Este fin de semana tenemos otro concurso grande, el ARRL Internacional DX Contest 2009 CW. Es una buena oportunidad para ir completando estados para el WAS o el Triple Play Award en el LoTW.
Estes es el enlace original a las bases.
Estos son los records del concurso.
Estas son las bases del mismo:
Escribió:ARRL Contest Branch · General Rules · HF Rules1. Object:
1. 1.1. W/VE amateurs work as many amateur stations in as many DXCC countries of the world as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands.
2. 1.2. Foreign amateurs (also including KH6, KL7, CY9, and CYØ) work as many W/VE stations in as many of the 48 contiguous states and provinces as possible.
2. Date and Contest Period:
1. 2.1. CW: Third full weekend in February (February 21-22, 2009).
2. 2.2. Phone: First full weekend in March (March 7-8, 2009).
3. 2.3. Contest Period: 48 hours each mode (separate contests). Starts 0000 UTC Saturday; ends 2400 UTC Sunday.
3. Entry Categories:
1. 3.1. Single Operator:
1. 3.1.1. All Band:
1. QRP.
2. Low Power.
3. High Power.
2. 3.1 2. Single Band.
1. A participant may submit only one single band entry. If contacts are made on other bands, the log file must clearly be marked as Single Band in the header of the Cabrillo file.
2. The same callsign may not be used by a different operator(s) to generate additional single band entries.
2. 3.2. Single Operator Assisted.
3. 3.3. Multioperator:
1. 3.3.1. Single Transmitter.
2. 3.3.2. Two Transmitter.
3. 3.3.3. Multi-transmitter.
4. Contest Exchange:
1. 4.1. W/VE stations in the 48 contiguous United States and Canada (except in the islands of St Paul and Sable) send signal report and state or province.
2. 4.2. DX stations send signal report and power (number indicating approximate transmitter output power).
5. Scoring:
1. 5.1. QSO Points - W/VE stations count three points per DX QSO. DX stations count three points per W/VE QSO.
2. 5.2. Multiplier
1. 5.2.1. W/VE stations: Sum of DXCC entities (except US and Canada) worked per band.
2. 5.2.2. DX stations: Sum of US states (except KH6/KL7), District of Columbia (DC), and Canadian provinces/territories: NB (VE1, 9), NS (VE1), QC (VE2), ON (VE3), MB (VE4), SK (VE5), AB (VE6), BC (VE7), NWT (VE8), NF (VO1), LB (VO2), NU (VYØ), YT (VY1), PEI (VY2) worked per band (maximum of 63 per band).
3. 5.3. Final Score: QSO points X multipliers = final score.
6. Miscellaneous:
1. 6.1. Your call sign must indicate your DXCC station location (KH6XYZ/W1 in Maine, KG4/W1INF at Guantanamo Bay, etc).
2. 6.2. The same station may be worked only once per band: no cross-mode or repeater contacts.
3. 6.3. Aeronautical and maritime mobile stations outside the US and Canada may be worked by W/VE stations for QSO credit only.
4. 6.4. DXpedition scores may be included in the Medium and Unlimited club totals only.
5. 6.5. Participants are reminded they should be aware of the ARRL Band Plans (
7. Submission:
1. 7.1. Entries for the CW competition must be emailed or postmarked by 2359 UTC March 23, 2009.
2. 7.2. Entries for the Phone competition must be emailed or postmarked by 2359 UTC April 6, 2009.
3. 7.3. Electronic entries for the CW competition must be emailed to
4. 7.4. Electronic entries for the Phone competition must be emailed to
5. 7.5. Submissions that are created electronically must be in the Cabrillo file format and must include the log file.
1. 7.5.1. Paper copies of electronic logs are not an acceptable substitute for the electronic Cabrillo format file. Paper logs that are entered into an electronic medium after the contest are considered electronic logs.
6. 7.6. Hand-written paper entries or diskettes should be marked on the envelope as either DX Phone or DX CW entries and mailed to: ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.
1. 7.6.1. Entries for the CW and Phone portions of the competition are considered separate contests and must be submitted in separate emails or envelopes to the appropriate contest address.
7. 7.7. Submissions of Cabrillo files that are manually created (not created automatically by contest logging software) may be made using the web applet at
1. 7.7.1. Forms for all ARRL contests may be downloaded from the Contest Home Page at:
8. 7.8. Contest forms and rules may be requested from the ARRL by sending an SASE with 2 units of postage.
8. Awards:
1. 8.1. Plaques (if sponsored) will be awarded in the following categories for both the CW and Phone contests.
1. 8.1.1. Top W/VE scorer in each entry category; single operator-all band-QRP, single operator-all band-low power, single operator-all band-high power, single operator-single band (160-10 Meters), single operator assisted, multi-operator-single transmitter, multi-operator-two transmitter, multi-operator-multi-transmitter.
2. 8.1.2. Top scorer in the single operator-all band category worldwide and on each continent. In addition, worldwide leaders in the single operator-all band-QRP, single operator-all band-low power, single operator-single band, single-operator assisted, multioperator-single transmitter, multi-operator-two transmitter and multioperator multi-transmitter categories will receive plaques.
3. 8.1.3. Additional special plaques will be awarded as sponsored.
2. 8.2. Certificates will be awarded to:
1. 8.2.1. Top single operator-all band entries (QRP, low power, and high power) from each DXCC entity and ARRL/RAC Section.
2. 8.2.2. Top single-band entries in each ARRL/RAC section and each DXCC entity.
3. 8.2.3. Top single operator assisted entries in each ARRL/RAC section and each DXCC entity.
4. 8.2.4. Top multi-operator entries (single, two and multi-transmitter) in each DXCC entity, US call area and in Canada.
5. 8.2.5. DX entrants making more than 500 QSOs on either mode will receive certificates.
6. 8.2.6. Additional certificates will be awarded as appropriate.
9. Other:
1. 9.1. See "General Rules for All ARRL Contests" and "General Rules for ARRL Contests on bands below 30 MHz (HF)" on the ARRL Web at
2. 9.2. For information, contact or by phone (860) 594-0232.
Un saludo
Juanjo, EA1CJ - SO1CJ
Una vez procesados los logs, y habiendo realizado como minimo 100 QSO, se puede solicitar un PIN del concurso, el precio del mismo es de 10$ para las estaciones DX y de 7$ para las estaciones W y VE.
Escribió:2009 ARRL International DX PinsThe ARRL Contest Branch is again offering pins for the 2009 International DX Contest. The sharp four-color design will prominently display the year 2009. To earn the International DX Contest pin, all you need to do is complete 100 QSOs in either the CW or Phone contest weekends. There are not separate pins for each mode. You may contact the same station on different bands. The cost is $7 (US) in the US, its possessions and Canada, and $10 for others (postage included). Your pins will be shipped once all logs for the contest have been processed and verified by the log checking team for publication in QST. To purchase your pin, send a copy of the first page of your Cabrillo log file along with your payment to: DX Contest Pins, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111. Pins are only guaranteed for orders received by April 3, 2009. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery after the order deadline.
Un saludo
Juanjo, EA1CJ - SO1CJ
Hola, vamos a participar en MS como AN8R, ¿alguién sabe si la regla de la limitación del cambio de banda a 6 en una hora se mantiene para esta categoría y este contest? he visto reglas anteriores y el win test por defecto pone esta limitación también pero no lo veo en las reglas generales del contest, gracias...
Considero más valiente al que conquista sus deseos que al que conquista a sus enemigos, ya que la victoria más dura es la victoria sobre uno mismo.
CWops #813 EA8 SOTA Manager. EF8X.EF8USA.EE8X.
Hola a todos,
La regla de los 6 cambios de banda máximos en una hora, es una regla común a todos los concursos que organiza la ARRL en HF. Luego tenerlo en cuenta.
Suerte y nos oimos ...-.-
73's Pablo - EA4TX
Podeís ver a los chicos de AN8R en accíon por video en:
....pues si que empezamos bien!
Despues de haber tenido un problemon con el pc y formatear,con todo el trabajo que conlleva, me dispongo a al menos participar en el concurso este , y al primero que le contesto , me dice:
Me he quedado con cara de tonto con la reaccion de este GI4
Se ve que va a lo campeón je je!
Pues nada, voy a seguir "a ver quien me quiere contestar" ja ja..
EDITO las 15:10 UTC: Rectificar es de sabios jeje..ahora entendi por que no me contestó :blush:
Jorge EA8TL
JA JA JA, eso nos suele pasar por ir de listos, y luego nos entra la duda de si partirnos de risa o darnos cabezazos contra la radio, ya se de que me hablas, JA JA.
Por cierto, gracias por no borrar el post.
Si quieres buenas respuestas haz buenas preguntas
73 de Angel, EA2ET.
Alguien puede decirme que hay que poner en el campo asunto para que no me devuekva el correo....???
le pongo mi indicativo en el campo "Asunto" y me contesta esto:
Your message to could not be processed because the
Subject: of the message
Possible_UCE: EA3NO
is not a valid callsign. Please resubmit your log with an email
Subject: header that looks like this
Subject: your-callsign
No se porque me lo devuelve,
Lluis ea3no
EA3NO Lluis Presseguer Morsum Magnificat El sabio no dice todo lo que piensa, pero siempre piensa todo lo que dice. ( Aristóteles ) Pensar es el trabajo más difícil que existe, tal vez por ello tan pocos lo hacen ( Henry Ford )
ARRL DX Contest, CW
Call: EF8R
Operator(s): EA8CAC
Station: EA8ZS
Class: SOSB/80 HP
QTH: Sta Maria de Guia
Operating Time (hrs): 18
Band QSOs Mults
80: 839 54
Total: 839 54 Total Score = 134,946
Club: URE
Comments: Encontre este año poca participacion asi como la malas condiciones que tuvimos, entre 67 y 71 de solarflux. La primera noche muy bien, con pileups, pero la segunda y la tercera noche, fue usando continuamente el keyer. La verdad es que me quedé con ganas de mas QSOs, pero bueno otra vez será,de todas formas no está tan mal para un novato de la CW.
Muchas gracias a mi buen amigo EA8ZS por brindarme su estacion.
2L para 80m
Acom 2000
Rogamos mantengan sus impertinencias vigiladas en todo momento...
73 de Juan EA8RM / EF8R
El manager de concursos de la ARRL ha puesto un mensaje indicando que es un error de su filtro antispam. Están intentando arreglarlo. Así que espera hasta el martes e inténtalo de nuevo.
Un saludo
jon, ea2sn
Cita original:
This situation is the result of an error with our ISP's spam filter at ARRL HQ. Several emails are being flagged as incoming spam. Our spam filter then throws "Possible_UCE:" in the subject line of incoming mail, as a flag the message might be spam. This causes problems for the Robot, which reads the subject line of every incoming email looking for a callsign. "Possible_UCE" isn't part of any known callsign, so entries that have been flagged as spam get rejected.
I have already contacted our IT guys this Sunday evening and they are working with our ISP to get the problem corrected as fast as possible. If you get this error message when trying to submit your log, please try to submit again in 24 - 48 hours. We should have the problem corrected by then. Further updates as the situation warrants.
73, Sean Kutzko KX9X
Jon, EA2SN / AE2SN
... el que lee mucho y anda mucho vee mucho y sabe mucho. (Don Quijote, libro segundo, capítulo XXV)
Examinador Voluntario para la FCC (EE. UU.) con ARRL-VEC /.../ 4,69BDXCC como EE2A con una vertical y 5-100 W
Ok. gracias Jon... es que me estrañaba que me devolviera el correo, lo probe de varias maneras y no era posible, ya quedo mas tranquilo, lo probare mañana martes.
LLuis ea3no
EA3NO Lluis Presseguer Morsum Magnificat El sabio no dice todo lo que piensa, pero siempre piensa todo lo que dice. ( Aristóteles ) Pensar es el trabajo más difícil que existe, tal vez por ello tan pocos lo hacen ( Henry Ford )
Ya funciona el robot.... enviado ...¡¡
Lluis ea3no
EA3NO Lluis Presseguer Morsum Magnificat El sabio no dice todo lo que piensa, pero siempre piensa todo lo que dice. ( Aristóteles ) Pensar es el trabajo más difícil que existe, tal vez por ello tan pocos lo hacen ( Henry Ford )
Imprime y confirma tus QSL en tan solo tres click.
Nunca fue tan fácil y cómodo
el confirmar tus contactos.
Publicaciones, mapas, polos, camisetas, gorras, tazas, forros polares y mucho más...
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