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Russian Radio Team Championship 2011 - 16 Julio

Mensajes: 836
#15983  - 14 julio, 2011 14:49 

Estaré de boda el próximo sábado pero a quien le interese:

Otra interesante oportunidad de pasar unas 8h agradables de Contest este mismo sábado 16 de Julio.

El RRTC 2011 es un Contest organizado por la SRR muy divertido, en un formato parecido al WRTC, creo que van a competir 14 estaciones en Rusia con similares condiciones de trabajo.

Muy interesante, que solo hay 2 horas para enviar el LOG una vez terminado el Contest.

Os pego las bases originales que ha enviado por correo RA3TYL:

RRTC-2011 has a great pleasure to invite you to take part in RRTC held from 07:00 UTC July, 16th 2011 till 14:59 UTC July, 16th, 2011. 8 hours only!

Russian operators will be back at it this weekend, as 14 different two-man teams will use a Field Day style event. The teams will be set up close together as portable stations, using an agricultural area not far from Nizhniy Novgorod.

Rules for RRTC outside participants:
1. Date and contest period: The Saturday of the third full weekend of July (July 16th, 2011) beginning 07:00 UTC and ending 14:59 UTC. Both Single and Multi operator stations may operate the entire 8-hour period.
2. Everybody can work everybody.
3. Modes: CW and SSB.
4. Bands: 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz.
5. Band and (or) mode can be changed at any time. Only one signal is allowed at a time.
6. Exchange: Outside participants sends RS (RST) and ITU zone number. Russian Radio Team Championship competitors sends RS (RST) and three-character combination, e.g. 599 XYZ.
7. Station with the same call-sign may be worked on different bands/modes, to include both modes per band.
8. Scoring Point System: QSO with RRTC station (special call-sign series R3XY-R3XY X- digital, Y - letter) - one point. QSO with outside participant from the same ITU zone - one point. QSO with outside participant from different ITU zone on the same continent - three points. QSO with outside participant from different ITU zone on different continent - five points.
9. Multipliers: ITU zone and new three-character combination received from an RRTC team - one point for the multiplier on each band (regardless of mode). RRTC station gives no ITU zone multiplier.
11. Entry categories:
A - Single operator, mixed (CW and SSB), high power
B - Single operator, mixed (CW and SSB), low power (100 W and less)
C - Single operator, SSB, high power
D - Single operator, SSB, low power (100 W and less)
E - Single operator, CW, high power
F - Single operator, CW, low power (100 W and less)
G - Multi operator team (2 or 3 operators), mixed (CW and SSB).
12. Awards: Special trophies, certificates and medals will be awarded to the world`s top scoring stations in both the A and G categories. Certificates and medals will be awarded to the world's 2nd and 3rd stations in both the A and G categories. Certificates will be awarded to the world's top three stations in the B-F categories. Achievement commemorative pennants will be awarded to those participants making at least 10 QSOs with RRTC competitors and submitting email logs to Logs must be submitted no later than 17:00 UTC, July 16th, 2011.
13. Logs: Any contest logging software can be used which supports IARU HF World Championship. Only email logs are accepted, Cabrillo log format shall be used according to IARU HF Championship requirements. File name should be mycall.cbr where mycall is your callsign.

Please send the file as an attachment to during 2 hours after contest, for checking RRTC team. 10 QSO`s with RRTC competitors - special RRTC plaque!

Thank you and see you in RRTC 2011!

73 de Jesus EC1KR

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