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Este finde tenemos el popular BARTG RTTY Contest, es el segundo de los BARTG Contest que hay durante el año.
Aqui el enlace a las bases:
Aqui los resultados del año pasado:
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Estas son las bases:
Escribió:B.A.R.T.G. HF RTTY CONTEST 2009
TIME: 0200 GMT Saturday March 21st to 0200 GMT Monday March 23rd 2009
SOE Single Operator Expert All Band SOAB Single Operator All Band
SS10, SS15, SS20, SS40, SS80 Single Operator Single band SWL Short Wave Listener
All the above classes are permitted a maximum 30 hours operation. Rest periods may not be less than 3 hours per
SOAB6 Single Operator All Band 6 hour. Entrants in this class must enter a log for the first 6 hours of their contest
operation. If they wish to operate for a longer period the remainder of their log must be entered as a separate checklog.
Rest periods may not be less than 3 hours per period.
MS Multi-operator Single TX MM Multi-operator Multi TX
Multi-operator stations may work the full 48 hour contest period.
Any operator with a top ten SOE or SOAB placing in any BARTG contest during the years 2006/2007/2008 must enter
as an expert in SOE; other stations may choose to enter the expert class if they wish. The class entered must be shown in
the log. No station may enter more than one class. Single operator and MS entrants may only have one signal on the air
at any time.
SOAB and SOAB6 entrants may only change band once in any 5 minute period.
BANDS: 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres Amateur bands.
MESSAGES: Messages will consist of:
(MESSAGE NUMBER. The number must be a three figure group and start with 001 for the first contact made.
(C) TIME GMT. A full four figure GMT time must be sent as part of each message.
QSO POINTS: Each completed QSO scores one point. Stations may be contacted again on other bands.
MULTIPLIERS: All DXCC countries (including JA, W, VE and VK) and all JA, W, VE and VK areas count as
multipliers on each band. Any country or JA, W, VE or VK area may be counted again if worked on a different band,
but continents are counted once only. U.S. stations must use correct call or suffix for area of operation.
SCORING: QSO points x multipliers x continents (max 6).
LOG SUBMISSION: Logs must be submitted in Cabrillo format by e-mail to:
The contest name in your log must read BARTG-RTTY. The correct Cabrillo format can be found in the sample
log on the BARTG website.
SWL logs will be accepted as plain ASCII text files showing date, band, callsign/message sent by claimed station and
callsign of station worked, in chronological order. A summary file showing scoring and full name and address of entrant
must be sent with all SWL logs.
Any incomplete entries will be classified as check logs.
E-MAIL: The subject line of your e-mail entry must include your callsign and class entered e.g. GW4SKA SOAB.
Any SOAB6 entrants who do not put SOAB6 in the subject line of their e-mail will automatically be classed as full
SOAB entrants.
Logs should be sent as a plain ascii text attachment (NO zip files please) named (yourcall).log e.g. GW4SKA.log
The judge's decision will be final and no correspondence can be entered into in respect of incorrect or late entries.
All logs submitted shall remain the property of the BRITISH AMATEUR RADIO TELEDATA GROUP.
Trophies will be awarded to category winners. Certificates will be awarded to the top three stations in each category,
the top three SOAB entrants in each continent and to the top SOAB entrant in each JA, W, VE , and VK area.
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Any contestant may claim the BARTG Quarter Century Award or any of the BARTG
Continental awards from contacts made in our contests. Holders of existing awards may add new countries to their
records. A copy of your contest log together with the award claim should be sent to the BARTG awards manager.
Details of all our awards and contests can be found on the BARTG website at: . Your
comments on the contest would be much appreciated.
Un saludo.
Juanjo, EA1CJ - SO1CJ
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