Si estás interesado en la compra de unos nuevos filtros de Ranko 4O3A, de todos es sabido la gran calidad del producto y sus precios.
Con motivo del lanzamiento de un nuevo modelo ha realizado una gran oferta de 5 filtros de 4kw (10,15,20,40 y 80m) por 699 euros.
Es una buena oportunidad de adquirir un material de alta calidad por un buen precio, nos ha comentado que si alguien mas en España le interesan los costes del envio se reduciran notablemente con su agencia (creo que DHL).
Os paso su mensaje, si alguien quiere mas detalles enviarle un correo 4o3a@t-com.me o através de su web www.4o3a.com que os atenderá muy rápido:
73 de Jesus EC1KR
High Power Band Pass Filters – SERIES L
New line of HP BPF - SERIES L, is designed to satisfy majority of
contesters with much better prices, and to keep professional and high
quality design of 4O3A products.
Difference between series L and “old” line is in less attenuation out
of band, but still enough to fight with interference very effectively.
Series L has around 40dB of attenuation on nearest band and much more
on others. It is enough for every station which use separate antennas
for different bands - monobanders.
Insertion losses are now lower, and as it dissipate less power, no
additional cooling is needed.
Internal design is still the same – robust and reliable for high power.
Single filter price is 149 Euros, FOB factory.
Price for set of filters (80/40/20/15/10M) is 699 Euros, FOB factory.
Orders for delivery in January are accepting from today – 14th of December.
73 de Jesus EC1KR
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