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NAQP RTTY 28-Febrer...
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NAQP RTTY 28-Febrero y 1 Marzo

Mensajes: 160
#3478  - 24 febrero, 2009 19:30 

Hola a todos.

Aparte del CQWW 160m este finde toca la parte de RTTY del NAQP (Noth America QSO Party).

Esta es la pagina web del concurso.

Este es el enlace original a las bases

Estas son las bases:

(Revised November 16, 2008)

Contest Managers:
CW/SSB - Bruce Horn, WA7BNM (email)
RTTY - Shelby Summerville, K4WW (email)

1. Eligibility: Any licensed radio amateur may enter.

2. Object: To work as many North American stations as possible during the contest period.

3. North American Station: Defined by the ARRL's DXCC list with the addition of KH6.

4. Contest periods:

January/February 2009 Contests:

CW: 1800Z January 10 to 0600Z January 11, 2009 (Second full weekend in January)
SSB: 1800Z January 17 to 0600Z January 18, 2009 (Third full weekend in January)
RTTY: 1800Z February 28 to 0600Z, March 1, 2009 (Last full weekend in February)

July/August 2009 Contests:

RTTY: 1800Z July 18 to 0600Z July 19, 2009 (Third full weekend in July)
CW: 1800Z August 1 to 0600Z August 2, 2009 (First full weekend in August)
SSB: 1800Z August 15 to 0600Z August 16, 2009 (Third full weekend in August)

5. Entry Classification:
1. Single Operator:
1. One person performs all transmitting, receiving, spotting and logging functions as well as equipment and antenna adjustments.
2. Access to spotting information obtained directly or indirectly from any source other than the station operator, such as from other stations or automated tools, is prohibited, except as follows: Technological methods of copying information in the contest exchange are permitted as long as they are entirely contained within the station.
3. Only one transmitted signal allowed at a time.
4. May operate 10 out of the 12 hours of the contest. Off times must be at least 30 minutes in length.
2. Multi-Operator Two-Transmitter:
1. More than one person performs transmitting, receiving and logging functions, etc.
2. A maximum of two transmitted signals at any given time, each on a different band. Both transmitters may work any and all stations.
3. Shall keep a separate log for each transmitter.
4. Each transmitter must have at least 10 minutes between band changes.
5. May operate for the entire 12 hours of the contest.
6. Output power must be limited to 100 watts for eligible entries. Use of external amplifiers capable of more than 100 watts output is not allowed.

7. Mode: CW only in CW parties. SSB only in phone parties. RTTY only in RTTY parties.

8. Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meters only, except no 160 meters for the RTTY contest. You may work a station once per band. Suggested frequencies are 1815, 3535, 7035, 14035, 21035 and 28035 kHz (35 kHz up from band edge for Novice/Tech) on CW; and 1865, 3850, 7225, 14250, 21300, 28500 kHz (28450 for Novice/Tech) on SSB. When operating on 160-meters, please respect the DX window of 1830-1840 kHz and keep SSB operations above 1840 kHz.

9. Station: All radio transmitters, receivers and antennas used by an entrant must be associated with one station, either at a fixed geographical location or as a mobile/portable station. A station may be operated remotely. Use of multiple stations during the contest, whether directly or remotely operated, is prohibited.

10. Exchange: Operator name and station location (state, province or country) for North American stations; operator name only for non-North American stations. If the name sent is changed during the contest, as sometimes happens with multi-operator stations, the name used for each QSO must be clearly identified in the log.

11. Multipliers: Are U.S. states (including KH6 and KL7), 13 Canadian provinces/territories (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland/Labrador, Yukon, NWT and Nunavut) and other North American countries. District of Columbia counts as Maryland. Non-North American countries, maritime mobiles and aeronautical mobiles do not count as multipliers, but may be worked for QSO credit.

12. Valid Contact: A valid contact consists of a complete, correctly copied and legibly logged two-way exchange between a North American station and any other station. Proper logging requires including the time in UTC and band for each contact. Regardless of the number of licensed call signs issued to a given operator, one and only one call sign shall be utilized during the contest by that operator.

13. Scoring: Multiply total valid contacts by the sum of the number of multipliers worked on each band.

# Team Competition: You may wish to form a team with fellow NAQP participants. If so, your team must consist of 2 to 5 single operator stations whose individual scores are combined to produce a team score. Although clubs or other groups having more than 5 members may form multiple teams, there is no distance or meeting requirements for a team entry.

Teams must be registered prior to the start of the contest. Use one of the following on-line forms to register your team:
CW Team Registration: Registration Form
SSB Team Registration: Registration Form
RTTY Team Registration: Registration Form

These team registration forms automatically provide confirmation of team registration by returned e-mail.

# Log formatting: All logs containing more than 200 QSOs must be submitted electronically (web upload, e-mail, CD, 3.5-inch floppy, etc.). The file format for electronic logs for NCJ-sponsored contests is Cabrillo (Version 2.x or 3.x). For those participants who use paper logging, please use the manual log entry Web-to-Cabrillo on-line forms available at the links given below to submit your logs. Paper log forms are available on the NCJ web site (log forms) for the convenience of those who log on paper during the contest. Printouts of computer logs will not be accepted, regardless of the number of QSOs.

Please confirm that your output power is properly stated in the header portion of the Cabrillo log before submission. LOW indicates the use of 100W or less, while QRP indicates 5W or less. Submissions that indicate "HIGH" power will be used as check logs.

Name your files with your call sign (i.e. yourcall.log). Please do not send binary files produced by a contest logging program (e.g. yourcall.BIN, yourcall.QDF, etc.).

# Log Submission: Entries must be postmarked no later than 14 days after the contest. Methods of log submission in order of preference are:

1. Upload Cabrillo-formatted log via web form, (preferable):
All modes: Upload Logs

2. E-mail Cabrillo log:

3. Mail CD or 3.5-inch floppy disk, containing log file, to the appropriate address below.

4. Manually convert paper log to Cabrillo log using one of the following tools:
CW: CW Web-to-Cabrillo Form
SSB: SSB Web-to-Cabrillo Form
RTTY: RTTY Web-to-Cabrillo Form

5. Mail original paper log to the appropriate address listed below.
Send CW/SSB logs to: Bruce Horn, WA7BNM
4225 Farmdale Ave.
Studio City, CA 91604

Send RTTY logs to: Shelby Summerville, K4WW
6506 Lantana Ct.
Louisville, KY 40229-1544

# Disqualifications. Entries with score reductions greater than 5 percent may be disqualified. Any entry may be disqualified for illegibility, illegal or unethical operation. Such disqualification is at the discretion of the contest manager.

# Awards: Plaques will be awarded for the high score in each of the categories given below, provided there are a minimum of five entries in the category. If a plaque is not sponsored, the winner may purchase it. Certificates of merit will be awarded to the highest scoring entrant with at least 200 QSOs from each state, province or North American country. Certificates of merit will also be awarded to the overall second and third place finishers in the multi-operator category for each mode.

Mode Category Sponsor
CW Single Op, North America Florida Contest Group
CW Multi-Op, North America Minnesota Wireless Association in Memory of Dave, KTØR

SSB Single Op, North America South East Contest Club
SSB Multi-Op, North America Tennessee Contest Group

Combined CW/SSB Single Op, North America Southern California Contest Club

RTTY Single Op, North America ICOM
RTTY Multi-Op, North America ICOM

Juanjo, EA1CJ - SO1CJ

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