DME Award – English version

DME – Diploma Municipios de España (Towns of Spain Award)

1.- This award may be get by any amateur and SWL who have worked at least 300 different Spanish towns since January 1st, 1999.

2.- All HF bands may be used in any mode.

3.- QSL cards must clearly show the name or reference number of the towns.

4.- A DME pin will be awarded for 800 credited towns, a special medal for 4000 credited towns and a plaque for 8000 credited towns.

5.- Amateurs with highest number of credited towns will appear in the Honor Roll of the RADIOAFICIONADOS magazine.

6.- Apply to:  URE, Av. Monte Igueldo 102, 28053 Madrid, Spain. GCR by an IARU Society is acceptable.

Electronic logs are recommended.

7.- Fees: Write to for current fees.