Internet Service Provider (ISP) has given several optimistic repair-time estimates, but they have repeatedly failed and are still working on the problem as of Wednesday afternoon.

To avoid further delays, please e-mail your SAC CW Cabrillo log to >> sac2016cw@gmail.com <<, from where it will be uploaded by us to the sactest.net robot once it is alive again. You should receive an automated response to your log submission. Moreover, the log submission deadline is hereby extended to Sunday 2nd October, 23:59 UTC.

PLEASE indicate your callsign in the subject of your e-mail.

IF you are 1) under 25 years old, OR 2) an YL/XYL operator, OR 3) did a remote operation, please indicate so in your log submission e-mail. In such cases you will enter the competition for some of the special sponsored plaques. IF you don't fulfill any of those criteria, there is no need to mention it.

We sincerely apologize for the troubles caused, and will take necessary action to prevent it from happening again.

P.S. Please spread this message to all of your friends who also participated in SAC CW. If you read this message at the end of the week (after 22 September 2016), please check http://www.sactest.net first for log upload there.

SAC Contest Committee

Saludos, Juan EA1BDX

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Mensajes: 562
#300943  - 21 septiembre, 2016 17:24 

Acabo de ver la página www.sactest.net y ya está operativa.

Saludos, Juan EA1BDX

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