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Mensajes: 261
#9571  - 24 abril, 2010 09:21 

Hola a todos

Recordaréis el escándalo de la reclasificación del concurso IARU HF donde la estación ganadora (AO8HQ de la URE) fue relegada al 2º puesto al darse por buenos sorprendentemente 3606 QSO únicos e inverificables de DA0HQ. La URE protestó por el insólito hecho de que se acepten un desorbitado número de únicos, cosa impensable en cualquier otro concurso de prestigio.

La respuesta del comité de Contest de la ARRL fue que el tema estaba cerrado y que no había razones para revisar la decisión de aceptar esos miles de contactos únicos.

Varios operadores que habían representado a la URE en pasadas ediciones no se resignaron y pidieron realizar un minucioso análisis del LOG de DA0HQ. Los resultados fueron demoledores. Había pruebas contundentes de que más de 2300 QSO se habían hecho de manera fraudulenta.

La URE ha enviado una copia de este informe a la DARC, la ARRL (organizadora del concurso) y la propia IARU junto a una firme protesta.

En los ficheros adjuntos están los documentos remitidos con las pruebas. Espero que en breve se pueda tener también en español para que todos puedan conocerlo.

En resumen las prácticas fraudulentas son las siguientes

Las bases del concurso prohíben expresamente que un operador utilice durante el concurso más de un indicativo (regla 3.3). También se prohíbe que una estación use distintos operadores con diferentes indicativos (regla 3.5). Esta práctica fraudulenta es conocida como “LOG padding” o relleno de LOG y la propia IARU R1 avisa contra ella en sus recomendaciones para concursos.

En el LOG aparecen más de 2300 QSO que fueron realizados por unas pocas decenas de estaciones que pasaban listas completas de indicativos en todas las bandas. El fraude se descubre porque se detectaron que aparecían listas de indicativos exactamente iguales repetidas con exactamente la misma secuencia en todas las bandas. La probabilidad estadística de que todas estas estaciones hubieran coincidido de manera independiente con una precisión tan exacta es virtualmente cero. Se comprobó tambien con y la base de datos oficial del PTT alemán que muchos casos correspondían a secciones de la DARC o a un mismo titular.

Lo más sorprendente es que en esas listas de QSOs de relleno incluyen los indicativos de las propias estaciones desde las que estaba operando la propia estación HQ. El manager de la oeración HQ de la DARC aparece en el LOG con sus otros 7 indicativos de los que es titular!!!

Pero lo más grave es que algunos de esos indicativos que aparecen en esas listas de relleno ni siquiera se usaron con el conocimiento de sus titulares. Se enviaron desde URE e-mails pidiendo confirmación de los QSO a una pequeña muestra de indicativos y se obtuvo contestación de que varios indicativos habían sido usurpados sin conocimiento de su titular.

No contentos con estas prácticas prohibidas por las bases, la DARC anunció en su propia web y en muchos blogs y webs alemanes de radio cuáles iban a ser sus frecuencias durante todo el concurso. Esto está terminantemente prohibido por las bases que limitan los autonuncios bajo cualquier medio sea cluster o cualquier otro, incluyendo Internet.

Si se toleran estas prácticas entonces será el fin de los concursos de radio.

Sequimos esperando la respuesta de la ARRL.


Inició el tema
Mensajes: 728
#105781  - 24 abril, 2010 09:42 


Fabian/EB1TR ED1B Contest Team

Mensajes: 542
#105782  - 24 abril, 2010 09:50 

Parece increíble, pero a las pruebas me remito.

Y es que en todas partes (incluida la civilizada Alemania de posguerra, líder de la U.E. y motor de la economía continental), hay gentes que no saben vivir sin estar en primera fila y que exigen ser la novia en la boda y el muerto en el entierro.

Además de que no saben ni jugar al solitario sin hacerse trampas. :angry:

Me parece espléndido que se les descubra, denuncie y avergüence (si es que saben qué significa eso).

73 de Laura, EA3ALV

Mensajes: 261
#105867  - 24 abril, 2010 12:42 

Éste es el dossier enviado a la DARC y a la ARRL.

[file name=analysis_de_DA0HQ.pdf size=493068] [/file]

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Mensajes: 423
#105783  - 24 abril, 2010 12:54 

¿Concursos? NO. Se dice <>. No les quepa duda, sobre todo tras ver el modo en que el verdadero equipo ganador ha sido tratado.

Lástima que no te haya copiado hoy.

Mensajes: 261
#105875  - 24 abril, 2010 13:16 

Por si las pruebas enviadas en el dossier a la DARC y ARRL fueran pocas, a los pocos dias se envió una addenda al informe con 918 QSO adicionales incluyendo un cruce con la base de datos de Teleco alemán probando que se habían usado varios indicativos por un mismo titular.

Estas son las pruebas adicionales,

[file name=addendum.pdf size=325135] [/file]

Inició el tema
Mensajes: 287
#105881  - 24 abril, 2010 18:36 

Hola a todos,

Los que quieran bajarse los dos documentos originales - mejor calidad - los teneis en:

La verdad que merece la pena su lectura. Parece increible, pero son datos completamente veridicos extraidos de su Log. Y luego se habla que si los latinos somos mas pillos, tela con los cartofens...

Saludos, Pablo - EA4TX

Mensajes: 727
#105784  - 24 abril, 2010 20:09 

1.-Yo no puedo, porque no se como, pero podríais poner el texto del PDF en formato normal y engancharlo en el apartado de CONTEST,de este foro y en un NUEVO POST.
Al ser público lo podrán leer socios y NO socios de URE que es lo que nos importa. Luego dejar que el google y demás buscadores hagan su trabajo.

2.-Al final de dicho escrito, y en texto normal para que los buscadores lo encuentren, haceis un TAG de palabras fáciles de encontrar en el texto y que se relacionen con este fraude mayúsculo, por ejemplo;

2009 IARU contest fraud, 2009 IARU CONTEST, 2009 DA0HQ fraud, DA0HQ trick, DA0HQ log analysis, 2009 IARU HF, irregularities, no ethic unethical DA0HQ, DA0HQ pirate calls, DA0HQ "QSO padding", ARRL rules DA0HQ, fraudulents QSOs, seguro que se os ocurren varias palabras claves más. Luego dejamos que los buscadores hagan su trabajo.

3.- Los que tengan web personal, que somos muchos, solo tenemos que poner un link directo en nuestra home-page al post que esté ubicado en el apartado publico de CONCURSOS de este foro. Ponemos un link hacia ese post con el título: "DA0HQ IARU 2009"
Si conseguimos 50 links os aseguro que alguien que ponga en google DA0HQ IARU obtendrá como primera respuesta nuestro foro y toda la explicación bien en PDF como en texto normal.


Es importante que todos pongamos el mismo título.

4.- Me parece "macarrónico" todo este tema,bueno, en vez de "macarrónico" tal vez lo mejor sería llamarle "frankfurtónico". Todo esto huele que apesta y NO TIENE posibilidad de respuesta por parte de la ARRL o de la DARC, bueno, sí que existe, una carta muy grande con todas las disculpas que existen en el diccionario teutónico, y claro está con la cabeza bien baja. Por cierto, al igual que DA0HQ, deberían de ser descalificados UN MONTÓN DE ESTACIONES ALEMANAS DE ESTE CONCURSO. Por cierto, es evidente, aunque políticamente no se ponga así, que muchos operadores de DA0HQ sabían todo este embrollo.

5.- Amigo Salvador, sigues ampliando mi admiración por tu persona, eres lo que no hay....¿No quisieras ser presidente de nuestra URE? te ruego que te lo pienses.

Espero que mi idea se formalice, que para la poítica ya tienen a la Merkel.

Un Saludo

Eduardo EA3NY

Mensajes: 261
#105919  - 26 abril, 2010 06:59 


El escándalo ya está en la prensa de Internet especializada en contests.
Los DL siguen sin contestar.

y traducido al EA-comanche m" class="bbcode_url"> en español

Tal como pide el articulista, pro favor, enviar vuestra opinión pero al comité de contest de la ARRL ( ó su CEO K1ZZ (


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Mensajes: 500
#106131  - 26 abril, 2010 08:16 

Buenos días a todos.

Salvador - Pablo y a todos los que han participado en el análisis del log de DA0HQ, fantástico el trabajo de análisis. Well done.

En mi opinión, la DARC no ha contestado y me extañaría que lo hiciera. La han declarado ganadora -pese a las trampas- y se siente amparada por la toda poderosa ARRL. Y esta ya lo hizo en su momento. No debemos olvidar el lobby que es la IARU, cual es su estructura de funcionamiento y financiación. El número de asociados de la ARRL, la DARC y la URE.

Mirad, en el caso que nos ocupa, los americanos en contest de la IARU no tienen nada a rascar por la propia estructura de la puntuación. Pero no es ese el caso de los alemanes y eso les escuece. En las últimas ediciones y por las propias bases, los españoles se lo hemos puesto muy dificil, incluso les hemos ganado. Cuando no han podido limpiamente lo han hecho a toda costa.

Hace bastentes meses, en este mismo medio, cuando no había acontecido nada de lo que estamos comentado, avisé de que se iba a celebrar un meeting de la IARU R1, y que los compañeros DL iban con una propuesta justamente en el sentido de cambiar las bases del contest de la IARU. La propuesta del cambio iba en la linea de los puntos por estar en distas zonas ITU y continente. Obviamente eso a los EA nos beneficia respecto a los DL. Advertí de eso, para que nuestros representantes de URE asistieran con objeto de defender nuestros intereses. No en balde tanto la HQ de URE y algunos de nosotros (EA5DFV y el que suscribe) habíamos obtenido buenos resultados hasta aquella fecha en diferentes categorias y ediciones. Desconozco el resultado de aquella reunión.

Me gustaria acabar mi aportación haciendo una reflexión sobre el acrónimo de la IARU. Fijaros en la A y U pues el resto, la I y la R son obvias ( International y Radio ). La A de Amateur implica que somos aficionados y en esa medida debemos tomar el mundo de los contest. Sin embargo para muchos en muchas ocasiones nos los planteamos como algo mas que una afición. Cuando se mezcla una competición con un ánimo que va más alla de una simple afición es imposible que se mnatenga un éspiritu de con la U de unión que marca el propio acrónimo de la IARU.

La reflexión anterior va en la línea de responder a la pregunta que alguién hacia sobre el futuro de los concursos. En mi opinión se han profesionalizado mucho. Tanto los individuales como los equipos invierten grandes sumas de dinero y comporta grandes problemas. Recordad la que pasó el pasado CQ WW CW con el tema de los observadores ... ¿quién los subvencionó y para que sirvió?,¿observaron todos del mismo modo?.

En fin este tema daría para una Convención monográfica y tampoco es ese el asunto de este tema .....

Saludos a tod@s.


Fernando, EC3A (EC3AT 1979/1981 / EA3KU 1982-2020)
(socio 13494 - desde 1975)

Mensajes: 727
#105785  - 26 abril, 2010 09:22 

Fernando, noto en tu escrito que eres suspicaz a que cambien el resultado..... las pruebas, que son MAS que IRREVOCABLES no dan otra posibilidad que la de descalificar a todos los que han hecho trampa en el concurso.


por poner ejemplos;
DK2GZ y DL/K2GZ son la misma persona y resulta que han hecho el mismo concurso los dos. B)

Los que estaban en un multi usando un indicativo, resulta que TODOS se han hecho a DA0HQ 15 veces cada uno con sus própios indicativos. Lo que no aclara el escrito o al menos no he sabido encontrarlo si es que ESOS 15 CONTACTOS SEAN UNICAMENTE CON DA0HQ, DANDO A ENTENDER QUE TODO ES UN GOLPE MONTADO DE ANTEMANO, PREMEDITACION Y ALEVOSIA. :angry:

ANDA QUE NO CANTA las series iguales de indicativos que una y otra vez y banda a banda aparecen en los logs, ESTO ES DE JUZGADO DE GUARDIA

Luego los mails confirmando que esos QSO´s no han sido realizados por el propietario del indicativo :huh:

Realmente vale la pena leer el texto de Salvador, es INCREIBLE la cantidad de trucos feos que aparecen. :angry:

Ánimo Salvador, que esto no está cerrado. Conociéndote no creo que vayas a dejar esto tal cual está ahora, no tendría lógica. :huh:

Eduardo EA3NY

Mensajes: 727
#106136  - 26 abril, 2010 09:35 

EA3KU escribió:

Hace bastentes meses, en este mismo medio, cuando no había acontecido nada de lo que estamos comentado, avisé de que se iba a celebrar un meeting de la IARU R1, y que los compañeros DL iban con una propuesta justamente en el sentido de cambiar las bases del contest de la IARU. La propuesta del cambio iba en la linea de los puntos por estar en distas zonas ITU y continente. Obviamente eso a los EA nos beneficia respecto a los DL. Advertí de eso, para que nuestros representantes de URE asistieran con objeto de defender nuestros intereses. No en balde tanto la HQ de URE y algunos de nosotros (EA5DFV y el que suscribe) habíamos obtenido buenos resultados hasta aquella fecha en diferentes categorias y ediciones. Desconozco el resultado de aquella reunión.


Fernando, aqui tienes la posible respuesta;

Rules changes for 2010 are being considered. I do not know if they will satisfy your concern. Probably they will not.

Dave K1ZZ

Eduardo EA3NY

Mensajes: 727
#105786  - 26 abril, 2010 09:39 


Eduardo EA3NY

Mensajes: 261
#106137  - 26 abril, 2010 10:22 

EA3KU escribió:

Hace bastentes meses, en este mismo medio, cuando no había acontecido nada de lo que estamos comentado, avisé de que se iba a celebrar un meeting de la IARU R1, y que los compañeros DL iban con una propuesta justamente en el sentido de cambiar las bases del contest de la IARU. La propuesta del cambio iba en la linea de los puntos por estar en distas zonas ITU y continente. Obviamente eso a los EA nos beneficia respecto a los DL. Advertí de eso, para que nuestros representantes de URE asistieran con objeto de defender nuestros intereses. No en balde tanto la HQ de URE y algunos de nosotros (EA5DFV y el que suscribe) habíamos obtenido buenos resultados hasta aquella fecha en diferentes categorias y ediciones. Desconozco el resultado de aquella reunión.


Hola Fernando

La URE fue a esa reunión muy preparada para contraargumentar la propuesta de modificar el sistema de puntuación que presentaba la DARC. Pero en esos momentos acababa de darse a conocer la reclasificación al darse por buenos los polémicos 3606 unicos y por lo que sé, se montó una agitada discusión sobre lo inusual que resulta tener tantos QSO inverificables. La opinión generalizada del resto de HQs fue de perplejidad y apoyo moral a la URE. Tras esa discusión (hasta el Presi de la sesión llamó la atención a EA9IE por la vehemencia de su intervención, TNX Juanjo) no prosperó la propuesta de la DARC y se quedó en abrir un reflector entre los representantes para estudiar posibles cambios en las reglas.

Naturalmente ante este escándalo ese reflector está en estos momentos totalmente muerto.

Debemos por tanto insistir en que se haga justicia. Si a final todo vale entoncer los concursos pierden todo el sentido. Pones a un amigo a leer el callbook y, nada, a ganar.

Si no seguimos las reglas de los propios concursos dediquémonos a otra cosa. Pero yo no estoy dispuesto a que unos ocos tramposos se carguen este hobby tan bonito que son los concursos de radio.

Os ruego se envien peticiones al comité de contest de que el tema se estudie y de actue con la seriedad que se merece.

73 Salva

Inició el tema
Mensajes: 914
#106144  - 26 abril, 2010 11:20 

EA5DY escribió:

Naturalmente ante este escándalo ese reflector está en estos momentos totalmente muerto.

De ese reflector, en representación de España, formamos parte Salvador EA5DY y yo y seguro que seguirá muerto durante un tiempo porque ¿se atreverán los alemanes a mantener su propuesta de cambio que ya retiraron en el C4 de Viena?

Y el asunto creo que pinta bien para los intereses de la URE, al margen que los que mandan quieran o no quieran mirar hacia el fondo. Nada más hay que leer el correo enviado el viernes pasado por el Presidente de la IARU al Presidente de la URE y que copio y pego.

Dear Diego

I did receive your report and have passed it on the other IARU officers. Thank you for providing it to me.

The IARU decided some time ago that the administration of the IARU contest would be administered by the ARRL. I see you have passed it on to the ARRL and I will discuss the contents of the report with them in mid May.

I will be at Friedrichshafen (as will the other officers) and would be happy to meet with you at that time to discuss the report and any other mutual areas of interest.


Tim Ellam VE6SH
International Amateur Radio Union

Pase lo que pase, a fecha de hoy todas las Autoridades de la IARU y todo el que tiene algo que decir en materia de concursos ya sabe lo que ha sucedido en el Campeonato de la IARU 2009 y a partir de ahí que cada palo aguante su vela.

Sería muy interesante preparar la estrategia de ese encuentro en Friedrichshafen por parte de aquellos involucrados que vayan a estar presente en la Ham Radio.

73 juanjo

Mensajes: 727
#105787  - 26 abril, 2010 11:25 

Prepared by: URE, Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles

Submitted to: DARC, ARRL, IARU



What follows is an analysis of DA0HQ's log of the 2009 IARU HF Championship to prove the many serious irregularities and rule-breaking contacts contained in it. The proofs of invalid contacts and other unethical practices are overwhelming, as described below and on the extracts from the log listed on the appendixes.

Probably many of the fraudulent practices discovered here were not made with the complete knowledge of all of DA0HQ´s operators. Most probably these fraudulent activities were done by a small part of that team or by external people, but with the necessary knowledge of its responsible managers in many cases. Many honest operators of DA0HQ will feel ashamed of these findings and will reprobate these practices.

The findings can be classified into 4 different categories that go from direct plain illegal actions to other unsportmanship practices:

1- Pirated calls repeated on many bands.
2- Massive usage of "QSO padding" on all bands.
3- QSO padding even within DA0HQ stations!!!
4- Self announcing of HQ station frequencies.

1.- Pirated calls repeated on many bands

As will be detailed in the following points, some suspicious repeat patterns of consecutive calls were discovered at different bands. A random sample of these calls with suspicious band changes and with exactly the same patterns of appearance were extracted and an email was sent asking for confirmation to some calls from that sample.

At the time of this writing a total of 15 fully confirmed plus 12 highly doubtful QSOs, corresponding to 4 different calls were confirmed as not been done by their legal holder. As time passes these figures are expected to increase when responses to requests of confirmation are received.

These cases of illicit usage of a callsign is not at all a case of busted calls. A busted call comes from a mistake when copying a call, which has a certain statistical incidence. This is absolutely not the case. In all the cases of this illicit usage of calls, the pirated call appears on several bands and is surrounded with the very same callsigns. It is absolutely impossible that different operators made the very same mistake in copying one call on the different bands or modes. These pirated calls are in all cases part of a list of other calls that systematically are repeated on different bands.

Appendix 1 contains the emails where the true legal holders of the usurped calls declare that the contacts were not done by them nor with their consent.

2.- Massive usage of "LOG padding" on all bands

LOG padding is a pernicious practice in contests defined by IARU r1 on its HF MANAGERS HANDBOOK (page 9.1-3) as a practice "where the same station contacts the contest station repeatedly using different callsigns". This IARU Handbook also warns about this issue and recommends contest committees that "organisers need to consider whether or not it is necessary to warn competitors against, and set penalties for issues such as log padding and uniques".

The ARRL general rules strictly prohibits this practice of LOG padding and clearly states in its rule 3.3

General Rules:
3.1. All operators must observe the limitations of their operator licenses and station licenses at all times.
3.2. All callsigns and exchange information must be sent, received, acknowledged and logged correctly by each station for a complete QSO.
3.3. An operator may not use more than one call sign from any given location during the contest period.

The ARRL general rules are of full appliance on this specific point for this contest, as the IARU HF Championship Rules state in their rule 14:
2009 IARU HF World Championship Contest Rules
14- Additional Rules. For situations not covered in these rules refer to the ARRL General Rules for All Contests and the ARRL Rules for Contests on Bands below 30 MHz"

DA0HQ LOG contains hundreds of QSOs of LOG padding. Many of them are very easy to identify by just checking the operators lists of the submitted logs to the ARRL, either when a special call is used or in the case of multiop stations.

Several German special contest calls that submitted a log appear on DA0HQ LOG, both with that contest call and also with the operator's own callsign. In most cases both calls appear one following the other as a evidence that the QSO, if made, was done by the same operator.

Appendix 2 contains the 273 cases identified from the submitted logs where the same operator is logged using two different callsigns.

Another many cases of LOG padding were identified by observing identical sequences of callsigns being repeated on different bands/modes at the same time. For example the sequence DK8RE, DL0MUE, DP5E, DF0NG, DF0MFL, DL0BRA appears first on 160CW and then the very same sequence is repeated on 160SSB, following later exactly the same sequence with the very same order on 80CW and then 80SSB and subsequently on all the other band/modes. It is extremely improbable that these calls were managed by different operators or different stations that synchronized themselves with such a high degree of martial precision when changing bands. It is obvious that all these calls belong to a list that was either inserted manually into the LOG or handled by one single operator or station.

This similar pattern was found in many more other lists of QSOs. When looking at it was found out that many of the lists were composed by callsigns that belong to the same holder, who had either two calls or a special call for contest. It is absolutely obvious that they were managed by the same operator or station (if they were done on the air, which is very doubtful).

In some occasions (eg DP7X, DN1WT, DL5YYM) the true holder of a callsign included in one of those lists replied to our request for confirmation of those QSOs that he had not made such contacts and that he had not either given any permission to anyone to use his callsign. This supports the idea that in many cases, the QSOs were inserted manually into the log or by someone using more than one callsign.

Appendix 3 contains all QSOs that were identified as being part of a list that was repeated regularly on different bands or modes The pattern of repetition is easily observed there. The original holder of the callsign is also shown from

The impact of this prohibited practice on DA0HQ log is very high, adding another subtotal of 1131 fraudulent QSOs of LOG padding. The relevant thing here is that this huge figure of padding QSOs were generated by only less than 30 individuals, being generous and considering that all of the QSOs do come from real on-air contacts, which is indeed very doubtful.

The total LOG padding QSOs that could be identified add an amount of 1469 fraudulent QSOs

- QSO padding as declared by correspondent on submitted logs: 273 QSOs
- QSO padding identified from identical repeat patterns (lists): 1131 QSOs
- QSO padding from own HQ club-stations: 65 QSOs

TOTAL QSO padding identified 1469 QSOs

Probably many more cases still remain undiscovered in the LOG if other lists of padding callsigns were scrambled or did not follow a regular pattern. For example, the calls DK2GZ and DL/K2GZ belong to the same person and both calls appear on several bands but at different times. The operator took care of not repeating the QSOs with the two calls sequentially.

3.- QSO padding even from own HQ stations.

DA0HQ LOG surprisingly contains some of the home calls of the club-stations from which the HQ station was transmitting. This fraudulent practice is another version of the LOG padding described on the previous point, but in this case it is made from the very same station from which some of the HQ stations were operating, which makes it even more unacceptable.

None of these club-stations submitted to the ARRL a log nor a checklog. It seems that they had not contacted any other more stations during the contest apart of their own HQ.

Even more astonishing is the case of the club station based (as per on the HQ QTH of Ilmenau, whose all four different calls DA0DOK, DF0DOK, DL0DOK, DK0DOK appear in the log on several bands during the very last minutes of the contest. confirms that the responsible of that club-station, DA0DOK et al, is Lothar Wilke DL3TD, manager of the 2009 DARC HQ operation. also confirms that the coordinates of the site of those callsigns is the same of the Ilmenau station from which DA0HQ operated 160mSSB, 80mSSB, 40mSSB and 15mSSB.

DL0MBG is the club station from which DA0HQ operated 10CW (see the extract from web page, appendix 4). The responsible of that club callsign (as per is precisely DL8ALU, one of the operators of DA0HQ. This callsign appears in the LOG linked to a list that also includes DG5AA and DL8ATI. This list is repeated on several bands with exactly the very same sequence of callsigns. All 33 QSOs are made in the very last half-hour of the contest.

DL0MB is the station in Rastatt that DA0HQ used for 40CW (see extract from webpage at appendix 4). This callsign appears in all the 12 band/modes and surprisingly all QSO were made in 13 minutes!!!. Well, not a big deal if you have access to the log.

DQ8N is a club-station that appears 11 times in the LOG and claims on its page of that participated as the 10mSSB of DA0HQ in IARU 2009 (see appendix 3, point 26).

Appendix 4 contains all QSOs within this case with the description from of its affiliation and an excerpt from DA0HQ webpage declaring the stations that were used per band and mode.

4.- Self announcing of HQ station frequencies

The rules of the IARU HF World Championship very clearly state on their rule 6.5 that:

6.5. Use of self-spotting techniques on packet or other mediums are inconsistent with the spirit and intent of these rules.

The self-announce of any station frequencies used in the contest is therefore not limited to DX-cluster but also mentions any other technique or medium to let know the contesting community which are the frequencies of the station to be used during the contest.

Challenging this clear limitation of the rules, DA0HQ announced on several Internet web-pages, ham-radio blogs and forums, which were the frequencies that were used during all the contest. It is also obvious that by publishing extensively in many Internet mediums, the information would be fully available DURING the contest. It is absolutely no excuse that the announcement was made prior to the contest as it is clear that all that information was fully available during the contest and that its intention was to make known to the public where they were during the contest. Most German blogs about ham-radio did contain that information.

No other participant, HQ or others, made such an anti-ethical announcement as it was clearly forbidden in the rules. The common practice of announcing operations or special calls for contest on contesting and DX forums (like or others) never includes the announcement of frequencies in contests as self-announcement is also forbidden in all contests.

In case that unsportsmanlike practice was not enough, from the search engine of any DXcluster it is easy to see how certain German station was fully dedicated to making DA0HQ frequencies visible at all times on the DXclusters.

During the 24 hours of the contest, DK8NC made a total of 91 announcements which averages almost one every 15 minutes. No other HQ in the Championship had such a high degree of announcements by a member of its society. Being this person part of the HQ team or not, it is obvious that fair competition is not preserved with those massive actions of announcing the HQ of the own country.


Fair contesting is at serious danger if nothing is done.

The proofs that in hundreds of cases there was one operator or station using several callsigns are overwhelming. In many cases the proof comes from the own declaration of the operator in the submitted log to the ARRL. In many more cases the proofs come from stating two or more calls belonging to the same station. Even much more serious are the different cases of usurped calls confirmed to us by their legal holders.

The practices proved on this report are unethical, unsportsmanlike and directly prohibited by the Rules. We are sure that all of these practices were done by only a small part of DA0HQ team or by others external to the HQ and that true honest German operators of that team will condemn and reprobate these actions. However, it is clear that many of the LOG padding activities and all other actions discovered here, could not have been alien to DA0HQ managers. They had to be aware of actions such as some host HQ station also appearing in the log (even with 4 different calls), the fact that many of the other LOG padding reports involved DARC Section's callsigns and the massive usage of different calls by one operator or station. Violating the self-announce limitation by using other web mediums prior to the contest is another case against the spirit and the wording of the Rules.

The Contest Committee, the ARRL as delegated organiser and the IARU itself must take decisive steps to correct these practices in 2009 IARU HF Championship final scoring and take the necessary initiatives to also avoid this happens again in the future.

We are sure that ARRL Contest Committee and the IARU will act accordingly to the overwhelming proofs contained here. An entrant with such a high number of irregular and rule-breaking contacts cannot be granted as winner.

This report has only been sent to DARC and ARRL Contest Committee..

Eduardo EA3NY

Mensajes: 727
#105788  - 26 abril, 2010 11:28 

Appendix 1: Pirated and false multiband QSOs

Some suspicious callsigns, that appeared on the LOG as being part of one of those lists of calls that were repeated in regular sequences on many band, were contacted and asked for a confirmation of the suspicious contacts.

Here are the replies from those hams whose calls were usurped and inserted in the LOG fraudulently.

1.-DL5YYM 7 false QSOs

The legal holder of the call DL5YYM kindly replied to our petition of confirmation of the QSO with DA0HQ during 2009 IARU HF Championship. This callsign appears 7 times in DA0HQ LOG and always linked to the same list of repeated callsigns (see app. 3)

Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: QSO mit DL5YYM

Lieber OM,

ich war zur IARU HF Championschip 2009 nicht QRV.

Es gibt in DL jedoch ein ähnliches aktives Rufzeichen, (DL5YM - Fred) mit dem möglicherweise nur eine Verwechslung vorliegt.

Ich bin meist in CW QRV.

73, Günter, DL5YYM

Translation into English follows:

Dear OM,

I was not QRV at the 2009 IARU HF Championschip.

There is however a similar active DL call sign, (DL5YM - Fred) so it is possibly only a confusion.

I am QRV mostly in CW.

73, Günter, DL5YYM

Unfortunately it was not a case of busted call nor mistake as the very same callsign DL5YYM appears in 6 different bands, and even one dupe!

2.- DP7X. 4 false QSOs:

DP7X is a contest call whose legal holder, DL6IAK, kindly said to our first petition of confirmations that he was not active in the contest nor anyone with his consent.

The LOG contains this call 4 times, so it is impossible that it is a busted call.

14000 CW 12/07/2009 0813 DP7X 28
7003 CW 12/07/2009 0643 DP7X 28
3511 CW 12/07/2009 0650 DP7X 28
1830 CW 12/07/2009 0653 DP7X 28

From: "Michael Keller"
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: DP7X und DN1WT

Dear Sal,

i will confirm you:
neither QSO with DN1WT or DP7X or DL6IAK in the IARU Championship is
done by me or with my knowledge.


Being very concerned about this misuse of his call that we had warned, Mike DL6IAK did some further investigations and found out that someone else had used his call without his consent. Here is what he found out:

Hi Sal

i did some investigations, Harry DK2GZ did use these calls, as he told
me. There must be DK2GZ/DK0WT/DP7X in the log. so i think the QSOs did

Michael DL6IAK

This also confirms that one single operator, DK2GZ, used at list several different calls to illegally grant points to DA0HQ. The sequence that appears in the LOG is DL/K2GZ, DK0WT, DN1WT and DP7X. The call DK2GZ also appears in the LOG but at different times.

3.-DN1WT: 4 false QSOs

DN1WT is a special call for education and training, whose responsible is Michael Keller DL6IAK ( As mentioned above, he confirms that neither him nor anyone with his knowledge used this call.. The 4 contacts that are in the LOG are all false.

The LOG contains this call 4 times, so it is impossible that it is a busted call.

14000 CW 12/07/2009 0813 DN1WT 28
7003 CW 12/07/2009 644 DN1WT 28
3511 CW 12/07/2009 650 DN1WT 28
1830 CW 12/07/2009 653 DN1WT 28

From: "Michael Keller"
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: DP7X und DN1WT

Dear Sal,

i will confirm you:
neither QSO with DN1WT or DP7X or DL6IAK in the IARU Championship is
done by me or with my knowledge.


On his further investigations, Mike could confirm that his other calls were misused by probably DK2GZ, but could not confirm this specific case.

Eduardo EA3NY

Mensajes: 727
#105789  - 26 abril, 2010 11:33 

Appendix 2: QSO padding confirmed from submitted logs to the ARRL

This appendix contains the cases of QSO padding that are directly confirmed from the information of the submitted logs to the ARRL Every operator who used a special contest call or club callsign declares on the submitted log what was his original home call. Many of the German special calls appear on DA0HQ LOG with both the special call and also the operators own call. In many occasions one call follows the other intermediately. So it very clear that one operator used two different callsigns.

1.- DF0MFL, DF0NG, DL0BRA, DL0MUE, DP5E all operated by DK8RE

As declared on the submitted logs to the ARRL (copy from IARU 2009 results)


All these five callsigns operated by DK8RE plus his own call are included in DA0HQ LOG. One operator made a total of 66 QSOs!!!

These different six callsigns are worked on each band/mode in a sequential inmediate order. Following are the 66 QSOs from the LOG:


2.- DL0GRH operated by DL2DRD

DL2DRD used both his own call and DL0GRH to work 10 QSOs with DA0HQ. On every occasion, one call follows the other.


3.- DL2F operated by DL2FDL

DL2FDL used both his own call and DL2F to make 24 QSOs with DA0HQ. On every occasion, one call follows immediately the other.


4.- DL0VV operated by DL5CC


DL5CC used both his own call and DL0VV to make 22 QSOs with DA0HQ. On many ocasions, one call follows immediately the other.:


5.- DK0ZN operated by DL9JON


DL9JON used both his own call and DK0ZN to make 24 QSOs with DA0HQ. On most occasions, one call follows immediately the other.


6.- DD5A multiop and his operator DM5DX:

DD5A is a multiop station operated by: (extract from IARU HF 2009 results by ARRL):


One of the member operators, DM5DX works DA8HQ, violating rule 3.3 of General ARRL rules for HF:


7.- DF7BL operated by DF5BM and DJ9CN:

DF7BL is a multiop station operated by: (extract from IARU HF 2009 results by ARRL):


These two operators plus the multiop station work DA0HQ. On every band/mode, all three callsigns are sequential.


8.- DK0ED multiop:

DJ5MN is a member operator of DK0ED, and also works DA0HQ




9.- DL0DSA multiop:

Two operators of this team also worked DA0HQ apart of DL0DSA .



6.- DR4A and all of its operators:

DA4A :was operated by:


All five operators of this team, plus the contest call worked DA0HQ.


7.- A glorious exception: DL0P

This group works DA0HQ on 10 band/modes, but NONE of its operators is in DA0HQ LOG. This a team that played fair and according to the General Rules of the competition. Sadly one of the few multiop exceptions

The team was composed by:


Eduardo EA3NY

Mensajes: 727
#105790  - 26 abril, 2010 11:41 

Appendix 3: QSO padding confirmed from repeated patterns of calls on many bands

These cases of LOG padding were identified by observing identical sequences of callsigns being repeated on different bands/modes with a very small difference on time.

For example the sequence DK8RE, DL0MUE, DP5E, DF0NG, DF0MFL, DL0BRA appears first on 160CW and then the very same sequence is repeated on 160SSB, following exactly the same sequence with the very same order on 80CW and then 80SSB and subsequently on the other bands.

It is extremely improbable that these calls were managed by different operators or different stations that synchronized themselves with such a high degree of martial precision when changing bands.

It is evident that all these calls belong to a list that was either inserted manually into the LOG or handled by one single operator or station

1.- DL0MBG, DG5AA and DL8ATI: 33 QSO’s

All these QSO are made in just 26 minutes..








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 26819 | 2009-07-12 11:24:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0MBG | PH | 28 |
| 26823 | 2009-07-12 11:24:00 | 1842 | 160 | DG5AA | PH | 28 |
| 26825 | 2009-07-12 11:25:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL8ATI | PH | 28 |
| 26833 | 2009-07-12 11:25:00 | 1830 | 160 | DG5AA | CW | 28 |
| 26836 | 2009-07-12 11:25:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL0MBG | CW | 28 |
| 26841 | 2009-07-12 11:26:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL8ATI | CW | 28 |
| 26845 | 2009-07-12 11:26:00 | 3645 | 80 | DG5AA | PH | 28 |
| 26847 | 2009-07-12 11:26:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL0MBG | PH | 28 |
| 26850 | 2009-07-12 11:26:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL8ATI | PH | 28 |
| 26865 | 2009-07-12 11:27:00 | 3511 | 80 | DG5AA | CW | 28 |
| 26867 | 2009-07-12 11:27:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0MBG | CW | 28 |
| 26874 | 2009-07-12 11:28:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL8ATI | CW | 28 |
| 26887 | 2009-07-12 11:29:00 | 7065 | 40 | DG5AA | PH | 28 |
| 26890 | 2009-07-12 11:29:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0MBG | PH | 28 |
| 26894 | 2009-07-12 11:29:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL8ATI | PH | 28 |
| 26921 | 2009-07-12 11:31:00 | 7003 | 40 | DG5AA | CW | 28 |
| 26927 | 2009-07-12 11:31:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0MBG | CW | 28 |
| 26935 | 2009-07-12 11:32:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL8ATI | CW | 28 |
| 26966 | 2009-07-12 11:34:00 | 14223 | 20 | DG5AA | PH | 28 |
| 26973 | 2009-07-12 11:34:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0MBG | PH | 28 |
| 26988 | 2009-07-12 11:35:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL8ATI | PH | 28 |
| 27044 | 2009-07-12 11:38:00 | 14000 | 20 | DG5AA | CW | 28 |
| 27060 | 2009-07-12 11:39:00 | 14000 | 20 | DL0MBG | CW | 28 |
| 27124 | 2009-07-12 11:43:00 | 14000 | 20 | DL8ATI | CW | 28 |
| 27139 | 2009-07-12 11:43:00 | 21279 | 15 | DG5AA | PH | 28 |
| 27145 | 2009-07-12 11:43:00 | 21279 | 15 | DL0MBG | PH | 28 |
| 27148 | 2009-07-12 11:44:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL8ATI | PH | 28 |
| 27233 | 2009-07-12 11:49:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0MBG | PH | 28 |
| 27236 | 2009-07-12 11:49:00 | 28480 | 10 | DG5AA | PH | 28 |
| 27238 | 2009-07-12 11:49:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL8ATI | PH | 28 |
| 27250 | 2009-07-12 11:49:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0MBG | CW | 28 |
| 27253 | 2009-07-12 11:49:00 | 28000 | 10 | DG5AA | CW | 28 |
| 27255 | 2009-07-12 11:50:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL8ATI | CW | 28 |








2.- DQ4T and DL0TS: 20 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 26547 | 2009-07-12 11:08:00 | 21279 | 15 | DQ4T | PH | 28 |
| 26551 | 2009-07-12 11:08:00 | 21279 | 15 | DL0TS | PH | 28 |
| 26558 | 2009-07-12 11:09:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0TS | PH | 28 |
| 26565 | 2009-07-12 11:09:00 | 28480 | 10 | DQ4T | PH | 28 |
| 26571 | 2009-07-12 11:09:00 | 14223 | 20 | DQ4T | PH | 28 |
| 26572 | 2009-07-12 11:10:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0TS | PH | 28 |
| 26582 | 2009-07-12 11:10:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0TS | PH | 28 |
| 26584 | 2009-07-12 11:10:00 | 7065 | 40 | DQ4T | PH | 28 |
| 26589 | 2009-07-12 11:11:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL0TS | PH | 28 |
| 26591 | 2009-07-12 11:11:00 | 3645 | 80 | DQ4T | PH | 28 |
| 26647 | 2009-07-12 11:14:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0TS | CW | 28 |
| 26652 | 2009-07-12 11:14:00 | 3511 | 80 | DQ4T | CW | 28 |
| 26668 | 2009-07-12 11:16:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0TS | CW | 28 |
| 26675 | 2009-07-12 11:16:00 | 7003 | 40 | DQ4T | CW | 28 |
| 26692 | 2009-07-12 11:17:00 | 14000 | 20 | DL0TS | CW | 28 |
| 26695 | 2009-07-12 11:17:00 | 14000 | 20 | DQ4T | CW | 28 |
| 26704 | 2009-07-12 11:18:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL0TS | CW | 28 |
| 26709 | 2009-07-12 11:18:00 | 21032 | 15 | DQ4T | CW | 28 |
| 26726 | 2009-07-12 11:19:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0TS | CW | 28 |
| 26730 | 2009-07-12 11:19:00 | 28032 | 10 | DQ4T | CW | 28 |








Two different calls belonging to the same DARC section. The manager of the calls, DJ9KM, also appears on the LOG.
3.- DL2RTJ, DL0PDM and DM7P: 18 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 25723 | 2009-07-12 10:21:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL2RTJ | PH | 28 |
| 25732 | 2009-07-12 10:21:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL0PDM | PH | 28 |
| 25739 | 2009-07-12 10:22:00 | 3645 | 80 | DM7P | PH | 28 |
| 25777 | 2009-07-12 10:24:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL2RTJ | CW | 28 |
| 25782 | 2009-07-12 10:24:00 | 3511 | 80 | DM7P | CW | 28 |
| 25792 | 2009-07-12 10:25:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0PDM | CW | 28 |
| 25904 | 2009-07-12 10:30:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL2RTJ | PH | 28 |
| 25914 | 2009-07-12 10:31:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0PDM | PH | 28 |
| 25921 | 2009-07-12 10:32:00 | 7065 | 40 | DM7P | PH | 28 |
| 25988 | 2009-07-12 10:35:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL2RTJ | CW | 28 |
| 25994 | 2009-07-12 10:35:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0PDM | CW | 28 |
| 26005 | 2009-07-12 10:36:00 | 7003 | 40 | DM7P | CW | 28 |
| 26092 | 2009-07-12 10:41:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL2RTJ | CW | 28 |
| 26102 | 2009-07-12 10:42:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL0PDM | CW | 28 |
| 26109 | 2009-07-12 10:42:00 | 1840 | 160 | DM7P | CW | 28 |
| 26169 | 2009-07-12 10:45:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL2RTJ | PH | 28 |
| 26177 | 2009-07-12 10:46:00 | 1842 | 160 | DM7P | PH | 28 |
| 26185 | 2009-07-12 10:46:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0PDM | PH | 28 |








4.- DJ7TO, DL0JE, DK4WA, DP9A, DG1HWM and DL5YYM: 56 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 24258 | 2009-07-12 09:09:00 | 14000 | 20 | DJ7TO | CW | 28 |
| 24268 | 2009-07-12 09:10:00 | 14000 | 20 | DL0JE | CW | 28 |
| 24273 | 2009-07-12 09:10:00 | 14000 | 20 | DK4WA | CW | 28 |
| 24281 | 2009-07-12 09:10:00 | 14000 | 20 | DP9A | CW | 28 |
| 24295 | 2009-07-12 09:11:00 | 14000 | 20 | DL5YYM | CW | 28 |
| 24300 | 2009-07-12 09:11:00 | 14000 | 20 | DG1HWM | CW | 28 |
| 24340 | 2009-07-12 09:13:00 | 21032 | 15 | DJ7TO | CW | 28 |
| 24359 | 2009-07-12 09:14:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL0JE | CW | 28 |
| 24362 | 2009-07-12 09:14:00 | 21032 | 15 | DP9A | CW | 28 |
| 24366 | 2009-07-12 09:14:00 | 21032 | 15 | DK4WA | CW | 28 |
| 24371 | 2009-07-12 09:15:00 | 21032 | 15 | DG1HWM | CW | 28 |
| 24409 | 2009-07-12 09:17:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL5YYM | CW | 28 |
| 24461 | 2009-07-12 09:19:00 | 28032 | 10 | DJ7TO | CW | 28 |
| 24704 | 2009-07-12 09:31:00 | 28032 | 10 | DK4WA | CW | 28 |
| 24713 | 2009-07-12 09:31:00 | 28032 | 10 | DP9A | CW | 28 |
| 24720 | 2009-07-12 09:32:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0JE | CW | 28 |
| 24729 | 2009-07-12 09:32:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL5YYM | CW | 28 |
| 24730 | 2009-07-12 09:32:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL5YYM | CW | 28 |
| 24737 | 2009-07-12 09:32:00 | 28032 | 10 | DG1HWM | CW | 28 |
| 24738 | 2009-07-12 09:32:00 | 28000 | 10 | DG1HWM | CW | 28 |
| 24763 | 2009-07-12 09:33:00 | 28480 | 10 | DK4WA | PH | 28 |
| 24766 | 2009-07-12 09:34:00 | 28480 | 10 | DP9A | PH | 28 |
| 24770 | 2009-07-12 09:34:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0JE | PH | 28 |
| 24896 | 2009-07-12 09:40:00 | 21280 | 15 | DK4WA | PH | 28 |
| 24900 | 2009-07-12 09:40:00 | 21280 | 15 | DP9A | PH | 28 |
| 24904 | 2009-07-12 09:40:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0JE | PH | 28 |
| 24975 | 2009-07-12 09:44:00 | 14223 | 20 | DK4WA | PH | 28 |
| 24977 | 2009-07-12 09:44:00 | 14223 | 20 | DP9A | PH | 28 |
| 24980 | 2009-07-12 09:44:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0JE | PH | 28 |
| 25032 | 2009-07-12 09:46:00 | 7003 | 40 | DK4WA | CW | 28 |
| 25037 | 2009-07-12 09:46:00 | 7003 | 40 | DP9A | CW | 28 |
| 25042 | 2009-07-12 09:46:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0JE | CW | 28 |
| 25048 | 2009-07-12 09:47:00 | 7003 | 40 | DG1HWM | CW | 28 |
| 25052 | 2009-07-12 09:47:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL5YYM | CW | 28 |
| 25059 | 2009-07-12 09:47:00 | 7003 | 40 | DJ7TO | CW | 28 |
| 25104 | 2009-07-12 09:49:00 | 7065 | 40 | DK4WA | PH | 28 |
| 25109 | 2009-07-12 09:49:00 | 7065 | 40 | DP9A | PH | 28 |
| 25111 | 2009-07-12 09:49:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0JE | PH | 28 |
| 26878 | 2009-07-12 11:28:00 | 3511 | 80 | DK4WA | CW | 28 |
| 26883 | 2009-07-12 11:29:00 | 3511 | 80 | DP9A | CW | 28 |
| 26888 | 2009-07-12 11:29:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0JE | CW | 28 |
| 26895 | 2009-07-12 11:29:00 | 3511 | 80 | DG1HWM | CW | 28 |
| 26899 | 2009-07-12 11:29:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL5YYM | CW | 28 |
| 26904 | 2009-07-12 11:30:00 | 3511 | 80 | DJ7TO | CW | 28 |
| 26941 | 2009-07-12 11:32:00 | 3645 | 80 | DK4WA | PH | 28 |
| 26943 | 2009-07-12 11:32:00 | 3645 | 80 | DP9A | PH | 28 |
| 26944 | 2009-07-12 11:32:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL0JE | PH | 28 |
| 27110 | 2009-07-12 11:42:00 | 1830 | 160 | DK4WA | CW | 28 |
| 27117 | 2009-07-12 11:42:00 | 1830 | 160 | DP9A | CW | 28 |
| 27126 | 2009-07-12 11:43:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL0JE | CW | 28 |
| 27137 | 2009-07-12 11:43:00 | 1830 | 160 | DG1HWM | CW | 28 |
| 27143 | 2009-07-12 11:43:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL5YYM | CW | 28 |
| 27153 | 2009-07-12 11:44:00 | 1830 | 160 | DJ7TO | CW | 28 |
| 27166 | 2009-07-12 11:45:00 | 1841 | 160 | DK4WA | PH | 28 |
| 27169 | 2009-07-12 11:45:00 | 1841 | 160 | DP9A | PH | 28 |
| 27171 | 2009-07-12 11:45:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0JE | PH | 28 |








5.- DK5WL and DR7A: 20 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 26084 | 2009-07-12 10:41:00 | 1840 | 160 | DK5WL | CW | 28 |
| 26095 | 2009-07-12 10:41:00 | 1840 | 160 | DR7A | CW | 28 |
| 26134 | 2009-07-12 10:43:00 | 1842 | 160 | DK5WL | PH | 28 |
| 26148 | 2009-07-12 10:44:00 | 1842 | 160 | DR7A | PH | 28 |
| 26159 | 2009-07-12 10:44:00 | 3511 | 80 | DK5WL | CW | 28 |
| 26172 | 2009-07-12 10:45:00 | 3511 | 80 | DR7A | CW | 28 |
| 26360 | 2009-07-12 10:57:00 | 3645 | 80 | DK5WL | PH | 28 |
| 26365 | 2009-07-12 10:57:00 | 3645 | 80 | DR7A | PH | 28 |
| 26418 | 2009-07-12 11:00:00 | 14223 | 20 | DK5WL | PH | 28 |
| 26424 | 2009-07-12 11:00:00 | 14223 | 20 | DR7A | PH | 28 |
| 26469 | 2009-07-12 11:03:00 | 14032 | 20 | DK5WL | CW | 28 |
| 26473 | 2009-07-12 11:03:00 | 14032 | 20 | DR7A | CW | 28 |
| 26532 | 2009-07-12 11:07:00 | 21032 | 15 | DK5WL | CW | 28 |
| 26549 | 2009-07-12 11:08:00 | 21032 | 15 | DR7A | CW | 28 |
| 26587 | 2009-07-12 11:11:00 | 21280 | 15 | DK5WL | PH | 28 |
| 26594 | 2009-07-12 11:11:00 | 21279 | 15 | DR7A | PH | 28 |
| 26631 | 2009-07-12 11:13:00 | 28032 | 10 | DK5WL | CW | 28 |
| 26638 | 2009-07-12 11:13:00 | 28032 | 10 | DR7A | CW | 28 |
| 26682 | 2009-07-12 11:16:00 | 28480 | 10 | DK5WL | PH | 28 |
| 26684 | 2009-07-12 11:16:00 | 28480 | 10 | DR7A | PH | 28 |








Two calls with same operator. Same sequence too.

6.- : DL4NY and DQ7Y: 24 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 24625 | 2009-07-12 09:27:00 | 21032 | 15 | DQ7Y | CW | 28 |
| 24630 | 2009-07-12 09:28:00 | 28000 | 10 | DQ7Y | CW | 28 |
| 24645 | 2009-07-12 09:28:00 | 14000 | 20 | DQ7Y | CW | 28 |
| 24685 | 2009-07-12 09:30:00 | 7003 | 40 | DQ7Y | CW | 28 |
| 24726 | 2009-07-12 09:32:00 | 3511 | 80 | DQ7Y | CW | 28 |
| 24733 | 2009-07-12 09:32:00 | 1830 | 160 | DQ7Y | CW | 28 |
| 24746 | 2009-07-12 09:33:00 | 1842 | 160 | DQ7Y | PH | 28 |
| 24753 | 2009-07-12 09:33:00 | 3645 | 80 | DQ7Y | PH | 28 |
| 24760 | 2009-07-12 09:33:00 | 7065 | 40 | DQ7Y | PH | 28 |
| 24805 | 2009-07-12 09:35:00 | 14223 | 20 | DQ7Y | PH | 28 |
| 24811 | 2009-07-12 09:35:00 | 28480 | 10 | DQ7Y | PH | 28 |
| 24822 | 2009-07-12 09:36:00 | 21280 | 15 | DQ7Y | PH | 28 |
| 24933 | 2009-07-12 09:42:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL4NY | CW | 28 |
| 24942 | 2009-07-12 09:42:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL4NY | CW | 28 |
| 24948 | 2009-07-12 09:42:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL4NY | CW | 28 |
| 24958 | 2009-07-12 09:43:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL4NY | CW | 28 |
| 24974 | 2009-07-12 09:43:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL4NY | CW | 28 |
| 24982 | 2009-07-12 09:44:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL4NY | CW | 28 |
| 24988 | 2009-07-12 09:44:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL4NY | PH | 28 |
| 25000 | 2009-07-12 09:44:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL4NY | PH | 28 |
| 25008 | 2009-07-12 09:45:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL4NY | PH | 28 |
| 25016 | 2009-07-12 09:45:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL4NY | PH | 28 |
| 25024 | 2009-07-12 09:46:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL4NY | PH | 28 |
| 25029 | 2009-07-12 09:46:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL4NY | PH | 28 |









7.- : DJ6TK, DL0MFS and DK0FL: 22 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 25034 | 2009-07-12 09:46:00 | 21032 | 15 | DJ6TK | CW | 28 |
| 25053 | 2009-07-12 09:47:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL0MFS | CW | 28 |
| 25088 | 2009-07-12 09:48:00 | 21280 | 15 | DJ6TK | PH | 28 |
| 25131 | 2009-07-12 09:50:00 | 21280 | 15 | DK0FL | PH | 28 |
| 25158 | 2009-07-12 09:51:00 | 14000 | 20 | DJ6TK | CW | 28 |
| 25163 | 2009-07-12 09:51:00 | 14000 | 20 | DL0MFS | CW | 28 |
| 25270 | 2009-07-12 09:56:00 | 14223 | 20 | DJ6TK | PH | 28 |
| 25281 | 2009-07-12 09:57:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0MFS | PH | 28 |
| 25296 | 2009-07-12 09:57:00 | 14223 | 20 | DK0FL | PH | 28 |
| 25321 | 2009-07-12 09:58:00 | 7065 | 40 | DJ6TK | PH | 28 |
| 25333 | 2009-07-12 09:59:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0MFS | PH | 28 |
| 25336 | 2009-07-12 09:59:00 | 7065 | 40 | DK0FL | PH | 28 |
| 25364 | 2009-07-12 10:00:00 | 7003 | 40 | DJ6TK | CW | 28 |
| 25380 | 2009-07-12 10:01:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0MFS | CW | 28 |
| 25383 | 2009-07-12 10:01:00 | 7003 | 40 | DK0FL | CW | 28 |
| 25402 | 2009-07-12 10:02:00 | 3511 | 80 | DJ6TK | CW | 28 |
| 25408 | 2009-07-12 10:02:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0MFS | CW | 28 |
| 25423 | 2009-07-12 10:03:00 | 3511 | 80 | DK0FL | CW | 28 |
| 25564 | 2009-07-12 10:11:00 | 1840 | 160 | DJ6TK | CW | 28 |
| 25675 | 2009-07-12 10:18:00 | 3645 | 80 | DJ6TK | PH | 28 |
| 25717 | 2009-07-12 10:21:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL0MFS | PH | 28 |
| 25745 | 2009-07-12 10:22:00 | 3645 | 80 | DK0FL | PH | 28 |








8.- DL3BQA, DF0TEC and DM0Y: 36 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 23492 | 2009-07-12 08:34:00 | 1841 | 160 | DL3BQA | PH | 28 |
| 23498 | 2009-07-12 08:34:00 | 1841 | 160 | DF0TEC | PH | 28 |
| 23504 | 2009-07-12 08:35:00 | 1841 | 160 | DM0Y | PH | 28 |
| 23551 | 2009-07-12 08:37:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL3BQA | CW | 28 |
| 23562 | 2009-07-12 08:37:00 | 1830 | 160 | DF0TEC | CW | 28 |
| 23573 | 2009-07-12 08:37:00 | 1830 | 160 | DM0Y | CW | 28 |
| 23810 | 2009-07-12 08:49:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL3BQA | PH | 28 |
| 23811 | 2009-07-12 08:49:00 | 3645 | 80 | DF0TEC | PH | 28 |
| 23813 | 2009-07-12 08:49:00 | 3645 | 80 | DM0Y | PH | 28 |
| 23853 | 2009-07-12 08:51:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL3BQA | CW | 28 |
| 23859 | 2009-07-12 08:51:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0TEC | CW | 28 |
| 23865 | 2009-07-12 08:51:00 | 3511 | 80 | DM0Y | CW | 28 |
| 23893 | 2009-07-12 08:53:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL3BQA | PH | 28 |
| 23895 | 2009-07-12 08:53:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF0TEC | PH | 28 |
| 23899 | 2009-07-12 08:53:00 | 7065 | 40 | DM0Y | PH | 28 |
| 23918 | 2009-07-12 08:54:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL3BQA | CW | 28 |
| 23927 | 2009-07-12 08:54:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF0TEC | CW | 28 |
| 23933 | 2009-07-12 08:54:00 | 7003 | 40 | DM0Y | CW | 28 |
| 23977 | 2009-07-12 08:56:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL3BQA | PH | 28 |
| 23985 | 2009-07-12 08:57:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF0TEC | PH | 28 |
| 24005 | 2009-07-12 08:57:00 | 14223 | 20 | DM0Y | PH | 28 |
| 24020 | 2009-07-12 08:58:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL3BQA | CW | 28 |
| 24024 | 2009-07-12 08:58:00 | 14032 | 20 | DF0TEC | CW | 28 |
| 24029 | 2009-07-12 08:59:00 | 14032 | 20 | DM0Y | CW | 28 |
| 24068 | 2009-07-12 09:00:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL3BQA | PH | 28 |
| 24072 | 2009-07-12 09:00:00 | 21280 | 15 | DM0Y | PH | 28 |
| 24074 | 2009-07-12 09:00:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF0TEC | PH | 28 |
| 24287 | 2009-07-12 09:11:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL3BQA | CW | 28 |
| 24292 | 2009-07-12 09:11:00 | 21032 | 15 | DF0TEC | CW | 28 |
| 24306 | 2009-07-12 09:12:00 | 21032 | 15 | DM0Y | CW | 28 |
| 24350 | 2009-07-12 09:14:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL3BQA | PH | 28 |
| 24355 | 2009-07-12 09:14:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF0TEC | PH | 28 |
| 24360 | 2009-07-12 09:14:00 | 28480 | 10 | DM0Y | PH | 28 |
| 24400 | 2009-07-12 09:16:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL3BQA | CW | 28 |
| 24410 | 2009-07-12 09:17:00 | 28000 | 10 | DF0TEC | CW | 28 |
| 24414 | 2009-07-12 09:17:00 | 28000 | 10 | DM0Y | CW | 28 |








9.- DJ8DJ and DL0SY: 12 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 23752 | 2009-07-12 08:46:00 | 7065 | 40 | DJ8DJ | PH | 28 |
| 23783 | 2009-07-12 08:47:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0SY | PH | 28 |
| 24143 | 2009-07-12 09:04:00 | 14000 | 20 | DJ8DJ | CW | 28 |
| 24181 | 2009-07-12 09:06:00 | 14000 | 20 | DL0SY | CW | 28 |
| 25924 | 2009-07-12 10:32:00 | 3511 | 80 | DJ8DJ | CW | 28 |
| 25956 | 2009-07-12 10:33:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0SY | CW | 28 |
| 26060 | 2009-07-12 10:39:00 | 7003 | 40 | DJ8DJ | CW | 28 |
| 26088 | 2009-07-12 10:41:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0SY | CW | 28 |
| 26605 | 2009-07-12 11:11:00 | 3645 | 80 | DJ8DJ | PH | 28 |
| 26639 | 2009-07-12 11:13:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL0SY | PH | 28 |
| 26977 | 2009-07-12 11:34:00 | 14223 | 20 | DJ8DJ | PH | 28 |
| 27006 | 2009-07-12 11:36:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0SY | PH | 28 |








Same operator with exact sequence of contacts.
10.- DM2TS, DK3WC and DG0RO: 36 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 20359 | 2009-07-12 05:50:00 | 14032 | 20 | DM2TS | CW | 28 |
| 20370 | 2009-07-12 05:51:00 | 14032 | 20 | DK3WC | CW | 28 |
| 20388 | 2009-07-12 05:52:00 | 14000 | 20 | DG0RO | CW | 28 |
| 20462 | 2009-07-12 05:59:00 | 28480 | 10 | DM2TS | PH | 28 |
| 20475 | 2009-07-12 06:00:00 | 28032 | 10 | DG0RO | CW | 28 |
| 20490 | 2009-07-12 06:01:00 | 28480 | 10 | DK3WC | PH | 28 |
| 20512 | 2009-07-12 06:03:00 | 28032 | 10 | DK3WC | CW | 28 |
| 20521 | 2009-07-12 06:03:00 | 28480 | 10 | DG0RO | PH | 28 |
| 20576 | 2009-07-12 06:08:00 | 28031 | 10 | DM2TS | CW | 28 |
| 20605 | 2009-07-12 06:10:00 | 21032 | 15 | DM2TS | CW | 28 |
| 20666 | 2009-07-12 06:14:00 | 21032 | 15 | DK3WC | CW | 28 |
| 20684 | 2009-07-12 06:15:00 | 21032 | 15 | DG0RO | CW | 28 |
| 20708 | 2009-07-12 06:17:00 | 21280 | 15 | DM2TS | PH | 28 |
| 20726 | 2009-07-12 06:18:00 | 21280 | 15 | DK3WC | PH | 28 |
| 20732 | 2009-07-12 06:18:00 | 21280 | 15 | DG0RO | PH | 28 |
| 20772 | 2009-07-12 06:21:00 | 7003 | 40 | DG0RO | CW | 28 |
| 20795 | 2009-07-12 06:23:00 | 7003 | 40 | DK3WC | CW | 28 |
| 20802 | 2009-07-12 06:23:00 | 7003 | 40 | DM2TS | CW | 28 |
| 20827 | 2009-07-12 06:24:00 | 7065 | 40 | DM2TS | PH | 28 |
| 20836 | 2009-07-12 06:25:00 | 7065 | 40 | DK3WC | PH | 28 |
| 20849 | 2009-07-12 06:25:00 | 7065 | 40 | DG0RO | PH | 28 |
| 20890 | 2009-07-12 06:28:00 | 3511 | 80 | DG0RO | CW | 28 |
| 20896 | 2009-07-12 06:28:00 | 3511 | 80 | DM2TS | CW | 28 |
| 20905 | 2009-07-12 06:29:00 | 3511 | 80 | DK3WC | CW | 28 |
| 20917 | 2009-07-12 06:29:00 | 3645 | 80 | DM2TS | PH | 28 |
| 20933 | 2009-07-12 06:30:00 | 3645 | 80 | DK3WC | PH | 28 |
| 20941 | 2009-07-12 06:30:00 | 3645 | 80 | DG0RO | PH | 28 |
| 20976 | 2009-07-12 06:33:00 | 1840 | 160 | DM2TS | CW | 28 |
| 20996 | 2009-07-12 06:34:00 | 1830 | 160 | DK3WC | CW | 28 |
| 21017 | 2009-07-12 06:35:00 | 1840 | 160 | DG0RO | CW | 28 |
| 21026 | 2009-07-12 06:36:00 | 1842 | 160 | DK3WC | PH | 28 |
| 21032 | 2009-07-12 06:36:00 | 1842 | 160 | DG0RO | PH | 28 |
| 21044 | 2009-07-12 06:37:00 | 1842 | 160 | DM2TS | PH | 28 |
| 21165 | 2009-07-12 06:43:00 | 14223 | 20 | DG0RO | PH | 28 |
| 21176 | 2009-07-12 06:43:00 | 14223 | 20 | DM2TS | PH | 28 |
| 21214 | 2009-07-12 06:45:00 | 14223 | 20 | DK3WC | PH | 28 |








These three calls appear on every band simultaneously. Everytime one of them appear on one band the other two follow inmediatedly.

11.- DK8RE, DP5E, DL0MUE, DF0NG, DL0BRA, DF0MFL : 66 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 19751 | 2009-07-12 05:02:00 | 1842 | 160 | DK8RE | PH | 28 |
| 19764 | 2009-07-12 05:03:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0MUE | PH | 28 |
| 19808 | 2009-07-12 05:06:00 | 1842 | 160 | DP5E | PH | 28 |
| 19820 | 2009-07-12 05:07:00 | 1842 | 160 | DF0NG | PH | 28 |
| 19827 | 2009-07-12 05:08:00 | 1842 | 160 | DF0MFL | PH | 28 |
| 19838 | 2009-07-12 05:09:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0BRA | PH | 28 |
| 19850 | 2009-07-12 05:10:00 | 1840 | 160 | DK8RE | CW | 28 |
| 19855 | 2009-07-12 05:11:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL0MUE | CW | 28 |
| 19864 | 2009-07-12 05:12:00 | 1830 | 160 | DP5E | CW | 28 |
| 19868 | 2009-07-12 05:12:00 | 1830 | 160 | DF0NG | CW | 28 |
| 19871 | 2009-07-12 05:12:00 | 1830 | 160 | DF0MFL | CW | 28 |
| 19886 | 2009-07-12 05:14:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL0BRA | CW | 28 |
| 19911 | 2009-07-12 05:16:00 | 3511 | 80 | DK8RE | CW | 28 |
| 19918 | 2009-07-12 05:17:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0MUE | CW | 28 |
| 19926 | 2009-07-12 05:18:00 | 3511 | 80 | DP5E | CW | 28 |
| 19931 | 2009-07-12 05:19:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0NG | CW | 28 |
| 19935 | 2009-07-12 05:19:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0MFL | CW | 28 |
| 19947 | 2009-07-12 05:20:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0BRA | CW | 28 |
| 20051 | 2009-07-12 05:28:00 | 3781 | 80 | DK8RE | PH | 28 |
| 20053 | 2009-07-12 05:28:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0MUE | PH | 28 |
| 20071 | 2009-07-12 05:30:00 | 3781 | 80 | DF0NG | PH | 28 |
| 20075 | 2009-07-12 05:30:00 | 3781 | 80 | DF0MFL | PH | 28 |
| 20077 | 2009-07-12 05:30:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0BRA | PH | 28 |
| 20234 | 2009-07-12 05:41:00 | 7003 | 40 | DK8RE | CW | 28 |
| 20253 | 2009-07-12 05:42:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0MUE | CW | 28 |
| 20284 | 2009-07-12 05:45:00 | 7003 | 40 | DP5E | CW | 28 |
| 20303 | 2009-07-12 05:46:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF0NG | CW | 28 |
| 20308 | 2009-07-12 05:46:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF0MFL | CW | 28 |
| 20315 | 2009-07-12 05:47:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0BRA | CW | 28 |
| 20740 | 2009-07-12 06:19:00 | 28480 | 10 | DK8RE | PH | 28 |
| 21021 | 2009-07-12 06:36:00 | 14032 | 20 | DK8RE | CW | 28 |
| 21031 | 2009-07-12 06:36:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL0MUE | CW | 28 |
| 21055 | 2009-07-12 06:37:00 | 14032 | 20 | DP5E | CW | 28 |
| 21064 | 2009-07-12 06:38:00 | 14032 | 20 | DF0NG | CW | 28 |
| 21110 | 2009-07-12 06:40:00 | 14000 | 20 | DF0MFL | CW | 28 |
| 21130 | 2009-07-12 06:41:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL0BRA | CW | 28 |
| 21386 | 2009-07-12 06:54:00 | 28032 | 10 | DK8RE | CW | 28 |
| 21402 | 2009-07-12 06:55:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0MUE | CW | 28 |
| 21418 | 2009-07-12 06:56:00 | 28032 | 10 | DP5E | CW | 28 |
| 21445 | 2009-07-12 06:57:00 | 28032 | 10 | DF0NG | CW | 28 |
| 21451 | 2009-07-12 06:57:00 | 28032 | 10 | DF0MFL | CW | 28 |
| 21488 | 2009-07-12 06:59:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0BRA | CW | 28 |
| 21753 | 2009-07-12 07:13:00 | 7065 | 40 | DK8RE | PH | 28 |
| 21766 | 2009-07-12 07:14:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0MUE | PH | 28 |
| 21775 | 2009-07-12 07:14:00 | 7065 | 40 | DP5E | PH | 28 |
| 21834 | 2009-07-12 07:17:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF0NG | PH | 28 |
| 21943 | 2009-07-12 07:24:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF0MFL | PH | 28 |
| 21998 | 2009-07-12 07:26:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0BRA | PH | 28 |
| 22618 | 2009-07-12 07:56:00 | 14223 | 20 | DK8RE | PH | 28 |
| 22652 | 2009-07-12 07:57:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0MUE | PH | 28 |
| 22679 | 2009-07-12 07:58:00 | 14223 | 20 | DP5E | PH | 28 |
| 22703 | 2009-07-12 07:59:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF0NG | PH | 28 |
| 22807 | 2009-07-12 08:04:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF0MFL | PH | 28 |
| 22824 | 2009-07-12 08:04:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0BRA | PH | 28 |
| 23066 | 2009-07-12 08:15:00 | 21280 | 15 | DK8RE | PH | 28 |
| 26722 | 2009-07-12 11:19:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0MUE | PH | 28 |
| 26736 | 2009-07-12 11:20:00 | 28480 | 10 | DP5E | PH | 28 |
| 26747 | 2009-07-12 11:20:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF0NG | PH | 28 |
| 26785 | 2009-07-12 11:23:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF0MFL | PH | 28 |
| 26787 | 2009-07-12 11:23:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0BRA | PH | 28 |
| 26852 | 2009-07-12 11:26:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0MUE | PH | 28 |
| 26857 | 2009-07-12 11:27:00 | 21280 | 15 | DP5E | PH | 28 |
| 26863 | 2009-07-12 11:27:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF0NG | PH | 28 |
| 26936 | 2009-07-12 11:32:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF0MFL | PH | 28 |
| 26937 | 2009-07-12 11:32:00 | 21279 | 15 | DL0BRA | PH | 28 |
| 27340 | 2009-07-12 11:56:00 | 21032 | 15 | DK8RE | CW | 28 |








All these QSOs were made by the same operator.

All these different calls follow exactly the same sequence as they are repeated on each band.








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 19630 | 2009-07-12 04:53:00 | 3781 | 80 | DG3FK | PH | 28 |
| 19638 | 2009-07-12 04:53:00 | 3781 | 80 | DR1F | PH | 28 |
| 19647 | 2009-07-12 04:54:00 | 3781 | 80 | DR1H | PH | 28 |
| 19653 | 2009-07-12 04:54:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0JK | PH | 28 |
| 19660 | 2009-07-12 04:55:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0WPX | PH | 28 |
| 19673 | 2009-07-12 04:56:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0HJ | PH | 28 |
| 19677 | 2009-07-12 04:56:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0EAM | PH | 28 |
| 19684 | 2009-07-12 04:56:00 | 3781 | 80 | DF0FKB | PH | 28 |
| 19708 | 2009-07-12 04:58:00 | 1842 | 160 | DG3FK | PH | 28 |
| 19712 | 2009-07-12 04:59:00 | 1842 | 160 | DR1F | PH | 28 |
| 19713 | 2009-07-12 04:59:00 | 1842 | 160 | DR1H | PH | 28 |
| 19723 | 2009-07-12 05:00:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0JK | PH | 28 |
| 19728 | 2009-07-12 05:00:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0WPX | PH | 28 |
| 19733 | 2009-07-12 05:01:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0HJ | PH | 28 |
| 19739 | 2009-07-12 05:01:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0EAM | PH | 28 |
| 19771 | 2009-07-12 05:03:00 | 1842 | 160 | DF0FKB | PH | 28 |
| 19941 | 2009-07-12 05:20:00 | 1830 | 160 | DG3FK | CW | 28 |
| 19952 | 2009-07-12 05:21:00 | 1840 | 160 | DR1F | CW | 28 |
| 19964 | 2009-07-12 05:21:00 | 1840 | 160 | DR1H | CW | 28 |
| 19971 | 2009-07-12 05:22:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL0JK | CW | 28 |
| 19976 | 2009-07-12 05:22:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL0WPX | CW | 28 |
| 19981 | 2009-07-12 05:23:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL0HJ | CW | 28 |
| 19984 | 2009-07-12 05:23:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL0EAM | CW | 28 |
| 20000 | 2009-07-12 05:24:00 | 1830 | 160 | DF0FKB | CW | 28 |
| 20024 | 2009-07-12 05:26:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0FKB | CW | 28 |
| 20041 | 2009-07-12 05:27:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0EAM | CW | 28 |
| 20048 | 2009-07-12 05:28:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0HJ | CW | 28 |
| 20052 | 2009-07-12 05:28:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0WPX | CW | 28 |
| 20063 | 2009-07-12 05:29:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0JK | CW | 28 |
| 20067 | 2009-07-12 05:29:00 | 3511 | 80 | DR1H | CW | 28 |
| 20070 | 2009-07-12 05:30:00 | 3511 | 80 | DR1F | CW | 28 |
| 20090 | 2009-07-12 05:31:00 | 3511 | 80 | DG3FK | CW | 28 |
| 20165 | 2009-07-12 05:36:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF0FKB | PH | 28 |
| 20201 | 2009-07-12 05:39:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0EAM | PH | 28 |
| 20206 | 2009-07-12 05:39:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0HJ | PH | 28 |
| 20207 | 2009-07-12 05:39:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0WPX | PH | 28 |
| 20210 | 2009-07-12 05:39:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0JK | PH | 28 |
| 20213 | 2009-07-12 05:40:00 | 7065 | 40 | DR1H | PH | 28 |
| 20226 | 2009-07-12 05:41:00 | 7065 | 40 | DR1F | PH | 28 |
| 20259 | 2009-07-12 05:43:00 | 7065 | 40 | DG3FK | PH | 28 |
| 20458 | 2009-07-12 05:58:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF0FKB | CW | 28 |
| 20473 | 2009-07-12 06:00:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0EAM | CW | 28 |
| 20481 | 2009-07-12 06:00:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0HJ | CW | 28 |
| 20484 | 2009-07-12 06:01:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0WPX | CW | 28 |
| 20498 | 2009-07-12 06:02:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0JK | CW | 28 |
| 20510 | 2009-07-12 06:03:00 | 7003 | 40 | DR1H | CW | 28 |
| 20540 | 2009-07-12 06:05:00 | 7003 | 40 | DR1F | CW | 28 |
| 20550 | 2009-07-12 06:06:00 | 7003 | 40 | DG3FK | CW | 28 |
| 20639 | 2009-07-12 06:12:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF0FKB | PH | 28 |
| 20643 | 2009-07-12 06:12:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0EAM | PH | 28 |
| 20644 | 2009-07-12 06:12:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0HJ | PH | 28 |
| 20647 | 2009-07-12 06:12:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0WPX | PH | 28 |
| 20649 | 2009-07-12 06:13:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0JK | PH | 28 |
| 20650 | 2009-07-12 06:13:00 | 14223 | 20 | DR1H | PH | 28 |
| 20653 | 2009-07-12 06:13:00 | 14223 | 20 | DR1F | PH | 28 |
| 20658 | 2009-07-12 06:13:00 | 14223 | 20 | DG3FK | PH | 28 |
| 20790 | 2009-07-12 06:23:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF0FKB | PH | 28 |
| 20829 | 2009-07-12 06:24:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0EAM | PH | 28 |
| 20834 | 2009-07-12 06:25:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0HJ | PH | 28 |
| 20840 | 2009-07-12 06:25:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0WPX | PH | 28 |
| 20843 | 2009-07-12 06:25:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0JK | PH | 28 |
| 20847 | 2009-07-12 06:25:00 | 21280 | 15 | DR1H | PH | 28 |
| 20851 | 2009-07-12 06:25:00 | 21280 | 15 | DR1F | PH | 28 |
| 20857 | 2009-07-12 06:26:00 | 21280 | 15 | DG3FK | PH | 28 |
| 20966 | 2009-07-12 06:32:00 | 28032 | 10 | DF0FKB | CW | 28 |
| 20988 | 2009-07-12 06:34:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0EAM | CW | 28 |
| 21013 | 2009-07-12 06:35:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL0HJ | CW | 28 |
| 21020 | 2009-07-12 06:36:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL0WPX | CW | 28 |
| 21033 | 2009-07-12 06:36:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL0JK | CW | 28 |
| 21051 | 2009-07-12 06:37:00 | 28000 | 10 | DR1H | CW | 28 |
| 21067 | 2009-07-12 06:38:00 | 28000 | 10 | DR1F | CW | 28 |
| 21085 | 2009-07-12 06:39:00 | 28000 | 10 | DG3FK | CW | 28 |
| 21118 | 2009-07-12 06:40:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF0FKB | PH | 28 |
| 21152 | 2009-07-12 06:42:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0EAM | PH | 28 |
| 21154 | 2009-07-12 06:42:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0HJ | PH | 28 |
| 21157 | 2009-07-12 06:42:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0WPX | PH | 28 |
| 21160 | 2009-07-12 06:42:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0JK | PH | 28 |
| 21162 | 2009-07-12 06:42:00 | 28480 | 10 | DR1H | PH | 28 |
| 21166 | 2009-07-12 06:43:00 | 28480 | 10 | DR1F | PH | 28 |
| 21170 | 2009-07-12 06:43:00 | 28480 | 10 | DG3FK | PH | 28 |
| 21552 | 2009-07-12 07:03:00 | 14032 | 20 | DG3FK | CW | 28 |








Exactly same sequence.
No data for DL0HJ on

13.- DL2ZA, DF0CM, DL0DBO, DL0U, DF0AS, DJ5VI, DF7RT, DL5RY : 86 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 4526 | 2009-07-11 14:23:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL2ZA | CW | 28 |
| 4592 | 2009-07-11 14:25:00 | 14032 | 20 | DF0CM | CW | 28 |
| 4635 | 2009-07-11 14:27:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL0DBO | CW | 28 |
| 4703 | 2009-07-11 14:29:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL0U | CW | 28 |
| 5024 | 2009-07-11 14:41:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL2ZA | PH | 28 |
| 5031 | 2009-07-11 14:41:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0DBO | PH | 28 |
| 5040 | 2009-07-11 14:41:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0U | PH | 28 |
| 5055 | 2009-07-11 14:42:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF0AS | PH | 28 |
| 5084 | 2009-07-11 14:43:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF0CM | PH | 28 |
| 5106 | 2009-07-11 14:44:00 | 28480 | 10 | DJ5VI | PH | 28 |
| 5145 | 2009-07-11 14:45:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL5RY | PH | 28 |
| 5373 | 2009-07-11 14:54:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL2ZA | CW | 28 |
| 5472 | 2009-07-11 14:58:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL0DBO | CW | 28 |
| 5534 | 2009-07-11 15:01:00 | 28000 | 10 | DF0CM | CW | 28 |
| 5551 | 2009-07-11 15:01:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL0U | CW | 28 |
| 5587 | 2009-07-11 15:03:00 | 28000 | 10 | DF0AS | CW | 28 |
| 5617 | 2009-07-11 15:04:00 | 28000 | 10 | DJ5VI | CW | 28 |
| 5729 | 2009-07-11 15:08:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL5RY | CW | 28 |
| 5900 | 2009-07-11 15:15:00 | 21031 | 15 | DL2ZA | CW | 28 |
| 5955 | 2009-07-11 15:17:00 | 21031 | 15 | DL0DBO | CW | 28 |
| 5978 | 2009-07-11 15:18:00 | 21032 | 15 | DF0CM | CW | 28 |
| 5992 | 2009-07-11 15:19:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL0U | CW | 28 |
| 6034 | 2009-07-11 15:20:00 | 21031 | 15 | DL5RY | CW | 28 |
| 6088 | 2009-07-11 15:22:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL2ZA | PH | 28 |
| 6095 | 2009-07-11 15:22:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0DBO | PH | 28 |
| 6127 | 2009-07-11 15:23:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF0CM | PH | 28 |
| 6156 | 2009-07-11 15:24:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0U | PH | 28 |
| 6165 | 2009-07-11 15:25:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF0AS | PH | 28 |
| 6192 | 2009-07-11 15:26:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL5RY | PH | 28 |
| 6304 | 2009-07-11 15:29:00 | 14220 | 20 | DL2ZA | PH | 28 |
| 6314 | 2009-07-11 15:30:00 | 14220 | 20 | DL0DBO | PH | 28 |
| 6423 | 2009-07-11 15:34:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL2ZA | CW | 28 |
| 6439 | 2009-07-11 15:34:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0DBO | CW | 28 |
| 6452 | 2009-07-11 15:35:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF0CM | CW | 28 |
| 6546 | 2009-07-11 15:38:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL5RY | CW | 28 |
| 6644 | 2009-07-11 15:41:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0U | CW | 28 |
| 6662 | 2009-07-11 15:42:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF0AS | CW | 28 |
| 7181 | 2009-07-11 16:01:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL2ZA | PH | 28 |
| 7251 | 2009-07-11 16:04:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL2ZA | PH | 28 |
| 7266 | 2009-07-11 16:04:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL0DBO | PH | 28 |
| 7280 | 2009-07-11 16:05:00 | 3645 | 80 | DF0CM | PH | 28 |
| 7288 | 2009-07-11 16:05:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL0U | PH | 28 |
| 7292 | 2009-07-11 16:05:00 | 3645 | 80 | DF0AS | PH | 28 |
| 7328 | 2009-07-11 16:07:00 | 3645 | 80 | DL5RY | PH | 28 |
| 7342 | 2009-07-11 16:07:00 | 3645 | 80 | DJ5VI | PH | 28 |
| 7415 | 2009-07-11 16:10:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL2ZA | CW | 28 |
| 7427 | 2009-07-11 16:11:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0DBO | CW | 28 |
| 7437 | 2009-07-11 16:11:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0CM | CW | 28 |
| 7446 | 2009-07-11 16:12:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0U | CW | 28 |
| 7459 | 2009-07-11 16:12:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0AS | CW | 28 |
| 7472 | 2009-07-11 16:13:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL5RY | CW | 28 |
| 7503 | 2009-07-11 16:14:00 | 3511 | 80 | DJ5VI | CW | 28 |
| 7626 | 2009-07-11 16:19:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL2ZA | CW | 28 |
| 7633 | 2009-07-11 16:19:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL0DBO | CW | 28 |
| 7639 | 2009-07-11 16:19:00 | 1830 | 160 | DF0CM | CW | 28 |
| 7642 | 2009-07-11 16:20:00 | 1840 | 160 | DF0CM | CW | 28 |
| 7648 | 2009-07-11 16:20:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL0U | CW | 28 |
| 7652 | 2009-07-11 16:20:00 | 1830 | 160 | DF0AS | CW | 28 |
| 7696 | 2009-07-11 16:21:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL2ZA | PH | 28 |
| 7702 | 2009-07-11 16:22:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0DBO | PH | 28 |
| 7707 | 2009-07-11 16:22:00 | 1842 | 160 | DF0CM | PH | 28 |
| 7721 | 2009-07-11 16:22:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0U | PH | 28 |
| 7729 | 2009-07-11 16:23:00 | 1842 | 160 | DF0AS | PH | 28 |
| 7740 | 2009-07-11 16:23:00 | 1842 | 160 | DJ5VI | PH | 28 |
| 7788 | 2009-07-11 16:25:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL5RY | PH | 28 |
| 7813 | 2009-07-11 16:26:00 | 1830 | 160 | DL5RY | CW | 28 |
| 7836 | 2009-07-11 16:27:00 | 1830 | 160 | DJ5VI | CW | 28 |
| 7924 | 2009-07-11 16:31:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0DBO | PH | 28 |
| 7928 | 2009-07-11 16:31:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF0CM | PH | 28 |
| 8089 | 2009-07-11 16:39:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0U | PH | 28 |
| 8138 | 2009-07-11 16:41:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF0AS | PH | 28 |
| 8286 | 2009-07-11 16:48:00 | 7003 | 40 | DJ5VI | CW | 28 |
| 8443 | 2009-07-11 16:55:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL5RY | PH | 28 |
| 19516 | 2009-07-12 04:42:00 | 7065 | 40 | DJ5VI | PH | 28 |
| 20601 | 2009-07-12 06:09:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF0CM | PH | 28 |
| 20611 | 2009-07-12 06:10:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0U | PH | 28 |
| 20621 | 2009-07-12 06:11:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF0AS | PH | 28 |
| 20671 | 2009-07-12 06:14:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL5RY | PH | 28 |
| 20683 | 2009-07-12 06:15:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL5RY | PH | 28 |
| 20711 | 2009-07-12 06:17:00 | 14223 | 20 | DJ5VI | PH | 28 |
| 20794 | 2009-07-12 06:23:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL5RY | CW | 28 |
| 20813 | 2009-07-12 06:24:00 | 14032 | 20 | DF0AS | CW | 28 |
| 20828 | 2009-07-12 06:24:00 | 14000 | 20 | DJ5VI | CW | 28 |
| 20950 | 2009-07-12 06:31:00 | 21280 | 15 | DJ5VI | PH | 28 |
| 21015 | 2009-07-12 06:35:00 | 21032 | 15 | DF0AS | CW | 28 |
| 21041 | 2009-07-12 06:37:00 | 21032 | 15 | DJ5VI | CW | 28 |








14.- DL0GH, DL2F, DL2FDL, DL4FAY and DQ4A: 64 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 590 | 2009-07-11 12:16:00 | 14220 | 20 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 1930 | 2009-07-11 12:56:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 10615 | 2009-07-11 18:44:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 10953 | 2009-07-11 19:05:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 11379 | 2009-07-11 19:28:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 16781 | 2009-07-12 00:06:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL2F | CW | 28 |
| 16790 | 2009-07-12 00:06:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL2FDL | CW | 28 |
| 16796 | 2009-07-12 00:06:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0GH | CW | 28 |
| 16800 | 2009-07-12 00:07:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL4FAY | CW | 28 |
| 16805 | 2009-07-12 00:07:00 | 28032 | 10 | DQ4A | CW | 28 |
| 16834 | 2009-07-12 00:09:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL2F | PH | 28 |
| 16840 | 2009-07-12 00:09:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL2FDL | PH | 28 |
| 16848 | 2009-07-12 00:10:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 16859 | 2009-07-12 00:10:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL4FAY | PH | 28 |
| 16889 | 2009-07-12 00:12:00 | 28480 | 10 | DQ4A | PH | 28 |
| 16913 | 2009-07-12 00:13:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL2FDL | PH | 28 |
| 16923 | 2009-07-12 00:14:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 16927 | 2009-07-12 00:14:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL4FAY | PH | 28 |
| 16929 | 2009-07-12 00:14:00 | 21280 | 15 | DQ4A | PH | 28 |
| 16933 | 2009-07-12 00:14:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL2F | PH | 28 |
| 16957 | 2009-07-12 00:16:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL2F | CW | 28 |
| 17048 | 2009-07-12 00:22:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL2FDL | CW | 28 |
| 17057 | 2009-07-12 00:23:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL0GH | CW | 28 |
| 17073 | 2009-07-12 00:23:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL4FAY | CW | 28 |
| 17084 | 2009-07-12 00:24:00 | 21032 | 15 | DQ4A | CW | 28 |
| 17097 | 2009-07-12 00:25:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL2F | CW | 28 |
| 17099 | 2009-07-12 00:25:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL2FDL | CW | 28 |
| 17101 | 2009-07-12 00:26:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL0GH | CW | 28 |
| 17106 | 2009-07-12 00:26:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL4FAY | CW | 28 |
| 17109 | 2009-07-12 00:26:00 | 14032 | 20 | DQ4A | CW | 28 |
| 17127 | 2009-07-12 00:27:00 | 14221 | 20 | DL2F | PH | 28 |
| 17132 | 2009-07-12 00:28:00 | 14221 | 20 | DL2FDL | PH | 28 |
| 17138 | 2009-07-12 00:28:00 | 14221 | 20 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 17140 | 2009-07-12 00:28:00 | 14221 | 20 | DL4FAY | PH | 28 |
| 17144 | 2009-07-12 00:28:00 | 14221 | 20 | DQ4A | PH | 28 |
| 17288 | 2009-07-12 00:39:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL2F | PH | 28 |
| 17299 | 2009-07-12 00:40:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL2FDL | PH | 28 |
| 17304 | 2009-07-12 00:40:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 17309 | 2009-07-12 00:40:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL4FAY | PH | 28 |
| 17335 | 2009-07-12 00:42:00 | 7065 | 40 | DQ4A | PH | 28 |
| 17348 | 2009-07-12 00:43:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL2F | CW | 28 |
| 17369 | 2009-07-12 00:44:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL2FDL | CW | 28 |
| 17380 | 2009-07-12 00:45:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL4FAY | CW | 28 |
| 17387 | 2009-07-12 00:46:00 | 7003 | 40 | DQ4A | CW | 28 |
| 17413 | 2009-07-12 00:48:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL2F | PH | 28 |
| 17419 | 2009-07-12 00:48:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL2FDL | PH | 28 |
| 17423 | 2009-07-12 00:48:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 17427 | 2009-07-12 00:48:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL4FAY | PH | 28 |
| 17432 | 2009-07-12 00:48:00 | 3781 | 80 | DQ4A | PH | 28 |
| 17464 | 2009-07-12 00:51:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL2F | CW | 28 |
| 17475 | 2009-07-12 00:52:00 | 3510 | 80 | DL2FDL | CW | 28 |
| 17484 | 2009-07-12 00:52:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0GH | CW | 28 |
| 17493 | 2009-07-12 00:53:00 | 3510 | 80 | DL4FAY | CW | 28 |
| 17499 | 2009-07-12 00:53:00 | 3511 | 80 | DQ4A | CW | 28 |
| 17521 | 2009-07-12 00:56:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL2F | CW | 28 |
| 17526 | 2009-07-12 00:56:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL2FDL | CW | 28 |
| 17530 | 2009-07-12 00:56:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL0GH | CW | 28 |
| 17533 | 2009-07-12 00:57:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL4FAY | CW | 28 |
| 17536 | 2009-07-12 00:57:00 | 1840 | 160 | DQ4A | CW | 28 |
| 17554 | 2009-07-12 00:59:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL2F | PH | 28 |
| 17564 | 2009-07-12 01:00:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL2FDL | PH | 28 |
| 17573 | 2009-07-12 01:01:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0GH | PH | 28 |
| 17590 | 2009-07-12 01:02:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL4FAY | PH | 28 |
| 17595 | 2009-07-12 01:02:00 | 1842 | 160 | DQ4A | PH | 28 |








Tramposos con cosas en común.

CURIOSO: DL0GH empieza a hacer el concurso a su bola y SOLO en SSB haciendo 5 QSO’s (joder y un repetido encima). Pero algo pasa el dia 12 a las 00:06 pues empiezan a entrar todos estos indicativos a saco, usándose incluso el DL0GH que ya tenía QSO’s con DA0HQ. Alguien lo usó y no sabía que ya tenía varios QSO’s. Estarán anotados en el log?

15.- DF8XC, DR1X, DF0DX and DM2K: 50 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 2078 | 2009-07-11 13:01:00 | 1840 | 160 | DF8XC | CW | 28 |
| 2106 | 2009-07-11 13:02:00 | 1840 | 160 | DR1X | CW | 28 |
| 2137 | 2009-07-11 13:03:00 | 1840 | 160 | DF0DX | CW | 28 |
| 2182 | 2009-07-11 13:05:00 | 1840 | 160 | DM2K | CW | 28 |
| 2235 | 2009-07-11 13:06:00 | 3510 | 80 | DF8XC | CW | 28 |
| 2287 | 2009-07-11 13:08:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF8XC | CW | 28 |
| 2429 | 2009-07-11 13:13:00 | 28000 | 10 | DF8XC | CW | 28 |
| 3292 | 2009-07-11 13:42:00 | 28000 | 10 | DR1X | CW | 28 |
| 3439 | 2009-07-11 13:47:00 | 3511 | 80 | DR1X | CW | 28 |
| 3602 | 2009-07-11 13:52:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0DX | CW | 28 |
| 3702 | 2009-07-11 13:56:00 | 7003 | 40 | DM2K | CW | 28 |
| 3775 | 2009-07-11 13:58:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF0DX | CW | 28 |
| 4236 | 2009-07-11 14:13:00 | 7003 | 40 | DR1X | CW | 28 |
| 4268 | 2009-07-11 14:14:00 | 7003 | 40 | DR1X | CW | 28 |
| 7364 | 2009-07-11 16:08:00 | 3645 | 80 | DF8XC | PH | 28 |
| 7379 | 2009-07-11 16:09:00 | 3645 | 80 | DR1X | PH | 28 |
| 7386 | 2009-07-11 16:09:00 | 3645 | 80 | DF0DX | PH | 28 |
| 7405 | 2009-07-11 16:10:00 | 3645 | 80 | DM2K | PH | 28 |
| 9395 | 2009-07-11 17:38:00 | 28032 | 10 | DF0DX | CW | 28 |
| 9402 | 2009-07-11 17:38:00 | 28000 | 10 | DF8XC | CW | 28 |
| 9932 | 2009-07-11 18:06:00 | 1842 | 160 | DF8XC | PH | 28 |
| 9938 | 2009-07-11 18:07:00 | 1842 | 160 | DR1X | PH | 28 |
| 9944 | 2009-07-11 18:07:00 | 1842 | 160 | DF0DX | PH | 28 |
| 9950 | 2009-07-11 18:07:00 | 1842 | 160 | DM2K | PH | 28 |
| 10095 | 2009-07-11 18:15:00 | 28000 | 10 | DF0DX | CW | 28 |
| 10122 | 2009-07-11 18:16:00 | 28000 | 10 | DM2K | CW | 28 |
| 14711 | 2009-07-11 22:16:00 | 14032 | 20 | DF8XC | CW | 28 |
| 14735 | 2009-07-11 22:17:00 | 21032 | 15 | DF8XC | CW | 28 |
| 14763 | 2009-07-11 22:18:00 | 21032 | 15 | DR1X | CW | 28 |
| 14777 | 2009-07-11 22:18:00 | 21031 | 15 | DF0DX | CW | 28 |
| 14794 | 2009-07-11 22:19:00 | 21032 | 15 | DM2K | CW | 28 |
| 14821 | 2009-07-11 22:20:00 | 14032 | 20 | DR1X | CW | 28 |
| 14836 | 2009-07-11 22:21:00 | 14032 | 20 | DF0DX | CW | 28 |
| 14852 | 2009-07-11 22:21:00 | 14032 | 20 | DM2K | CW | 28 |
| 24282 | 2009-07-12 09:10:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF8XC | PH | 28 |
| 24296 | 2009-07-12 09:11:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF0DX | PH | 28 |
| 24322 | 2009-07-12 09:13:00 | 7065 | 40 | DR1X | PH | 28 |
| 24325 | 2009-07-12 09:13:00 | 7065 | 40 | DM2K | PH | 28 |
| 24932 | 2009-07-12 09:42:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF8XC | PH | 28 |
| 24957 | 2009-07-12 09:43:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF0DX | PH | 28 |
| 24983 | 2009-07-12 09:44:00 | 14223 | 20 | DR1X | PH | 28 |
| 24994 | 2009-07-12 09:44:00 | 14223 | 20 | DM2K | PH | 28 |
| 25266 | 2009-07-12 09:56:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF8XC | PH | 28 |
| 25275 | 2009-07-12 09:56:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF0DX | PH | 28 |
| 25288 | 2009-07-12 09:57:00 | 21280 | 15 | DR1X | PH | 28 |
| 25300 | 2009-07-12 09:57:00 | 21280 | 15 | DM2K | PH | 28 |
| 25386 | 2009-07-12 10:01:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF8XC | PH | 28 |
| 25394 | 2009-07-12 10:02:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF0DX | PH | 28 |
| 25407 | 2009-07-12 10:02:00 | 28480 | 10 | DR1X | PH | 28 |
| 25414 | 2009-07-12 10:03:00 | 28480 | 10 | DM2K | PH | 28 |








Same operator, different calls.

16.- DK0IR, DQ1A, DP6M, DL0ET and DR9A: 59 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 15933 | 2009-07-11 23:13:00 | 3781 | 80 | DK0IR | PH | 28 |
| 15936 | 2009-07-11 23:13:00 | 3781 | 80 | DQ1A | PH | 28 |
| 15940 | 2009-07-11 23:13:00 | 3781 | 80 | DP6M | PH | 28 |
| 15942 | 2009-07-11 23:14:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0ET | PH | 28 |
| 15944 | 2009-07-11 23:14:00 | 3781 | 80 | DR9A | PH | 28 |
| 15953 | 2009-07-11 23:14:00 | 7065 | 40 | DK0IR | PH | 28 |
| 15955 | 2009-07-11 23:15:00 | 7065 | 40 | DQ1A | PH | 28 |
| 15959 | 2009-07-11 23:15:00 | 7065 | 40 | DP6M | PH | 28 |
| 15963 | 2009-07-11 23:15:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0ET | PH | 28 |
| 15964 | 2009-07-11 23:15:00 | 7065 | 40 | DR9A | PH | 28 |
| 15998 | 2009-07-11 23:17:00 | 14221 | 20 | DK0IR | PH | 28 |
| 16007 | 2009-07-11 23:18:00 | 14221 | 20 | DQ1A | PH | 28 |
| 16014 | 2009-07-11 23:18:00 | 14221 | 20 | DP6M | PH | 28 |
| 16020 | 2009-07-11 23:18:00 | 14221 | 20 | DL0ET | PH | 28 |
| 16028 | 2009-07-11 23:19:00 | 14221 | 20 | DR9A | PH | 28 |
| 16044 | 2009-07-11 23:20:00 | 1842 | 160 | DK0IR | PH | 28 |
| 16047 | 2009-07-11 23:20:00 | 1842 | 160 | DQ1A | PH | 28 |
| 16052 | 2009-07-11 23:20:00 | 1842 | 160 | DP6M | PH | 28 |
| 16054 | 2009-07-11 23:20:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0ET | PH | 28 |
| 16058 | 2009-07-11 23:20:00 | 1842 | 160 | DR9A | PH | 28 |
| 16074 | 2009-07-11 23:21:00 | 1840 | 160 | DK0IR | CW | 28 |
| 16076 | 2009-07-11 23:22:00 | 1840 | 160 | DQ1A | CW | 28 |
| 16090 | 2009-07-11 23:23:00 | 1840 | 160 | DP6M | CW | 28 |
| 16094 | 2009-07-11 23:23:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL0ET | CW | 28 |
| 16101 | 2009-07-11 23:23:00 | 1840 | 160 | DR9A | CW | 28 |
| 16112 | 2009-07-11 23:24:00 | 3511 | 80 | DK0IR | CW | 28 |
| 16117 | 2009-07-11 23:24:00 | 3511 | 80 | DQ1A | CW | 28 |
| 16121 | 2009-07-11 23:24:00 | 3511 | 80 | DP6M | CW | 28 |
| 16124 | 2009-07-11 23:25:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0ET | CW | 28 |
| 16132 | 2009-07-11 23:25:00 | 3511 | 80 | DR9A | CW | 28 |
| 16153 | 2009-07-11 23:27:00 | 7002 | 40 | DK0IR | CW | 28 |
| 16161 | 2009-07-11 23:27:00 | 7002 | 40 | DQ1A | CW | 28 |
| 16176 | 2009-07-11 23:28:00 | 7002 | 40 | DP6M | CW | 28 |
| 16185 | 2009-07-11 23:28:00 | 7002 | 40 | DL0ET | CW | 28 |
| 16200 | 2009-07-11 23:29:00 | 7002 | 40 | DR9A | CW | 28 |
| 16236 | 2009-07-11 23:31:00 | 14032 | 20 | DK0IR | CW | 28 |
| 16248 | 2009-07-11 23:32:00 | 14032 | 20 | DQ1A | CW | 28 |
| 16258 | 2009-07-11 23:33:00 | 14032 | 20 | DP6M | CW | 28 |
| 16274 | 2009-07-11 23:34:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL0ET | CW | 28 |
| 16275 | 2009-07-11 23:34:00 | 14032 | 20 | DR9A | CW | 28 |
| 16334 | 2009-07-11 23:38:00 | 21032 | 15 | DK0IR | CW | 28 |
| 16339 | 2009-07-11 23:38:00 | 21032 | 15 | DQ1A | CW | 28 |
| 16344 | 2009-07-11 23:38:00 | 21032 | 15 | DP6M | CW | 28 |
| 16348 | 2009-07-11 23:39:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL0ET | CW | 28 |
| 16353 | 2009-07-11 23:39:00 | 21032 | 15 | DR9A | CW | 28 |
| 16416 | 2009-07-11 23:43:00 | 21280 | 15 | DK0IR | PH | 28 |
| 16457 | 2009-07-11 23:46:00 | 21280 | 15 | DQ1A | PH | 28 |
| 16461 | 2009-07-11 23:46:00 | 21280 | 15 | DP6M | PH | 28 |
| 16466 | 2009-07-11 23:47:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0ET | PH | 28 |
| 16476 | 2009-07-11 23:47:00 | 21280 | 15 | DR9A | PH | 28 |
| 16550 | 2009-07-11 23:52:00 | 28480 | 10 | DQ1A | PH | 28 |
| 16553 | 2009-07-11 23:52:00 | 28480 | 10 | DP6M | PH | 28 |
| 16556 | 2009-07-11 23:52:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0ET | PH | 28 |
| 16560 | 2009-07-11 23:52:00 | 28480 | 10 | DR9A | PH | 28 |
| 16674 | 2009-07-11 23:59:00 | 28000 | 10 | DK0IR | CW | 28 |
| 20409 | 2009-07-12 05:54:00 | 28032 | 10 | DQ1A | CW | 28 |
| 20416 | 2009-07-12 05:54:00 | 28032 | 10 | DP6M | CW | 28 |
| 20428 | 2009-07-12 05:55:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0ET | CW | 28 |
| 20435 | 2009-07-12 05:56:00 | 28032 | 10 | DR9A | CW | 28 |








17.- DL1TM, DL/OZ7TM, DL/5P4MG, DJ4MG: 46 QSO’s

DL1TM and DL/OZ7TM are the same person. DJ4MG and DL/5P4MG are also the same person.








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 12032 | 2009-07-11 20:04:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL1TM | PH | 28 |
| 12046 | 2009-07-11 20:06:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL/OZ7TM | PH | 28 |
| 12060 | 2009-07-11 20:06:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL/5P4MG | PH | 28 |
| 12063 | 2009-07-11 20:06:00 | 7065 | 40 | DJ4MG | PH | 28 |
| 12237 | 2009-07-11 20:15:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL1TM | PH | 28 |
| 12242 | 2009-07-11 20:15:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL/OZ7TM | PH | 28 |
| 12251 | 2009-07-11 20:16:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL/5P4MG | PH | 28 |
| 12253 | 2009-07-11 20:16:00 | 1842 | 160 | DJ4MG | PH | 28 |
| 13894 | 2009-07-11 21:40:00 | 3781 | 80 | DJ4MG | PH | 28 |
| 13901 | 2009-07-11 21:41:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL1TM | PH | 28 |
| 13920 | 2009-07-11 21:41:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL/5P4MG | PH | 28 |
| 13926 | 2009-07-11 21:42:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL/OZ7TM | PH | 28 |
| 14124 | 2009-07-11 21:50:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL1TM | PH | 28 |
| 14293 | 2009-07-11 21:58:00 | 14221 | 20 | DJ4MG | PH | 28 |
| 14429 | 2009-07-11 22:04:00 | 14221 | 20 | DL1TM | PH | 28 |
| 14454 | 2009-07-11 22:05:00 | 14221 | 20 | DL/OZ7TM | PH | 28 |
| 14484 | 2009-07-11 22:06:00 | 14221 | 20 | DL/5P4MG | PH | 28 |
| 14637 | 2009-07-11 22:13:00 | 28480 | 10 | DJ4MG | PH | 28 |
| 14647 | 2009-07-11 22:13:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL/5P4MG | PH | 28 |
| 14659 | 2009-07-11 22:13:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL1TM | PH | 28 |
| 14664 | 2009-07-11 22:14:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL/OZ7TM | PH | 28 |
| 14737 | 2009-07-11 22:17:00 | 28032 | 10 | DJ4MG | CW | 28 |
| 14772 | 2009-07-11 22:18:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL1TM | CW | 28 |
| 14875 | 2009-07-11 22:22:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL/5P4MG | CW | 28 |
| 15020 | 2009-07-11 22:28:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL/OZ7TM | CW | 28 |
| 15545 | 2009-07-11 22:51:00 | 21032 | 15 | DJ4MG | CW | 28 |
| 15645 | 2009-07-11 22:56:00 | 14032 | 20 | DJ4MG | CW | 28 |
| 15663 | 2009-07-11 22:57:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL1TM | CW | 28 |
| 15758 | 2009-07-11 23:03:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL/5P4MG | CW | 28 |
| 15905 | 2009-07-11 23:12:00 | 14032 | 20 | DL/OZ7TM | CW | 28 |
| 15972 | 2009-07-11 23:16:00 | 7002 | 40 | DJ4MG | CW | 28 |
| 15985 | 2009-07-11 23:17:00 | 7002 | 40 | DL1TM | CW | 28 |
| 16126 | 2009-07-11 23:25:00 | 7002 | 40 | DL/5P4MG | CW | 28 |
| 16145 | 2009-07-11 23:26:00 | 7002 | 40 | DL/OZ7TM | CW | 28 |
| 16184 | 2009-07-11 23:28:00 | 3511 | 80 | DJ4MG | CW | 28 |
| 16229 | 2009-07-11 23:31:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL1TM | CW | 28 |
| 16280 | 2009-07-11 23:34:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL/5P4MG | CW | 28 |
| 16299 | 2009-07-11 23:35:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL/OZ7TM | CW | 28 |
| 16361 | 2009-07-11 23:40:00 | 1840 | 160 | DJ4MG | CW | 28 |
| 16392 | 2009-07-11 23:41:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL1TM | CW | 28 |
| 16423 | 2009-07-11 23:44:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL/5P4MG | CW | 28 |
| 16431 | 2009-07-11 23:44:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL/OZ7TM | CW | 28 |
| 16499 | 2009-07-11 23:48:00 | 21280 | 15 | DJ4MG | PH | 28 |
| 16631 | 2009-07-11 23:57:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL1TM | PH | 28 |
| 16642 | 2009-07-11 23:57:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL/OZ7TM | PH | 28 |
| 16687 | 2009-07-11 23:59:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL/5P4MG | PH | 28 |








18.- DF0N, DK4T, DK4QT, DL0BI: 46 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 11942 | 2009-07-11 20:00:00 | 28032 | 10 | DL0BI | CW | 28 |
| 12015 | 2009-07-11 20:04:00 | 7065 | 40 | DK4QT | PH | 28 |
| 12081 | 2009-07-11 20:07:00 | 7065 | 40 | DF0N | PH | 28 |
| 12116 | 2009-07-11 20:09:00 | 7065 | 40 | DK4T | PH | 28 |
| 12131 | 2009-07-11 20:10:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0BI | PH | 28 |
| 12156 | 2009-07-11 20:11:00 | 28480 | 10 | DL0BI | PH | 28 |
| 12228 | 2009-07-11 20:15:00 | 1842 | 160 | DK4QT | PH | 28 |
| 12268 | 2009-07-11 20:17:00 | 1842 | 160 | DL0BI | PH | 28 |
| 12275 | 2009-07-11 20:17:00 | 1842 | 160 | DF0N | PH | 28 |
| 12277 | 2009-07-11 20:17:00 | 1842 | 160 | DK4T | PH | 28 |
| 12943 | 2009-07-11 20:51:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0BI | CW | 28 |
| 13823 | 2009-07-11 21:37:00 | 1840 | 160 | DK4QT | CW | 28 |
| 13830 | 2009-07-11 21:37:00 | 1840 | 160 | DF0N | CW | 28 |
| 13838 | 2009-07-11 21:38:00 | 1840 | 160 | DL0BI | CW | 28 |
| 13844 | 2009-07-11 21:38:00 | 1840 | 160 | DK4T | CW | 28 |
| 14210 | 2009-07-11 21:54:00 | 7003 | 40 | DK4QT | CW | 28 |
| 14228 | 2009-07-11 21:55:00 | 7003 | 40 | DF0N | CW | 28 |
| 14262 | 2009-07-11 21:57:00 | 7003 | 40 | DL0BI | CW | 28 |
| 14274 | 2009-07-11 21:57:00 | 7003 | 40 | DK4T | CW | 28 |
| 14465 | 2009-07-11 22:05:00 | 3781 | 80 | DK4QT | PH | 28 |
| 14539 | 2009-07-11 22:08:00 | 3781 | 80 | DF0N | PH | 28 |
| 14549 | 2009-07-11 22:09:00 | 3781 | 80 | DL0BI | PH | 28 |
| 14556 | 2009-07-11 22:09:00 | 3781 | 80 | DK4T | PH | 28 |
| 14580 | 2009-07-11 22:10:00 | 3781 | 80 | DF0N | PH | 28 |
| 14818 | 2009-07-11 22:20:00 | 3511 | 80 | DK4QT | CW | 28 |
| 14909 | 2009-07-11 22:23:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0N | CW | 28 |
| 14926 | 2009-07-11 22:24:00 | 3511 | 80 | DL0BI | CW | 28 |
| 14958 | 2009-07-11 22:25:00 | 3511 | 80 | DF0N | CW | 28 |
| 15032 | 2009-07-11 22:28:00 | 3511 | 80 | DK4T | CW | 28 |
| 23600 | 2009-07-12 08:39:00 | 14032 | 20 | DK4QT | CW | 28 |
| 23685 | 2009-07-12 08:42:00 | 14032 | 20 | DF0N | CW | 28 |
| 23713 | 2009-07-12 08:44:00 | 14000 | 20 | DL0BI | CW | 28 |
| 23722 | 2009-07-12 08:44:00 | 14000 | 20 | DK4T | CW | 28 |
| 23851 | 2009-07-12 08:51:00 | 14223 | 20 | DK4QT | PH | 28 |
| 23881 | 2009-07-12 08:52:00 | 14223 | 20 | DF0N | PH | 28 |
| 23913 | 2009-07-12 08:54:00 | 14223 | 20 | DL0BI | PH | 28 |
| 23935 | 2009-07-12 08:55:00 | 14223 | 20 | DK4T | PH | 28 |
| 24017 | 2009-07-12 08:58:00 | 21032 | 15 | DK4QT | CW | 28 |
| 24148 | 2009-07-12 09:04:00 | 21032 | 15 | DF0N | CW | 28 |
| 24154 | 2009-07-12 09:04:00 | 21032 | 15 | DL0BI | CW | 28 |
| 24169 | 2009-07-12 09:05:00 | 21032 | 15 | DK4T | CW | 28 |
| 24425 | 2009-07-12 09:18:00 | 28000 | 10 | DK4QT | CW | 28 |
| 24479 | 2009-07-12 09:21:00 | 28032 | 10 | DF0N | CW | 28 |
| 24497 | 2009-07-12 09:21:00 | 28000 | 10 | DL0BI | CW | 28 |
| 24503 | 2009-07-12 09:22:00 | 28000 | 10 | DK4T | CW | 28 |
| 24538 | 2009-07-12 09:23:00 | 28480 | 10 | DK4QT | PH | 28 |
| 24553 | 2009-07-12 09:24:00 | 28480 | 10 | DF0N | PH | 28 |
| 24586 | 2009-07-12 09:25:00 | 28480 | 10 | DK4T | PH | 28 |
| 24709 | 2009-07-12 09:31:00 | 7065 | 40 | DL0BI | PH | 28 |
| 24716 | 2009-07-12 09:32:00 | 7065 | 40 | DK4T | PH | 28 |
| 25046 | 2009-07-12 09:46:00 | 21280 | 15 | DK4QT | PH | 28 |
| 25062 | 2009-07-12 09:47:00 | 21280 | 15 | DF0N | PH | 28 |
| 25065 | 2009-07-12 09:47:00 | 21280 | 15 | DK4T | PH | 28 |
| 25119 | 2009-07-12 09:50:00 | 21280 | 15 | DL0BI | PH | 28 |








19.- DJ9KM, DC8SG, DK9VZ and DL6WT: 48 QSO’s








| Id | Fecha | Qrg | Banda | Call | Modo | Rprt |







| 815 | 2009-07-11 12:22:00 | 28000 | 10 | DJ9KM | CW | 28 |
| 924 | 2009-07-11 12:26:00 | 28000 | 10 | DC8SG | CW | 28 |
| 951 | 2009-07-11 12:26:00 | 28000 | 10 | DK9VZ | CW | 28 |
| 1005 | 2009-07-11 12:28:00 | 28480 | 10 | DJ9KM | PH | 28 |
| 1024 | 2009-07-11 12:29:00 | 28480 | 10 | DC8SG | PH | 28 |
| 1031 | 2009-07-11 12:29:00 | 28480 | 10 | DK9VZ | PH | 28 |
| 1173 | 2009-07-11 12:34:00 | 14220 | 20 | DJ9KM | PH | 28 |
| 1177 | 2009-07-11 12:34:00 | 14220 | 20 | DC8SG | PH | 28 |
| 1183 | 2009-07-11 12:34:00 | 14220 | 20 | DK9VZ | PH | 28 |
| 1219 | 2009-07-11 12:35:00 | 142

Eduardo EA3NY

Mensajes: 727
#105791  - 26 abril, 2010 11:44 

Appendix 4: QSO padding from
own HQ stations


DA0HQ on 40m CW used the club station DL0MB placed in Rastatt, This callsign also appears on all bands in the LOG. Who was operating this station that contacted itself using another callsign, its original one?. Did they contact anyone else in the contest or it was just a shameful unique?

DL0MB appears on 12 band/modes. All contacts are made in just 13 minutes, from 16:45 to 16:58. Was it that fast thanks to the online access to all band logs?
However it was, this self-contacting is against all kind of ethics in contesting and fair play.

This is an extract of DA0HQ LOG with the QSOs with DL0MB:

(See .pdf Archive)


DL0MBG is the station that operated 10m CW for DA0HQ as confirmed by DARC informations. Its responsible is DL8ALU, one of the operators of DA0HQ.

All 11 contacts with DL0MBG appear in the LOG within a time-frame of only 35 minutes. This is an extract of DA0HQ LOG with all the QSOs with DL0MBG:


This case even deserves more reprobation as all four calls of the same station that hosted DA0HQ were included simultaneously in the LOG.

This radio-club shows in the very same QTH station and coordinates that the Ilmenau station that operated 15/40/80/160m SSB for DA0HQ. The responsible of these four callsigns is DL3TD, the manager of the DA0HQ team.

All 20 QSOs logged with these 4 callsigns are made at the very last 30 minutes of the contest. Why do these callsigns appear only at the very end of he contest? Did they contact anyone else?. Apart of being a fraudulent case of LOG padding, most probably these callsigns are “uniques” which would make this practice even more unethical.

Eduardo EA3NY

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